
Shaking his head lightly, Saksham felt as his head had grown bigger after getting so much information at once. From changing his race to knowing that countess powerful races used to exist, he knew that he was slowly stepping onto the stage even bigger than the whole earth. And the more he walks forward, the more mysteries and unfathomable things he would uncover about the world. But he knew that his strength was still not enough to step onto that stage fully. He still needed to get stronger.

Suddenly, Saksham thought about something. He asked again, "The [Immortal] race's weakest warriors had the same condition as me right now?"

"That's right but wrong at the same time. The newborn [Immortal] race has the same strength as you right now. So, you are not wrong with that inference."

Listening to what the system said, Saksham smiled wryly. Looks like he was overestimating himself a little bit but reality slapped him on the face pretty hard. The newborn [Immortal] race baby had the same strength as him. This just shows why [Immortal] Race was as powerful as they were said to be. If just the newborn could be as powerful as him in his current condition, then he couldn't imagine how powerful a fully grown adult would be.

Shaking his head, Saksham decided to ask one last question, "The creatures that have been invading earth time and time again, what are they?"

"They are a race of giant creatures also known as [Terramons]. They are known for their big size, high defense against physical attacks due to extremely hard skin, and very thicc skeleton system. Their strength lies in them being able to eat through all the attacks sent their way. As long as they are able to approach their enemies, they just devour their enemies."

Saksham heard this and he fell into thought. From the looks of it, this race was known mostly for its defensive strength. But if they had so sturdy defense, shouldn't they have already conquered their planet by now? How come they just come one day suddenly kill people, and then get killed by the 'weak' warriors of the earth?

As if knowing the concern of Saksham, the system continue, "The ones invading earth are not adult [Terramons]. They are only infants and toddlers if compared in ages with humans. Their defensive strength does not reach the infamous level just from their birth. As they grow older, the skeleton becomes thicker while their skin becomes impenetrable. [Terramons] race are also known for sending out their infants and newborns to strange new planets and let them conquer them for their growth process. When they devour throw the core of that planet, they grow stronger."

Suddenly all the puzzle pieces came together. Saksham understood that his earth was probably a training ground for this [Terramons] race. The first batch of [Terramons] was sent about 400 years ago to destroy the earth. But at that time, the warriors on earth were able to wipe out those newborn [Terramons]. And possibly, this came out as a surprise for them. An unknown planet's creatures were able to wipe out their race's younglings, this definitely came as a surprise for them.

So, next time they sent even stronger younglings but they were once again defeated. And so, then they sent even stronger ones. But time and time again, they were defeated. But instead of giving up, they continued to send stronger [Terrmons]. Saksham was having a bad feeling that after witnessing defeat 6 times, no one would feel pleasant.

So, they might just send a real strong one this time to end this whole thing once and for all. Just thinking till here, Saksham started to have a headache. The more he thought about it, the more he was sure that if the wormhole opened this time, the creatures coming out from will be beyond what humans can handle right now.

Saksham clenched his fist again. He needed to get stronger fast. There was not much time. After a while, he loosened his fist and closed the books he was reading. His final examinations were also very near and he was done will all the courses as well as practice books and papers. All he had to do was just give the exam when the time came. For now, he had more important things to think about.

After his powers upgraded, its cooldown went down by 1 day. After using his EP, they would refresh back to full after 6 days now. Although it's not much, Saksham didn't really have any complaints about it either. Today was the 6th day since his powers upgraded and he could see that his EP bar was back to full. And for the past 6 days, he was not sitting and studying only. He had been thinking about how to increase his strength.

What he needed now were not just pure power, but also more skills and techniques to use which can amplify his powers. And he had a few ideas in his head already. But he was not in a hurry to implement them right now. Right now, he was thinking about visiting Rhytham and his 3 nephews to ask about their progress and the development of their own group.

So, he asked the system to repair his damaged [Assassin's Suit]. When he bore the attacks of 3 [Elemental Kings] at the same time, his [Assassin's Suit] was broken at many places. He was thinking of getting a new and stronger suit, but he put that plan on hold for a little while as he had other things to do first. So, Saksham was planning on just repairing the broken [Assassin's Suit] for the time being.

[Are you sure you want to use 1EP to repair the broken [Assassin's Suit]?]


Saksham pressed [Yes] without any hesitation and soon a brand new-looking [Assassin's Suit] appeared in from of him. Putting it back in the system storage, Saksham told Savitri that he was going to go out for a walk. Savitri nodded and told him to be careful. With this, Saksham left his home and went to a quiet alley and let the system equip his [Assassin's Suit]. As soon as he wore it, he blended into the darkness of the dark alley. As it was already almost nighttime, [Assassin's Suit] passive effects took place and Saksham left straight towards the Rhytham's home.


Rhytham's House

Rahul, Shyam and Vipul were sitting on couches, using their phones. Suddenly. Rahul laughed loudly, startling both Vipul and Shyam. Shyam asked, "What happened? Why laugh like that suddenly?"

Rahul laughed and said, "I just found this image. The person in this picture looks so much like Shyam. So I couldn't help laughing."

Shyam was confused by what Rahul said. So, Rahul turned his phone and showed Shyam the image he was talking about. Seeing the image, Shyam's face became green due to anger. He snatched the phone from Rahul and shouted, "Just where do I look like an orangutan to you? If anything, you are the one that looks like a pig. That's why Riddhima even left you, you pig."

Rahul heard this and he also gritted his teeth in anger, "Don't go too far, you monkey! Riddhima didn't leave me because of that. In fact, she didn't leave me at all. It was you, monkey, who told her that I can't get my little Rahul up!"

"I was just kidding! Who knew she would take that seriously and then even spread that in the entire school at that time." Shyam shouted back.

"It's because of you that I had to pull down my pants in front of her just to prove that it was a lie! If you hadn't told her from the very beginning, I wouldn't have to get slapped by her too. Oh my dear innocence!" Rahul squatted down holding his head.

Shyam felt bad when he saw this, he replied weakly, "But it was really just a small joke."

"It was a joke? Then F*ck you!" Rahul said as he gritted his teeth.

Hearing that, Shyam also got angry. He shouted back, "F*ck me? How about F*ck you!"

Seeing this, Vipul shook his head and once again focused back on his phone. The same scene had staged a lot of times by now, so now he has already started to ignore this. For the next few minutes, both Shyam and Rahul kept 'F*ck you'-ing each other. When they suddenly heard a voice, "Well how about we call it a day and stop this fighting?"

Both Rahul and Shyam turned angrily at the voice and said in unison, "Well how about f*ck you too!"

As the words left their mouth, the entire scene went quiet. One could hear a pin dropping in this silence. Both Rahul and Shyam were sweating bullets at this moment. Unknowingly, Saksham had stood beside them in his mysterious [Assassin's Suit]. Looking at the mysterious pulses beating on the suit, both of them felt as if they were seeing a timer before a bomb went off.

They both slowly showed a smile uglier than crying and laughed awkwardly, "We were just kidding..hahaha…in fact, f*ck us! Yes, f*ck us!"

Saksham heard this and black lines spread on his forehead. He had an urge to slap these two idiots to oblivion, but he held his urge and asked, "Where is Rhytham?"