Strengthening Again!

"We did a thorough search around the whole city, but we still were not able to find his shadow. But this is not the weirdest thing. The weirdest part of all this was that the people that died had no signs of violence on their bodies. No wound, no cuts, nothing. After we checked the security cameras of some stores, we found that the Awakened Unusual was standing in the center of a heavy crowd in the bazaar and suddenly the people around him suddenly started falling one by one. At the same time, that person's chest became bloated all of a sudden and then returned back to normal after a while. After that, he walked away from the camera and that was the last scene of him captured by any camera."

The room returned to silence after hearing this report. From every angle, the whole situation looked weird. From what they could understand, the Unusual had awakened abilities related to the soul. If he had awakened any sort of elemental abilities or physical abilities, he wouldn't be able to kill so many people without harming any of them in the slightest from the outside. The harm was done from the inside.

Sagar suddenly asked, "How are we sure that this person was a newly awakened unusual and not a person already awakened long ago?"

Sakshi heard this and pulled out another set of papers and said, "This is the details of the person involved. His name is Vinayak Datta, 21 years old. Born in an ordinary family and had an ordinary life. He was excellent in his studies and was pursuing Engineering from a well-known college. About a little more than a month ago, he disappeared suddenly from his college dormitory. His parents filed an F.I.R in the police station for his disappearance. After a lot of search, he was not found. But he suddenly appeared in the Bazar a week ago and killed around 100 people and disappeared again."

Sakshi suddenly pointed in the air and a holographic screen once again opened up in the air. Several images were displayed in the screen. Each image was of a dead person lying on a table. If you look at the images you would find that every single of them had a ghastly expression on their faces even after their death, as if they died in shock. Sakshi pointed at the images and said, "From the forensic reports, it was found out that Vinayak had somehow forcefully taken out the souls from their bodies."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Suddenly a woman stood up and said, "But how is that possible?! Didn't that Forbidden Art disappear long ago?! Where did that Vinayak learn it from?!"

"I didn't say that he must've used the Forbidden Art to forcefully pull out the souls of all those people. From what we know, he has lived an ordinary childhood with no signs of anything extra-ordinary. He disappeared just a little more than a month ago and no matter how much his strength grew, it is nowhere near what is required to execute the Forbidden Art. So, this has to be the ability he awakened when he disappeared or before he disappeared."

Everyone heard this and felt that it was reasonable because the Forbidden Arts in questions is a very infamous Forbidden Art of [Soul Power] users. According to the legends, this Forbidden Arts was taught to a [Soul Power] user by the devil himself. After that, that [Soul Power] user made a whole school and taught this method to his disciples. As a result, all hells broke loose. People were dying left and right. The number of ordinary people that died in that year crossed the 1 million mark that died from the Forbidden Arts. The situation had become so grave that if no one took a step to stop those lunatics, the death count would definitely cross tens of millions.

According to what is recorded in history, it is said that some powerful people came ahead and personally hunted down each and every one of those [Soul Power] users that used this method to harvest the souls of ordinary people for their own growth. And then, this Forbidden Art disappeared from the earth. And this is also the reason for the agitation of the people present in the meeting room.

At this time, Avinash said, "Alright, let's not get agitated here. From all we know is, this person is a highly dangerous element in the ordinary crowd. We must do our best to get a hold of this person before he causes a big disaster again. It is already hard for us to block all news regarding the sudden death of 100 people all of a sudden. If something like this happens on a bigger scale, I don't think we can block all the news. So Sakshi, I want all eyes on this person. As soon as he appears, prepare to catch him at all costs. I don't want anything big to happen."

Sakshi nodded silently and with that the meeting ended.


2 Weeks later

Saksham wore his Assassin's Suit and reached Rhytham's house. He jumped lightly and landed straight on Rhytham's balcony. He knocked lightly on the door and soon Rhytham opened the door and Saksham entered the room slowly. Yes, you read it right. Saksham jumped over 6 meters himself. If you are wondering how is that possible, then this is possible because last week Saksham finally strengthened his remaining body part, his legs. After strengthening his legs, his overall strength finally settled on [Physical Commander]. After that, he tried to strengthen his bones which would cost him 5 EP but what he got was another prompt.

"Warning! Strengthening all the bones together would put your life at risk. The pain will be unbearable and might even cause death. Proceed at your own risk. For your own safety, strengthen no more than 60 bones at a time."

Saksham hesitated when he heard this and didn't rush to strengthen his bones after that. He thought a little and decided to strengthen the bones of his hands and legs first and then proceed to strengthen his other body parts later.

"Strength the bones of both my hands."

"Are you sure you want to use 2 EP?"