
Saksham looked at the Gargantuar running towards him slowly and then looked at Adhiraj as if looking at a fool. He said, "Now that your wall of defense is gone, what you are going to do?"

Just after finishing, Saksham also dashed towards Adhiraj. Seeing this, Adhiraj almost shat himself. He was so into the play, that he forgot that the one in front of him was still a [Fire Elemental Commander]. He had seen him trying to back up and that's why he sent Gargantuar to block his escape path. But in doing so, he removed the last line of defense from himself.

Actually, if he was facing any other Power user, he would not be so miserable. [Soul Master] are very tricky and powerful. They can attack the other person's mind and soul, at the same time use their summoned creatures to attack from other directions. The Blood demon was the most powerful demon he had been cultivating. Its weakness is the fire element. And it was so unfortunate that the person he encountered was a [Fire Elemental Commander]. This was not a big problem, because as a [Soul Master] he could still attack his soul, but for some reason, none of his soul powers were working on the person in front of him.

He tried to show illusions, hallucinations, bind, pressure, and even tried to make him asleep. But nothing worked. There can be only 2 reasons for such a thing. One is that the opposite person had a soul much stronger than him. And the second reason could be that he didn't use his full power so it didn't work, which is pretty much impossible because he had gathered all the [Soul Power] from his body. He even clenched his butt to somehow generate some more power, but after all that hard work, nothing worked at all. All this was enough for him to be doubt life.

But Adhiraj still kept calm and observed the person in front of him with absolute focus. And by his observations, he found something abnormal about Saksham. He found out that after attacking his Blood Demon, there was tiredness all of his face. As if attacking once had consumed a lot of his power and seeing him looking back sneakily, Adhiraj was overjoyed as he understood that Saksham maybe can't use his powers again or maybe he didn't have much energy left to attack with the same intensity again. And that's why when he thought that the person in front of him was thinking of escaping after humiliating him and killing his precious Blood Demon, he showed a cruel smile, thinking of many ways to torture him. That's why he sent Gargantuar to block his way. But who knew that all this was his ploy!

As Saksham got closer and closer, Adhiraj came back to his senses and made a dash for his life to the end of the alley. He shouted, "Come Out!"

As he said this, Saksham saw 3 bloody figures came out of thin air where Adhiraj was standing. All 3 of them didn't have their eyes and had a pale, bloody face with black blood flowing out of their hollow eye-sockets, nose, and ears. They had a creepy smile on their face as they looked at Saksham. These were some Ghouls Adhiraj had summoned recently. They were just ordinary Ghouls with strength compared to a [Physical trainee]. His goal was to cultivate Blood Demon first before he starts cultivating these Ghouls. But not that the Blood Demon is gone, and his other 2 Demons being left behind in the sect to make them breakthrough in the Thousand Soul Pool, these Ghouls were the only ones left on him. He knew that these 3 could not kill Saksham with their power, but they can instead slow him so that Gargantuar can catch up to him and kill him. Now, he could only pray that Gargantuar could catch up to Saksham before he catches him.

Right now, Saksham could hear the loud sounds of something heavy being pounded to the ground coming from behind him. And along with the sounds came the trembling of the earth. No doubt, it was the Gargantuar catching up to Saksham. Saksham knew that he has to be patient. He looked at the 3 Ghouls and raised his right hand, whispering, "Ignite!"

Are you sure you want to use 3 EP?


Seeing that it was only 3 EP, Saksham clicked on [Yes] without any hesitation. With the deduction of 3 EP came a heavy sense of dizziness and nausea. But Saksham didn't have time to pay attention to these as he rushed forward. At the same time, fire red particles condensed in Saksham's palm in the blink of an eye and shot like lasers in the direction of the 3 Ghouls. As they came in contact with the Ghouls, the Ghouls caught fire instantly like a dry husk catches fire when lighted up. The whole alley suddenly was filled with their horrifying and miserable wails. But Saksham had no time to pay attention to them as he ran even faster.

Although Adhiraj knew that his Ghouls would be destroyed soon, he didn't think that it would be so fast. Now he was getting more and more desperate. He was regretting to attack this young man. But regret couldn't get him anywhere. With the previous attack from Saksham, Adhiraj was left pretty scared because the kind of attack he did was something he had never seen before. The intensity and the charging time was something he had never heard off. So, his plan was to make Gargantuar and Saksham fight. He was pretty sure that Gargantuar would be able to defeat him. But when he saw that Saksham was pretty exhausted by his previous attack, his fears turned back to arrogance as he ordered Gargantuar to block off Saksham's escape path. But due to this arrogance, he forgot that except Gargantuar, there was nothing he could do to stop or even hurt Saksham. His Soul attacks were pretty useless. And he realized all this after Saksham looked at him with mockery in his eyes.

He knew that he had been fooled. But after all this, he couldn't stop now. He looked back and saw the figure of Saksham coming closer by the moment, and then he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Gargantuar, come block him!"

With his command, Gargantuar suddenly crouched a bit and then with a thundering sound, took off into the air. The ground trembled once again as the Gargantuar jumped up. Seeing this, Saksham clenched his fist and his eyes focused slowing figure of Adhiraj. Seeing the giant figure of Gargantuar in the air, and calculating its speed and the distance, he looked at a place on the ground. He determined that Gargantuar was going to stop here.

Now, Adhiraj was pretty exhausted. He had never run this much since he was a child. He slowed down gradually because Gargantuar could block any kind of attack from Saksham in front of him so he chose to stop and take rest. He faced Saksham and bent down to greedily inhale air into his lungs. Right now, there was not much distance left between him and Saksham, but now he was not much worried about him. Now, he only wanted Saksham to turn back and run away seeing Gargantuar in front of him. He could not afford any more fight with him. But letting him go now didn't mean he would let him go in the future. Adhiraj smiled cruelly as he thought, "I can let you live some more days till I get all my demons and my senior brother with me. I will track you down and kill you and everyone you love!"

But before he had any time to laugh, he felt the strong wind coming from behind him. There shouldn't be any wind right now, especially this strong. Without even having a moment to think about it, the winds got even stronger and for some reason, the winds focused on his body. The already exhausted Adhiraj was pushed forward 10 steps before the winds disappeared. These 10 steps have made him stand just about 5 meters away from Saksham. He looked blankly behind him and then he turned around and looked at Saksham who had already stopped and waved at him.

Adhiraj couldn't understand what Saksham was trying to do. As he opened his mouth, he felt something very heavy pressing on his head for a millisecond before he lost consciousness and felt nothing after that.