Intense Battle!!!


A hair-raising voice came from the screen, making all the people to stop at their positions in shock. As soon as they turned their heads, they saw Saksham standing once again but there was something wrong with his figure at this time. Besides the fact that there were 3 swords inserted in his abdomen, he looked swollen. His Assassin's Suit also showed signs of tearing up at places. There was blood flowing down from under the hood. They didn't understand what was happening at this time. 'Shouldn't that guy be dead now?' is what passed through everyone's head.

But this didn't calm the ringing alarm in the room nor the waves rising in their heart. It was at this time that the old man responsible for testing the Comprehensive Combat Ability, suddenly fell to the ground, his face full of disbelief. Sakshi immediately crouched to help the old man up, but the old man didn't respond to her words. He was constantly muttering, "2 times more? How can there be 2 times more. 2 times!"

Sakshi shook his body which made the old man calm down once again. Seeing everyone watching him in worry, he stood up and apologized, "I am really sorry for this old man's unsightly appearance," he smiled bitterly, "but if you look at this, I am sure you won't be feeling any better."

As the old man said this, he pointed at the other screen. As soon as Sakshi looked at the screen, her pupils contracted sharply. Even the people behind her took in the cool air as they saw what's on the screen. Sakshi closed her eyes and breathed in deeply to calm herself. She opened her lips and spoke in a tremble in her voice, "H-His strength increased a-again. T-Two times of what it was earlier."

Everyone once again took in cool air. This was a terrifying thing they have ever heard in their entire lifetime. Earlier, from what they saw and heard, this guy in mysterious-looking clothes had at most 2000 Kg of punching force. His speed was not even close to that of [Physical Commander]. Then, he went to test out his Comprehensive Combat Ability and his strength increased from the original 2000 Kg to 5000 Kg. His agility also got a huge boost. But now, his strength once again increased from around 5000 Kg to 10,000 Kg. They wanted to go crazy out of shock but their experience and age didn't let them take any weird action.

Sakshi once again looked at the screen and whispered under her breath, "So, is this your last fight?"


Saksham never felt so much pain in his entire life. When the 3 swords were pierced in his abdomen, he found that he was slowly losing consciousness. But when he was falling, he saw that the men who were dragging Anitha stopped and looked at him with a sneer on their faces. As soon as he saw this, his entire brain became hot. He felt as if he was breathing fire. Even something hot started pouring out from the corner of his eyes. He gnashed his teeth as he spoke lightly, "Adrenaline Overload!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt his body becoming even hotter. He felt as if lava was flowing through his veins instead of blood. But with that hot feeling came a tearing pain from every corner of his body. He felt as if his body was swelling up at a visible speed. Even his head started throbbing with intense pain. At this time, a window popped up in front of him.

"Warning! Warning! Stop [Adrenaline Overload]! Stop [Adrenaline Overload] immediately! Limit reached! Your body cannot handle this increase in overall strength! Due to the unstable body as well as the unstable bodysuit, the original time limit will be reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. If the wearer doesn't stop the [Adrenaline Overload] at this time, then after 30 seconds it will explode."

As soon as Saksham saw this, his lips curled up into a bitter smile. No wonder his body felt as if it was being torn from every place. If he was not wrong, his strength should be around 10,000 Kg. Although his body has been strengthened a little, it was not completely strengthened yet. So, it was obvious that a sudden increase of 5000 Kg of overall strength will make his body hurt like this. And Saksham also understood that this was the limit, no, the over-drafted limit of his Assassin's suit. It will self-destruct in 30 seconds.

Gritting his teeth, Saksham endured all the pain. He once again felt something hot slipping down his cheeks. He didn't know when his tears had started flowing down from his cheeks. After all, he was just an 18-year-old boy. He had never killed so many people nor had he ever felt such pain. He wanted all of that to end at that moment. But he would always remember the promise he made to Anitha and also the promise to himself that he would get stronger. He knew that his future path would get even more thorny. Although he knew all this, he still couldn't help but shed a tear, enduring all the pain with gritted teeth.

All he wished for was to live an average life with Anitha and his parents, but more and more disasters popped out everywhere. Again and again, he was reminded of how weak he was even with the unbelievable powers. Now that he has powers, he still was weak. All this filled him with frustration. And right now, all the pent-up frustration came out as tears. No one knows how long had he been holding them up. No one knows how mentally exhausted he was all this time. But now was not the time for all this. Saksham wiped his tears and once again focused on his goal.

Looking at the unconscious 'Anitha', Saksham clenched his fists and took out all the words inserted in his abdomen and picked up his daggers from the ground. He didn't waste a single second as he dashed towards the bots like a cheetah. As soon as he reached in front of a group of 10, he spun around violently, beheading the bot in an instant. The most terrifying thing was not the speed at which the bot was beheaded, but the fact that due to that violent spin and slash by Saksham, even the bots behind the first one, were torn apart in a second.

Saksham didn't hesitate to rush towards another group. He sprinted past them without even looking back. As soon as he passed them, every bot fell down with almost everyone having their heads blown away. Saksham then threw his dagger straight at a group. His dagger passed through the left side of a bot's chest in an instant, leaving behind a gaping hole where the heart should be. Saksham threw the other dagger towards the 3 bots on the right who were coincidentally standing in a straight line. His left dagger annihilated 3 bots at once. Saksham punched straight on the throat of a bot standing in front of him.

He looked at where he threw his right dagger and positioned himself such that there were 2 bots, standing one side by side, in between him and the dagger. As soon as he saw this, he immediately recalled his right dagger. The dagger magically floated up from the ground and raced straight towards Saksham with amazing speed. In an instant, it passed through the temples of the 2 bots standing side by side and came to Saksham's hand. He once again looked at the left side and positioned himself lightly again and recalled his left dagger which killed 2 more bots.

As soon as he got back both his daggers, Saksham once again spirited at the 3 bots where were frightened out of their wits and dragged 'Anitha' once again. Saksham looked back lightly and whispered, "5 seconds gone, 25 left."

The field behind Saksham was empty at this time with nothing but some ashes flowing gently with the winds, which were then absorbed by the daggers.

Not waiting for 5 seconds more, another wave of Bots appeared. This time they were even stronger than before. Saksham had a hard time fighting, but he still cleared the whole wave after 11 seconds. Now, all Saksham had was 10 seconds left before he would explode. But fortunately, at this time, the 3 bots stopped and looked at Saksham menacingly. Saksham found no other bot was spawning at this time. It was just him and the 3 bots. Saksham understood that maybe these 3 people were the so-called 'boss' at the end of the stage.

This made him get more vigilant. If they were the boss, then that means they have to be super strong. While thinking all this, Saksham didn't waste any time and rushed towards the 3 of them. He slashed his dagger directly towards the one at the center. But what he didn't expect was that the bot in the center easily dodged his daggers and then the 3 bots punched his abdomen at the same time.

Puchi! Splat!

Saksham's eyes widened as he coughed up blood. His body flew uncontrollably due to the punches. He felt as if his body was slammed by a big truck violently. As he flew 4-5 meters, Saksham stabilized his figure in the mid-air and fell to the ground on his knee.

He inserted both of his daggers into the ground to slow down his momentum. He wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth and clenched his fists. The 3 bots were really not as simple as he thought. They were much more powerful than he imagined. With whatever time he was left with, he couldn't defeat them all himself. He had to think of something else.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he suddenly slammed both his daggers into the rock-hard ground. Without giving the 3 bots anytime to react, he pulled his daggers up with all his strength. Veins popped out of his hands and his temple started to pound with pain. His already worn-out body ached even more with this application of strength. He felt a little sweet in his throat as he gritted his teeth and made more effort to pull his daggers out.



With an intense roar from Saksham's mouth, Saksham lifted his daggers up. But along with his daggers, a big chunk of the ground was also lifted up. It was so big that it was enough to hide 10 Saksham behind it. And as soon as it came out, Saksham drop-kicked it with all his power toward the 3 bots.

At the same time, Saksham threw his right dagger toward the right foot of the bot standing on the right and the left dagger at the left foot of the left bot. Seeing such a big piece of land flying towards them, the 3 bots were caught off guard.

As soon as they were about to escape in different directions, 2 daggers immediately chopped the left and right feet of the 2 bots. Their eyes widened at this weird unfolding of things. They hurriedly supported themselves on the bot in the center and looked at each other with dignified gazes.

Looking at the quickly approaching 'landmass' as well as their chopped feet, all 3 bots gritted their teeth and planned to face the 'landmass' head-on.

Gritting their teeth and enduring the pain, all 3 bots punched the 'landmass' at the same time, shattering it into countless pieces. Before they could take a sigh of relief, the shattered 'landmass' revealed the figure of a person behind it.

It was Saksham, who lunged directly at the bot in the center. At this time, his eyes were filled with madness and ferocity. He directly bit the adam apple of the bot in the middle. Although all this took time to explain, it happened almost instantaneously. So, quickly that the bot who died didn't even understand how it died.

And without the support of the bot in the middle, the 2 bots on the sides also fell down. They looked at each other bitterly. They lost to a single person. And the person who defeated them single-handedly was crawling on the floor at this time. He felt that he could explode at any time. His whole body had gone numb.

His senses were gradually going blank and even all his orifices were bleeding profusely. He crawled little by little and reached the unconscious 'Anitha'. As soon as he grabbed her hand, his body lost all consciousness and he fell face-first on the ground. Although he felt as if he was going to die, he still had a bright smile on his face.

He whispered lightly, " here."

As soon as the words escaped his mouth, his mind went blank.