More Questions!

"Hello, Asura. How are you?" Sakshi asked.

"I am fine. But let's put these greetings away for now. Just take me straight to the head of IOEA." Saksham said.

"Well, alright. Come with me. The head has been waiting for you since morning."

"I really feel flattered hearing this," Saksham said monotonously.

Sakshi smiled at Saksham's reply but didn't say anything. She silently led Saksham towards the elevator. During this time, none of them said a word. As they stepped into the elevator, Saksham opened his mouth and asked, "Any news about Vinayak yet?"

Sakshi heard this and shook her head. She said, "After he escaped that day, there has been no news of him yet. It's like he has disappeared from the face of this earth. Not even one camera around the whole country has been able to capture him. But this is still not the most concerning thing. The most concerning thing is, how was he able to escape? If what you saw was correct, he escaped after tearing open space. But that's something that only a space power user can do. Though, it's not like no one else can do that. There is something called [Teleportation Talisman] which is made by high-level space power users. But there are not many high-level space power users in this world. And the [Teleportation Talisman] are not that cheap or easy to obtain."

"From all this, we can see that Vinayak has joined a big organization when he suddenly disappeared. And whatever the organization is, it's not a small one. Currently, we suspect that it is either [Soul Heaven Sect], [Soul Temple] or [The Divine Soul Hall] as they are the only secret organization around the world that accept only people who awaken [Soul Powers]. Vinayak was not only a person who had awakened [Soul Power], but he also might have been using a Forbidden Art that had perished long ago. All these things are not something one can gain normally, especially the Forbidden Art. If that thing spreads, it will become hell on earth. That's why it is really important to find that Vinayak as soon as possible and ask about the whereabouts of the Forbidden Art."

Saksham heard this and nodded. He also thought it was impossible for Vinayak to become this strong and get a [Teleportation Talisman] through normal ways. Of course, unless he had something like his own powers. But it turned out that it was a Forbidden Art. As for all the things that Sakshi just said, Saksham was also pretty concerned about it. Spreading of a technique like that would cause disaster in India. Especially at a sensitive time like thi-

Suddenly, Saksham thought of something.

'Oh, my main purpose of coming here is not to kill people. Although I can kill some if I am feeling bored, it is still not the main purpose. I am here just to inspect the area. Some 'big' guests of mine might be arriving soon here. I want to see if everything is good for them.'

'I didn't really have the mind to kill some ants today. I can do that whenever I want when the world is mine anyway.'

'Immortal Soul? But how is that possible? There should be no Immortal soul in this era…then how?'

These words suddenly started revolving in his head. He didn't pay much attention to these words at that time but now that he thought about it, these words sounded pretty weird. Who is the 'guest' Vinayak was talking about? What did he mean by 'world is mine anyway'? And what is an 'Immortal Soul'? The more he tried to find the answers to these questions, the more confused he got. In the end, he threw these questions to the back of his head. He couldn't get the answers right now anyway, so why bother thinking about them.

Shaking his head, Saksham found that the elevator had stopped. As the door opened, Sakshi said, "We are almost there."

With that, she stepped out of the elevator and knocked on the door not far away from the Elevator. Soon, a majestic voice came from inside, "Come in."

Hearing this, Sakshi opened the door and Saksham followed behind her. As soon as he went inside the room. He looked around the room curiously from under the hood. He found the whole room had nothing special in it. It looked like a normal room with large floor to ceiling glasses installed behind the main table, showing the outside view very clearly. There were 2 bookshelves too on the right side of the room. On the left, there were 2 sofas and a small glass table. Except for this, there was nothing else in the room.

Moving his gaze away from these, Saksham looked towards the main table. To be precise, he looked at the person sitting behind the table. As his gaze fell on the man, Saksham saw a very handsome middle-aged man with an angular face and a neatly trimmed beard. He had a gray and black beard on his face, but that didn't make him feel old, instead, it made it feel like he was a man with stories. Saksham looked further up and saw that he also had long shoulder length hairs tied neatly into a ponytail. Saksham had to admit that his appearance had a sense of aesthetic to it.

At this time, Avinash opened his mouth and said in a calm but majestic voice, "Hell there, Asura. I have been waiting for you. My name is Avinash and I am the current head of IOEA."

Saksham heard this and said, "Hello, I am Asura. I heard that you were looking for me. I don't know why is that?"

Avinash didn't say anything but instead looked at Sakshi. Sakshi pretended as if she didn't see his gaze and just looked around the room. Seeing this, Avinash sighed lightly and stopped trying to make her leave the room. He stood up and slowly walked towards the floor to ceiling glass behind him, and said, "I asked you to come here because I wanted to talk to you about the rock you want."

Saksham heard this and raised his eyebrow. He said, "Forgive me, but I don't like talking circles. If you have anything to ask, you can go ahead. I will try my best to answer those questions."

Avinash heard this and nodded. He slowly turned around and gestured towards the sofas on the left. Saksham saw this and went ahead and sat down on the sofa. On the opposite sofa, Sakshi and Avinash sat down, facing Saksham. Avinash opened his mouth and asked, "The last time you came here, you went to the item storage room with Sakshi, right? At that time, when you touched the rock, you were dazed for a while and then suddenly started sweating and even fell to the ground in exhaustion. I want to ask, what happened when you touched that rock?"

Saksham heard this and understood why Avinash called him today. But he was not much surprised, He was pretty sure that his abnormal actions would definitely be noticed by the IOEA. And as for the question, Avinash asked, he didn't have any problems answering it too. Not like it was a big secret of his. He looked at Avinash and then at Sakshi and hesitated a little before saying, "Well, I can tell you what happened at that time, but whether you believe it or not is your problem. If it hadn't been me seeing it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it myself."

Avinash and Sakshi nodded when they heard this. They were a little surprised when they heard that Saksham would tell them what happened when he touched the rock. They said, "Don't worry, we believe in you. Can you tell us now?"