Grave Situation!

"I know, this just sounds like a typical plot of a fantasy novel. But every single thing is true just like your extra-ordinary powers. And whatever I just said is just a brief description of the whole situation. Things are much more complicated than that. But as you have not yet signed a contract with IOEA, I can't tell you more. This is all you can know for now. Though what I can do tell you is that if you really join us, the benefits you will get are really going to be huge. Now, it's up to you to join us or not."

After the woman finished speaking, Saksham sat at his place without speaking a word. He was shocked out of his wits. He understood that the world was much more complicated than he thought earlier, but he never thought that the word "complicated" was not enough to describe the situation of the earth right now. First is the extraordinary powers that are awakened randomly and then comes a wormhole that connects to an unknown place in this universe. Considering how big this universe is, the place could be anywhere between a few light-years to a few million light-years away from earth. The more he thought about it, the more headache Saksham got.

Shaking his head a little, Saksham leaned forward a bit and said, "Sorry, I don't think I will be joining this partnership program with IOEA. Though, I have one question that I need to ask about this wormhole thing."

The woman heard this and raised her right eyebrow and said, "Although I am a bit sad about your refusal, but go ahead and ask what's on your mind. As long as it doesn't cross the limit of information an unknown person should have, I will gladly answer your question."

Saksham also nodded gratefully and asked, "Do these Wormhole things have a specific place or time they open up? Or can then open anywhere and at any time?"

The woman heard this and fell silent for a second. Then, she sighed a bit and said, "As I said, these happen every 100 years. And when it is time, they open up randomly around the world. From what we have in our records, the opening of Wormhole started over 400 years ago. At first, 2 wormholes opened suddenly in America, throwing people into chaos. People who entered it never came back and that's why normal people started to call it Gateway to Hell. But after some creatures popped out from them, things became grave. Whatever those creatures were, they massacred people left and right. And that's when a group of extra-ordinary people came together in the hopes of killing the creatures, which they did in the end. And fortunately, not long after, the Wormholes closed on their own."

"Those group of Awakened then went on to form the first Official organization of Awakened. This bizarre case was also recorded by them. After about 100 years, 3 wormholes opened in England. The same thing happened there as in America and the awakened also formed an organization of their own. Now, it would seem like the wormholes would open every 100 years, right? Nope, you are wrong. For some reason, the next time when the wormholes opened, it was just 70 years later. And this time, it was 4 of them in the Russian Empire. Being a superpower of that time, the Russian Empire dealt with the creatures with their own Awakened, but this time there were also many casualties among the Awakened."

"Then, 60 years later, Wormholes opened again, in Africa. Though this time, the casualties of average people were much more than ever recorded in history. The awakened from several different tribes had to gather together to fight the creatures from the other side of the Wormhole, and several even died in the cause. After about a few months, the Wormholes closed on their own."

"Then the next 2 openings were at the interval of 50 years and then 40 years in China and South America respectively. Though, this time it was not so unexpected. Although the casualties became less because of that, but that doesn't mean no one died. Many awakened died to fight the creatures and then as always, a few months later, the Wormholes closed."

"Now, after the last opening of Wormhole in 1990, 30 years have passed and we have found 1 Wormhole opening in India a few months ago."

As the woman said this, her face became grave. Even Saksham had his eyes widened under his hood. This much information was too much for him to digest. He took his sweet time to digest all this and said, "So you mean, there are going to be more openings around India soon?"

The woman sighed and said, "Although I don't want to admit it, but you are right. There are more than 99% chances that there are going to be more openings soon around India. And that's why IOEA is doing what it can to gather as many hands as possible to overcome this terror."