Human Canon bolt?!

Saksham followed Akram slowly as he watched the surroundings. He found that the whole HQ building was built in the middle of a very big plot of land. Except for the main building, there were 2 other buildings besides it. The whole plot of land was covered with a thick wall around it. The plot of land was actually filled with a wide variety of greeneries and well-maintained pathways towards the 3 buildings. All in all, Saksham felt pretty refreshed as soon as he entered the plot through the entrance.

Akram also turned around and explained, "As I told you earlier, the tallest building is actually the HQ of IOEA. Almost all the activities of IOEA are held there. The higher the floor, the higher the qualification of the person working on it. Now, the building on the left of the main building is the School Of Awakened. It is basically a normal school but for the Awakened people. People are taught how to control their powers and are given higher education so that they can once again return to society to live a normal life. They are also taught about combat in that school. And that brings us to the building on the right side of the main building. It is the training ground for the students studying in the School of Awakened."

At this time, Saksham interrupted and asked, "Training ground? That building? Do you guys train the people in the midst of people working on their computers and stuff?"

Akram just smiled at Saksham's words but didn't explain anything. He said, "There are things much stranger than what meets the eyes in this world. Alright, we are almost there. Let's pick our paces a little."

Under Saksham's weird gaze, both of them entered the main building through the main entrance. Saksham suddenly felt many auras around him everywhere. He could feel all of them. Even the security guard at the entrance was pretty strong. He looked around from under the hood and found that there was a reception not far from the entrance where 2 receptionist ladies were standing with a polite smile on their faces. Although they felt pretty normal from the average people's eyes, but their inner power couldn't be hidden from Saksham.

After passing the 2 receptionists, Saksham and Akram made their way towards the elevator. After entering the elevator, Akram pressed the [-2] button and the elevator started moving downwards. During this time, both of them kept silent. Saksham was thinking about how normal-looking was the whole building was. If he couldn't sense the power inside those people along the way, he would be very doubtful about this being the HQ of IOEA. But he was still quite doubtful about some things. He thought that he should find time to get the answers to these questions.

Before long, the doors of the elevators opened and Saksham saw a wide corridor in front of him. There were many people walking to and fro. Some were sitting on the couches at the sides, while some were standing. But the one thing that was common in between all of them was that none of them made any noises. The whole corridor was very silent. Saksham could feel each and every one of these people had some powers. Saksham figured out that all of them were probably here for the same purpose as him-registration.

Akram also turned towards Saksham and said, "Mr. Asura, I have put your name in the list of people for registration today. After a while, someone will come out of the room at the end of the corridor and call out your name. Then you have to enter that room and talk to the person inside and answer some questions asked. And yeah, whatever you do, please don't lie when answering and don't anger the person inside. This is all I can tell you. So, I will take my leave now. Hope we can work together someday."

Without waiting for Saksham to say anything, Akram walked back into the elevator. With the closing of the elevator door, Saksham could no longer see his figure anymore. Saksham shook his head and mused on the words "work together in the future". He didn't really understand what Akram meant by that. While thinking about that, Saksham started walking towards the couch near him. After sitting on an unoccupied place, Saksham once again started thinking about the words Akram just said. He went out of his way to tell him 2 things. One was to not lie inside the room and the other was to not anger whoever it was inside. But as he had almost no information, Saksham decided to just not think about it anymore.

He looked around to find that he was not the only one wearing some weird outfit here. Most of the people had something which covered their facial feature. Apparently, no one wanted to show their identities here. Well, Saksham can't blame them too for this. This was a pretty normal reaction. He just shook his head and closed his eyes to relax a little. The air-conditioning in the corridor was pretty good. Saksham felt very comfortable sitting on the soft couch and feeling the cold air from the air-conditioning.

Soon, a man came out from inside the room at the end of the corridor and shouted someone's name. That person then went inside the room. But it didn't take long for the person to come out. In fact, coming out would be the wrong term here. He flew out of the room like a human cannon bolt. He landed about 10 meters away from the entrance of the room and his whole body started twitching. Before Saksham could react, he heard an extremely cold female voice coming from inside, "How many times did I tell you! Don't lie in front of me! And you did it after being reminded so many times. Guards, take him and throw him out of this building. Then contact the investigation department to search every bit of his past. If you find anything black in his history, eradicate him instantly."