Saksham's Anger!

Saksham held Anitha's hand and went to the restaurant in front of them. On the way, Anitha opened her mouth to say something but in the end closed it back again. Saksham caught a glimpse of this from the corner of his eyes. He turned his head and looked directly into Anitha's eyes. He smiled and asked, "If you want to say something, you can ask. Rest assured, I won't eat you."

Anitha also laughed as she heard this. She then shook her head and said, "Uhm…you know, the watches that you just bought are very expensive. I really don't know if I should even wear it. I feel a bit uncomfortable."

Saksham was stunned when he heard this. He kept silent and didn't speak, but seeing this made Anitha think that she had angered Saksham. She hurriedly pulled Saksham's hand and explained, "I am not saying that I don't like it. It's something that you bought for me yourself. How can not like it? Please don't be angry, Saksham."

Saksham smiled wryly as he heard this. He shook his head and said, "Dummy, I am not angry. It's just that I made a promise to myself. I was just reminded of it again."

"Promise? What promise?" Anitha asked with a puzzled gaze.

"I made a promise to myself that I would make you the happiest woman in the world. As long as you glance at something, I will present that thing in front of you. I will never make you feel sad and never let you compromise your own happiness for something else. When I bought these watches, I felt as if I am one step closer to fulfilling this promise." Saksham explained gently.

The more Anitha heard this, the more she trembled. In the end, she stopped at the same position and looked at Saksham with tears in her eyes. She felt her nose was getting sour. For a moment, it became impossible to hold back her tears as she hugged Saksham tightly and poured her eyes out on his chest. This was the love she had been looking forward to for so many years. This was the love she waited patiently to be recognized. Even while crying she felt very happy.

Saksham's heart also panged with pain as he also hugged her tightly in the public, not caring a bit about other's weird gazes. Right now, his world was in his arms so why should he care about other's eyes. He gently patted her back and said, "Cry as much as you want now because you won't be able to cry in the future. And don't you feel hungry now? You are already so thin, I don't want you to become even thinner."

Saksham's teasing worked and Anitha also smiled and wiped her tears. She then took Saksham's hands ran towards the restaurant. Saksham also laughed as they sprinted towards the restaurant.


6:00 P.M

Saksham dropped Anitha off to her home and then started walking back towards his home. In the middle, his phone rang. He felt a bit puzzled. This phone number was known only to Rhytham and his 3 nephews. And he remembered that he had already told him that today's meeting would be canceled. Why would he call him now? While thinking this, Saksham picked up the call. From the other side, Rhytham's solemn voice could be heard.

"Lord, there is a problem on our side. I thought it would be better to inform you about this so I called you."

Saksham raised his eyebrows and asked in his hoarse voice, "Trouble? What trouble?"

"Have you watched news recently about this serial killer named Vatsal that is on loose right now?" Rhytham asked.

"Yeah, I did see that. But what about that?" Saksham asked.

"Lord, today one of our men found him." Rhytham replied.

Saksham narrowed his eyes and realized that something went wrong. He once again asked, "And then? What about it Rhytham? Since when have you started beating the bushes?"

Rhytham was embarrassed when he heard Saksham's words. He coughed and said, "Lord, our men found him lighting a person on fire. After they caught him, we found out that he had r*ped a high-school girl and then burned her alive. The thing is, we would have dealt with him already till now but he had been shouting that he is the little brother of the awakened in the #1 gang of Ghaziabad. After some investigation, we have found out that he is indeed telling the truth."

After he said this, there was a silence over the other side. Rhytham also kept quiet and waited for Saksham's response. But after a short while, he heard a hair-raising hoarse voice from the other side which made him tremble as if falling in a thousand-year old ice.

"And? What's the "trouble" that you speak of?"

The voice was so cold that Rhytham wanted to throw away his phone. He could swear on his life that he had never felt more fearful than hearing another word from the person on the other side of the call. Rhytham could clearly feel the anger in that cold voice. He thought a little and understood what Saksham meant. His eyes widened as he looked at the person tied tightly behind him with a cloth stuffed into his mouth.

"Lord, you mean tha-"

Before he could finish, he heard a cold voice coming from the phone as if coming from the nether. Rhytham's body went stiff when he heard it and accidentally dropped the phone. Even though the phone fell on the ground but the cold voice sent shiver down everyone's spine inside the room.

"Burn him, get him f*cked by 4 men, chop his limbs. Do whatever you want but I want him to suffer 10 times what that girl went through. If I find that he got an easy death, then you should also be prepared to get buried with him. Understood?"

When Vipul, Shyam, and Rahul heard this, their bodies trembled. Even the Vatsal, who was tied tightly on the chair heard this and his struggle increased. But apart from the slightly muffled sounds and constant heavy breathing, only a pin-drop silence remained in the room. Rhytham took a deep breath and picked up the phone. His gaze turned solemn as he said, "Understood, Lord. I will make his death so painful that even his soul will tremble in his next life when he comes closer to a girl."