[Tree Of Life] (Sapling)!

Saksham didn't understand who was it that has been watching him. And how was that person able to watch him? And if that person knew what he was doing and what his powers were, then why is that person not taking any actions yet? What was his/her purpose of watching him? All these questions had been in his head for a while but he had been avoiding thinking about them as he knew that he couldn't get the answer. But now, he has 200 EP all of a sudden. Maybe he could get an answer now.

Saksham cleared his throat and asked, "Who is watching me?"

He had a 'let's try' attitude but what he didn't expect was that his system actually answered his question. A small new window popped up in his vision.


There was only 1 word written on that window but it was enough to reel Saksham's mind. Saksham felt as if he was about to become dumb. Heaven, the untouchable concept of this world was actually watching him? And why him though? And how can heaven watch him? Wasn't heaven a concept of a place? What's happening here? All these questions revolved around Saksham's head, making him feel more and more confused. He rubbed his aching temple and asked once again.

"Who is this heaven? Where is 'it'?"

Once again a new window popped up. But this time, the answer surprised him.

[You will know soon.]

There were only these 4 words written on the pop-up window. Saksham was feeling even more confused. What does the system mean by saying he will know soon? Is heaven going to find him soon? But how can an entire place come and visit him? And if it is not a place but a person, why does that 'person' want to meet him? Will it be hostile or not? From what he knew, his powers were something outside the control of heaven. Is it because of that?

Saksham once again rubbed his painful temples and stopped thinking about it altogether. The more he thought about it, the more his temples throbbed. He just threw this to the back of his head and started thinking about the main thing now. Yes, he can upgrade a lot of things. He was in dire need of power-ups. He had been fighting a lot of people with nothing but his Assassin's suit and his [Dragon God's Dagger]. He didn't have enough cards up his sleeves to fight a strong enemy. Last time, if it had not been luck and arrogance of Vinayak, he would have died in his hands.

Saksham shook his head and closed his eyes slightly. He thought a bit before he opened his eyes and said, "Upgrade [Tree of Life]."

[Are you sure you want to use 100 EP?]

Saksham's eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets when he saw this prompt. This was the highest EP he had ever seen the prompt ask for. 100 EP was half of what he got after upgrading. He couldn't believe that just to upgrade the [Tree of Life] to the next stage, it took 100 EP. And from what he knew, a tree had many stages of life. If it took 100 EP right now to just upgrade it to the Sapling stage, then how much would it take to upgrade it to a fully mature tree? Saksham was once again having a headache. One thing or another was giving him a headache today. He sighed and threw this thought at the back of his head. From what he has found till now, the more EP something took, the more amazing its effect was. So, he was basically just investing EP for an even more amazing return. Yes, it was a form of investment. Saksham consoled himself by saying this continuously in his heart.

After that, he pressed [Yes] without any hesitation. As Saksham pressed [Yes], everything went quiet. It felt like all the sounds in the world disappeared at that moment. Suddenly, Saksham found a small movement in his heart. Without giving him any chance to react, the sprout of [Tree Of Life] hidden in his heart suddenly came out from his chest levitated right in front of him. It was glowing with a calm and soothing light. Just the light it was emitting felt very warm. It was like Saksham had returned to his mother's womb. Just looking at it straight made Saksham feel intoxicated. But this didn't stop the movement of the sprout of [Tree Of Life].

It was already dark outside at this moment and the stars were shining brightly. And as the sprout of [Tree of Life] levitated higher and higher, it felt as If it was trying to reach out for the stars. No, in fact, it seemed as if it was trying to reach for the heavens. And as if acknowledging with the presence [Tree of Life], the stars and even the full moon suddenly dimmed. And at the same time, countless colorless particles moved towards the sprout of [Tree of life] from everywhere. It came from every direction, be It from the moon, or stars, and even the unknown places beyond the human reach. And as those things touched the sprout of [Tree of Life], the light around it became even more warm and soothing.

Soon, the light started to spread everywhere. First, it spread around the abandoned warehouse but soon it started spreading even further. And the magical thing was that wherever the light fell, green grass and vegetation started to grow at a speed visible to the naked eyes. At some point, the light stopped spreading further but the effects of the light didn't stop there and instead went further and further till god knows where. But all this wasn't Saksham's main concern right now. For now, the only thing that concerned him was the [Tree of life]. He could see the sprout slowly growing after absorbing something from everywhere.

Soon, it completed its transformation and turned completely into a sapling. After that, it slowly levitated down and floated silently before Saksham once again before shrinking down and entering into his heart. And at the same time, it completed its transformation, a new window popped-up in Saksham's vision.

[Congratulation! Your Sprout of [Tree Of Life] has successfully grown into a Sapling of [Tree of Life].]

[Tree of Life] (Sapling): A small Sapling containing an immeasurable life force. An item of myth, the life-giver of many worlds. Still in the Sapling stage.

Current Effects: You will be free of all the diseases in the world. No poison nor evil can come near you. Your wounds will heal 10 times faster than before. Physical Strength would also recover at a much faster rate than before. Cannot be upgraded into an Adult [Tree of Life].

As Saksham read this, he almost jumped in excitement. His investment paid him back in full and even better. The effects of the [Tree of Life] were really amazing. His wounds would actually heal at more than 10 times speed now. It said that wounds would heal at 10 times faster speed than earlier, and that means it included the speed it was already healing when the [Tree of Life] was only a sprout. And along with that, he was now immune to all the poison in the world as well as 'evil' said by the system. He didn't know what the system meant by 'evil', but it sounded a good thing regardless, so Saksham was happy. Even his physical strength would recover even faster than before. All these things were really good for him.

Though, the only thing that made Saksham a little confused was that there was a line saying the sapling can't be upgraded into an Adult [Tree of Life]. He thought about it a little, but then shook his head and threw this at the back of his head. For now, the current state of [Tree of Life] was more than enough for him. He knew that even if there was no restriction on upgrading the sapling into an Adult [Tree of Life], he wouldn't be able to do it before he could get more EP somehow. Just the Sapling stage took 100 EP. To grow it into an Adult [Tree of Life], god knows how much more EP he would have to get. So, Saksham just stopped paying attention to upgrading it to a new level and thought about the next thing on his list to upgrade.

But at this time, somewhere in a place that existed and didn't exist at the same time, a being opened its eyes. The eyes were glowing brightly as if those were the things god took into account before creating the sun and moon. And as it opened its eyes, it looked into the nothingness as if trying to see something but wasn't able to. It opened its mouth and an ancient voice came from its mouth, "Tree…of…life…has appeared again. Is it going to start…?"

At the same time, there were countless other beings who opened their eyes too, trying to stare directly at the void with their eyes filled with greed, fear, and worship. All of them knew what this symbolized. And that's why after staring at the void for a while, they all turned their heads in another direction.

Far away from everything that existed, there was a space that was as large as the Universe itself. In the middle of that space, there stood a majestic palace. Inside the palace, on the main throne, a being suddenly opened its eyes wide and stared intently towards a direction. It looked in that direction for a while before closing its eyes once again and falling into an unknown state.

Of course, all this was unknown to Saksham who was trying to think of the next thing on his list to become even stronger. Inside the abandoned warehouse, Saksham suddenly opened his eyes, and said, "I am want to become invincible."

As soon as Saksham said these words, a window popped-up.

[Are You sure you want to use 95 EP?]

As soon as he saw this, Saksham's eyes lit up and he pressed [Yes] without any hesitation.