
After all of his fatigue and exhaustion faded away, Saksham stood up from the cold ground and dusted off his clothes. Although his physical exhaustion was relieved, his mental exhaustion was still there. Yes, he had used all his EP with that recovery. The feeling of exhaustion from the soul was not that intense for Saksham now. Since he absorbed that high-quality soul stone, Saksham has felt some changes to his soul. His soul became even more firm than earlier. The exhaustion after every use of his EP was quite intense earlier, but after absorbing that soul stone, although the exhaustion still remained, it was more bearable for Saksham.

The reason Saksham never uses all his EP is not only because of the intense exhaustion from the soul but also because of the nightmares he has for the next few days. Also, his spirit becomes poor and he has this depressed face all the time which makes his mother and father very concerned. Even the feeling he has of this exhaustion of his soul is very peculiar. It is not like physical exhaustion and it is like something illusory but also real at the same time. Saksham felt that he would go crazy if he tried to focus on that feeling. All of this combined made Saksham very reluctant to use all his EP if it is not an emergency.


Saksham's Home

After some scolding from Savitri, Saksham was sitting on his study table. 5 days later, his Pre-Boards will start. They are simulation exams for the Boards Examinations, which will be held after about 2 months later. For students, these exams are the big, fat alarm bell. Everything they have prepared for the whole years will be tested in these exams. These exams clearly tell the students about how much more they need to prepare and how lacking are they in some areas.

Saksham was also ready to find out how much he has improved with his eidetic memory. He was pretty sure that with how much if he gives these exams this time, his score will be in the top 5 in the two science sections of 12th grade. Thinking about it was making him very excited. With excitement, Saksham went back to studying seriously.


New Delhi


Meeting Room

"Sir, 2 more Unusuals have been reported to be awakened in Delhi. Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu have also reported more awakening of Unusuals. There is even a report from West Bengal where an Unusual created a big scene and killed about 100 people in a big market." A man reported slowly.

After that man finished, a young woman stood up from her seat and said, "The last time we informed many other countries about the unusual activities of demonic aura and surprisingly, no other country has reported any such events. After repeated confirmation, the answer from them was still the same. I don't think they have any particular reason to lie to us, so this has to be true. But that would mean that whatever is happening is going to take place in India."

After the woman finished, an old man stood up and said, "After a round of research from our team, we have found that the person using never-before-seen power is not an Unusual. Even an Unusual has a trace of similar energy as those of normal awakened ones. There might be cases where the traces are so faint that they can't be detected, but the energy released in such a large amount by that person screams at our faces saying that it doesn't belong to the same power systems. But the problem is that for some time, there is no activity of that energy anymore. Even after setting the sensitivity of the radars to 200%, we still weren't able to find anything for the past 2 weeks. Maybe the person is not using the powers anymore or maybe that person is masking his energy. We can't figure this out."

Hearing this, the rest of the people sitting in the meeting room were quiet. There were no sounds in the meeting room for some time before the person sitting in the head chair suddenly spoke, "Hmmmm…for now, stop looking for the source of the new energy system. If we can't find that person, then forget other countries finding that person. Our main focus right now should be on the Unusuals and the Demonic aura around Delhi and the parts of Uttar Pradesh. These days, even I am also able to feel something terrible is about to happen. This really makes me very uneasy."

Hearing the words of the head, everyone gasped in horror. You have to take into account that the head of IOEA was by no means an average person. This man was an Unusual who can control wind and lightning. Yes, you didn't hear it wrong. This man can control 2 forces of nature by himself. He is a legend of his time. His enemies dreaded him even in their dreams and the ones who knew of his powers would stay miles away from him. And today, the same person is saying that there is something that is making him feel uneasy.

"Old man Sagar, please look into the matter of Unusuals. Recruit all of them into the School Of Awakened. We can't let those newly awakened do as they please. They need to see the right path and use their powers for the good of their country and the people."

Saying this, the head of IOEA stood up and walked towards the glass wall behind him, looking towards the beautiful nightlife of Delhi. He paused for a second and said, "Abhi, I want you to send some people to at the people of Soul Heaven Sect, The Soul Temple, and The Devine Soul Hall. If you find anything suspicious going in there that might threaten lives, kill without hesitation. No one can threaten the security of my people and my home!"

As if heavens were also angry at this moment, thunder and lightning crackled in the clouds, leaving everyone inside the meeting room feel as if their internal organs were rumbling. They swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stood up quickly, shouting, "Understood, Sir!"


5 Days Later

Saksham ran out of his home with nothing but a pencil box because today was his first Pre-Boards. He had his Mathematics Exam. He was full of confidence for this exam so he was joyfully hopping down the stairs. As he reached down, he saw Anitha standing there, waiting for him. Saksham's house was in between Anitha's house and the school, so Anitha would come and wait for Saksham daily. Earlier, Saksham told her not to wait for him, but since the night where both of them told each other their feelings, Saksham had started to go to school together with Anitha once again.

"You look pretty happy. Why, confident in mathematics?" Anitha asked.

"Ahh yeah. You can say so. I feel like, today the exam is going to be pretty smooth." Saksham smiled.

"Is this foreshadowing to something awful that I am sensing? I remember something weird happening every time you say these words." Anitha said in amusement.

"Cough! Don't remind me of that. I am sure that everything is going to be fine!"

(Or will it?)