Ms. Irina's Prophecy?

"Without you both, I will be dead either way. So, why not do my best until the end? If I am just an ant in front of him, then I will 'bite' him again and again until he gets fed up and leaves. As long as there is even a breath left in me, then my 'world' is not something even a god is allowed to destroy."

As soon as Arjun's voice fell, Saksham's breathing became haggard and his eyes opened wide. At the same time, a chill went down his spine and Goosebumps rose all over his skin. That's right! Without his family and Anitha, he is as good as dead. He can't bear to lose anyone of them! If anything, then he will lose his sanity and might go on a rampage if that happens. So, why even think of giving up when he can try his best and give his all until then end? Nothing can be said to be certain in this world. No one can say what about happen in the next moment, then why should he worry about something that is going to happen in the future. He still had the time and opportunity to get stronger and overcome the trouble.

As he thought of this, Saksham felt as if his whole body was gradually sinking into the sofa. He felt an incomparable calmness in his heart. He took a deep breath and exhaled lightly. Saksham sat back up straight with an incredibly pure smile on his face. Savitri and Arjun were taken aback by that smile. They didn't know that Arjun's words made him figure out something that was making it even hard for him to breathe when he thought about it. Arjun had taken a huge load off his chest.

"What happened? Why are you smiling like that?" Arjun asked.

"Nothing. Just thought about something." Saksham smiled.

"Well, the last round is over. Let's have dinner now." Savitri said.

Both Saksham and Arjun nodded and sat down at the dining table. After having dinner, Saksham went back to his room and closed the door behind. Saksham sat down on his study table and took out a notebook from the corner of his bookshelf. The events that took place today can be said to be very concerning. The information he got today was too much so he decided to write them down and sort them according to the severity of the problems. First, he has entered the sights of IOEA due to his incredible performance in the Hyper Occulus. But that was not very concerning according to Saksham.

IOEA has been operating for many years to let ordinary people live their lives peacefully without them knowing a thing about the dangerous extra-ordinary world. They have taken down evil Awakened time and time again from harming ordinary people. Even now, they are trying their best to protect the country from the monsters from the other part of the universe. Saksham believed that IOEA was someone whom he could trust a little. Although he can't relax his vigilance completely as there is nothing like pure good anywhere. So, Saksham planned to work with IOEA to get more information about the situation of the world and get things like healing potions and weapons without using his EP.

The second thing that was concerning was the vision he saw when he touched the [Tear of ???]. Whatever or whoever he saw was an unfathomable existence. At the same time, the name of the item to upgrade his powers was also very strange. The name of the giant rock was [Tear of ????]. No matter how you read that name as it did say "tear". But since when did a tear look like a rock? And whose tear was it? And why did he see that vision when he touched the "tear"? These are all a big mystery for him. He had no EP so he can't even ask about it. And he faintly felt that even if he did ask the system about this, he won't get any answers just like the time he asked what were the items required to upgrade.

So, he just decided to not think about it. He was not strong enough to know these secrets so he will figure all these out when he gets strong. After pushing these thoughts at the back of his head, Saksham came to the third point. In his vision, he saw that godly being trying to destroy the Universe. And from what he understood, it was not a recent scene. Although he didn't know how long ago that happened, he can be sure that the godly being was not able to destroy the universe at that time. Saksham was so sure because, duh, he was still living in the same Universe.

And lastly, although it is not a concerning thing, Saksham still thought about writing it down. It was about getting the [Tear of ????]. When the vision ended and he came back to his senses, although he didn't pay attention to it at the time, he still remembers seeing a surprise and shocked expression on Sakshi's face. That made him realize that it's not an everyday occurrence where someone touched the giant rock and saw the vision. It seemed as if he was the only one who saw it. And he doesn't believe that Sakshi bought any of his BS reason at that time. So, she would definitely tell this to the higher-ups about this abnormality. This might just make it very difficult for him to get the [Tear of ????] any time soon. And even if he does get that, he knew that this incident would also attract more eyes from the IOEA. This might just delay the upgrade of his powers. Though if they do ask about it again, he decided to tell them about it.

After sorting out all the information, Saksham sighed lightly and closed his notebook. He decided to not think about this further for today and take a rest. He was mentally exhausted after all that happened. So, he turned the lights off and went to bed.



At this time, on the top floor of the IOEA HQ, many people were sitting around a big round table, discussing the recent changes around the country. At this time, Sakshi, who was sitting beside the head of IOEA, suddenly stood up.

"Broth-, I mean, Sir, today someone was able to break your record in the Hyper Oculus," Sakshi said.

"Hmm? Someone was able to stay inside the hyper oculus for more than an hour? That's interesting. Who is it? A new Awakened?" Avinash asked.

"Well, it is indeed a newly awakened but because of his abnormal powers, he was able to end the whole simulation in Hyper oculus. As for his specific powers, he can increase his base overall strength by 250%. And he also has a Tier II weapon. I believe most of the people here have seen his unreal performance too. His overall strength is really strong and he has also agreed to sign up with us for the Partnership Program. I believe he is a person worth cultivating for the future. And I almost forgot about this. Besides just increasing his overall strength by 250%, he can also use some sort of soul attacks."

"Oh? An Unusual with strange dual attributes?"

"Yes and besides this. I have one more thing to report. It's regarding the prophecy of Ms. Irina."

As soon as Sakshi's voice fell, the whole conference room fell into deadly silence. Even the sounds of breathing stopped at this time.