Skill: [Soul Suppression]

1 week later

The bell rang and all the students started packing their stuff and leave their respective classrooms. Saksham also stood up and went toward Anitha's seat. Anitha found that someone was standing behind her, so she looked back and found Saksham smiling at her gently. She also smiled back as she packed her notebooks quickly. Then she hurriedly stood up and took Saksham's hand and started walking out of the classroom. Saksham just followed behind her, attracting envious and jealous gazes of everyone. Although Saksham could feel all those gazes, he didn't care one bit about them. Maybe earlier Saksham would have not dared to take Anitha's hand in front of so many people, but since the time he made Anitha cry, he promised to himself that he would not care about anyone if it came to Anitha.

As they came out of the school, Saksham just enjoyed the warmth of Anitha's hands. The warm rays of sun fell on the pearly white skin of Anitha, giving off a feeling of holiness. Sword like eyebrows, her fluttering eyelashes with her big eyes, and her small yet cute mouth made Saksham feel his heart accelerating once again. He couldn't tell how many times he has fallen head over heels because of her smile. He couldn't help but thank god for giving him a girl like Anitha in his life.

Saksham and Anitha first went to Anitha's house to drop off Anitha and only then did Saksham came back home. As soon as he came back home, he had his lunch and went back to his room. He sat down on his study table and took out his notebook.

"It has been a week and I have 15 EP again now. I want to get more Shadow clones but I think I have to put that idea on hold for now. First comes the expansion of Rhytham's gang. As I told him, he did gather some of his trusted people. He has also gathered the necessary information about the Akshat Bansal's gang that I asked him. Apparently, the IOEA has not limited the freedom of ability users huh? According to the information Rhytham got, there is definitely one ability user in their gang. That's also the reason they are the #1 gang in Indirapuram."

"The only way for Rhytham to get the spot of #1 in Indirapuram will be through brute force. It will be either they all die or they surrender to us. I don't want to waste my EP for this, so I will just give 2 people some powers and let them fight. Although it will take 2 weeks for all this, It will be beneficial for a long time run too. I will be giving them powers permanently but I also have to keep them in check. Hmmmmm…looks like I have to meet those new people in person and test out this new idea that I had been having for so long."

"And now that I have my EP back to full again, let's do the first thing on my to-do list," Saksham paused, "Make my memory, eidetic memory."

"Are you sure you want to consume 2 EP?"

Saksham pressed yes without hesitation. As soon as Saksham finished, he felt as if his head was expanding at a visible rate. Although it was expanding, Saksham felt no pain. Instead, there was an itchy feeling all over his head. He tried scratching his head but that feeling didn't go away. It felt like thousands of ants were walking inside his head. It was certainly uncomfortable for him but at least it was better than what he had expected, so Saksham just gritted his teeth and waited for that feeling to go away.

Fortunately, the itchy feeling disappeared after a few minutes. Now, all that remained was a cool and fresh feeling inside Saksham's head. He immediately touched his whole head and face to see if everything was alright. He sighed with relief as he found that his head had gone back to its normal state. He couldn't explain it to his parents if they saw him coming out if his room with a football-shaped head.

Saksham stood up and took out his notebook from inside his bag and opened a few pages and then turned to the next ones. Then, he closed the notebook and closed his eyes. Not too long after, there was an excited expression on his face.

"YES! I can remember everything at a glance and it is so crystal clear that it felt like I took a picture with my eyes and stored it into my brain."

After a while of experimenting, Saksham hurriedly sat down on his chair and started taking 'pics' and saving them in his brain. After about 2 hours of 'click' and 'save', Saksham felt tired and hungry. He shook his head and stood up from his chair. After stretching a little, Saksham went to the kitchen to find some snacks.

"So, after about 2 hours of studying, I have already memorized and learned more than 3 chapters completely. I can't believe I finished the hardest 3 chapters of Physics in 2 hours. This speed is scary. And here I thought that my earlier speed was fast." Saksham smiled wryly.

After having some light snacks, Saksham returned to his room. As soon as he sat down in his chair, Saksham said, "Give me Soul suppression."

"Are you sure you want to consume 3 EP to learn [Soul Suppression]?"

Saksham clicked yes and closed his eyes. He felt as if something was changing inside him but can't figure out what. After some time, Saksham felt as if there was something more in his head. He focused on it carefully and found out it was information about the newly added skill [Soul Suppression]. Saksham had been thinking about this skill since he read a novel. This skill basically suppresses people with the power of the soul. It does not consume any kind of soul power, it just works naturally. If it is turned on, the people with souls weaker than Saksham will be suppressed and might fall into confusion and also fear him. The stronger the opposite person, the less the effect this [Soul Suppression] will have on him/her.

But Saksham knows that his current strength of soul is far more powerful than a [Soul Master]. All the spiritual attacks made by Adhiraj had no effect on Saksham. This proves that Saksham's soul was abnormally powerful and that is why Saksham got this skill. This skill can even work in a battle because according to the information he has in his head, Saksham found that if the person attacking him has weaker soul than him, then there are 50% chances of their attacks missing as well as their strength falling by some degree. So, this skill was actually very useful in battles as well as in daily life.