Frightening Visions!

As soon as Saksham finished read this new information on the pop-up window, he suddenly felt as if his vision was getting darker. Without having any time to react, his vision changed. The original brightly lit underground room disappeared, replaced by nothingness. Saksham looked around and found vast nothingness and chaos. Yes, you read it right. He saw chaos. He didn't know what he saw but the word 'chaos' revolved in his head as he looked ahead.

Saksham was confused as he looked around. He couldn't figure out what was happening and where he was. As he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly froze. As there was not even any light in the nothingness, Saksham didn't know where he was. But at this time, he looked at a distance carefully and found something moving. As he looked at the moving figure, Saksham gasped in shock as he saw a colossal landmass moving at an unimaginably high speed. Even calling that landmass "colossal' was insulting its actual size. Saksham couldn't even put into words how big that thing was.

Though for some reason, it was covered with some sort of flames that were blue in color. At this time, the blue flaming giant landmass suddenly disappeared into nothingness all of a sudden. But before it disappeared, a similar landmass moving at a speed similar to the one before, came into Saksham's vision from the right, leaving a blue trail behind it. Saksham thought of something and waited for a little and unsurprisingly, he saw the landmass disappear at the same place as the last one and a similar landmass appeared in his vision just before the other one disappeared.

Saksham observed them a little a suddenly took a deep breath. He found out that it was actually 3 or maybe 4 of those moving landmass. And surprisingly, they were moving in a circular path. It felt as they were…revolving around something. Saksham closed his eyes and took a deep breath. All 3 landmasses were so far apart from Saksham that it would not be an exaggeration if Saksham said they were at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from him. Saksham could see all 3 of those landmasses from his current position, showing how big those were.

But due to this, he also understood that there had to be something in that nothingness around which those 3 landmasses were revolving. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes as he exhaled, but a scene left him dumbfounded. He saw, slowly yet steady, something like a curtain was unfolding. He saw a golden sun, no, it was even bigger than a sun many times over. Whatever it was, it was so massive that Saksham felt like some microscopic bacteria in front of it. But he found out that there was a huge dark area in the center of that supermassive 'sun'. Before Saksham could even think of something, another of the 'sun' suddenly appeared not far away from the first one. It looked exactly like the first one, with the same huge dark area in the center.

Saksham looked at the 'suns', he realized that those things were actually very, very far away from him. They were around the same place as those revolving landmasses. Their size was so massive that Saksham became dazed for a second. But just as he came back to his senses, suddenly both the 'suns' disappeared for a second before appearing in his vision once again. Another strange thing happened that the huge dark area in the center of those 'suns' suddenly shrank by 10 times all of a sudden. Then without any notice, those 'suns' disappeared once again before appearing back in a second.

Saksham was not a fool, instead, he had a higher IQ than most of the people his age. And that's why it didn't take long for Saksham to suddenly doubt something. The more he looked at those constantly disappearing 'suns', the more he felt as if those things were not 'suns' at all. This hunch made Saksham's back filled with cold sweat. By now, Saksham had thought of something which made him even more terrified. He found out that those suns' were actually…like eyes. Although he didn't want to accept this fact, the constant 'flickering' of those 'suns' left him no choice but to believe this.

Now, came the question that if those were eyes, then where is that 'thing'? And if those suns for eyes belonged to someone or something, what was that thing's actual height? The more he thought about it, the more questions arose in his heart. As if seeing through his head, he found something moving in the nothingness underneath those eyes. Saksham couldn't see what it was, but he had a feeling that something was moving silently. Just as he started to doubt his intuition, something started glowing in the nothingness out of nowhere. Saksham looked at the glowing spherical object silently, which was even bigger than those eyes combined, trying to figure out what it was. Although Saksham couldn't understand what it was, he could figure out that whatever it was, its size was almost comparable to 3 landmasses that were moving in a circular path.

At this point, Saksham was feeling mentally fatigued trying to compare the sizes of these things with the biggest things he has seen in his entire lifetime. He sighed slowly and gave up trying to understand how big those were. But at this time, Saksham suddenly felt as his mind was sinking slowly towards that glowing 'object'. Saksham tried to shift his gaze away from the glowing 'object', he found that his eyes were glued to it. Suddenly, he saw many visions in his head. All those visions contained galaxies upon galaxies, millions of solar systems, trillions of stars, and uncountable planets, the mysterious 'Hand of God', and other star clusters. When Saksham came back to his senses, his whole body was drenched in a cold sweat. He understood what that glowing 'object' was. It was actually, the 'universe' we all know. Saksham's mind reeled violently at this discovery. His heart started pounding out of fear and anxiety.

And at this time, under the soft glow of the 'Universe', Saksham saw a ginormous hand underneath the 'Universe'. The hand was so big that the 'Universe' looked like a ball in that hand. Saksham once again found that something else was moving in the nothingness around the glowing 'Universe'. Soon, Saksham saw what it was. It was the other hand which was now placed above the 'Universe'. This gave Saksham an incomparable shock. It felt as if his head would explode if he saw something more shocking than this. He couldn't take in any more of this. He now finally understood that there was a being almost like a god, standing in nothingness and those 3 massive landmasses were revolving around it. The 'Universe' that is believed to be infinite, was being held in that being's hand like a ball. Saksham felt as if he was seeing a terrible nightmare.

At this moment, Saksham suddenly found that something was wrong. He saw that the 2 hands that were placed underneath and above the 'Universe', were slowly closing in. As they got closer to the 'Universe', everything started to shake. Even the nothingness was shaking for some reason. And Saksham who was somehow floating in this nothingness, felt as if he was going to die. But that didn't stop the hands from pressing on the 'Universe'. Earlier, it was not clear what that godly being wanted to do with the 'Universe' but now Saksham understood that it wanted to squash the 'Universe' between its hands.

As the hands fell on the glowing 'Universe', a gigantic bolt of lightning rose from the point of contact, spreading in the nothingness. Saksham felt that if that bold of lightning fell on a galaxy, then the galaxy would cease to exist from that point onwards. Even though Saksham was standing very, very far away, Saksham felt as if his internal organs were going to be destroyed. But this didn't bother Saksham much right now. His mind was reeling at the fact that the godly being was about to destroy his entire 'Universe'.