"Shameless" Teacher & "Kind" Student!

Although it took time to explain that, all of it happened in the blink of an eye inside Saksham's mind. He didn't know that at this time, the invigilator had already seen his turned head. Looking at the place where the Saksham was facing, the invigilator saw a girl's "terrified" face with tears in her eyes.

The invigilator quickly did the 2+2 and was able to "figure out" the whole situation. Saksham was one of those students who doesn't study for the exam and wanted to ask that girl for an answer. The girl refused so he started threatening her. The girl couldn't take it anymore and started crying The invigilator wanted to pat himself on his back for figuring out the whole situation after seeing barely anything. 'I should be helping police on crime scenes and not teach here. Sigh..' he sighed ruefully.

But he quickly shook his head because he couldn't let this boy terrify the girl anymore and so, he quickly made his way toward Saksham to see what he was trying to do. And Saksham didn't even have time to change his facial expression before he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around a bit and saw the invigilator's face. Seeing the invigilator's face, Saksham realized he had his face turned for too long. He messed up. He was about to open his mouth to explain, but before he could even say anything, he heard a thundering laugh resound throughout the classroom.


It was no one else other than the invigilator himself. This laugh shocked everyone in the room. All the students suddenly raised their heads to find a teary eyes invigilator holding his belly and his mouth in an attempt to stop his laughter but he clearly failed to do so. Saksham also quickly changed his expression to his normal one.

Seeing this change, the invigilator finally was able to get his laughter under control. After a few seconds, only the invigilator's heavy breathing could be heard in the room. An awkward silence fell as the invigilator was very embarrassed for his behavior. He coughed a little and gave Saksham a pat and said, "Don't turn your head next time."

With that, the invigilator acted as if nothing happened and started roaming around other rows to see if people were cheating or not. Saksham patted his chest in relief. He thought the invigilator was going to take his answer sheet and then cancel his exam for today. Thankfully, nothing like that happened and he didn't get into any trouble.

Anitha was looking at all this with a smile on her face. She was also scared that the invigilator might take Saksham's answer sheet and punish him. But looking at the things that followed, she was relieved. She couldn't help but complain in her heart about how big of a dumbass Saksham was but she decided to deal with him later. For now, she had to quickly write her answers.

After everyone went back to their own things, Saksham laid down on his table and closed his eyes. He once again started thinking about his future steps and goals. He was even thinking of taking Rhytham and all to the middle east to retrieve the Black-gold Lotus with him. That way, they would also get a good experience and can maybe even get stronger. But he decided not to because, first, it was pretty dangerous. And second, he didn't know exactly how strong they actually were. It hasn't been long since they got their powers.

Even with them stronger and being able to absorb [Aura] more quickly when inside his domain, he still felt that they were not strong enough. At least, not at [King] level yet. And since every country would be sending their best of best Awakened and Unusuals, Saksham didn't feel safe taking anyone weaker with him. He was strong but he didn't want to get people killed due to him feeling arrogant and underestimating the Awakened and Unusuals of this world. So, he decided not to take them with him. Not yet.

So as soon as his EP is full again, he was going to make his own hyper occulus so that those 4 could train better and understand how strong they actually are. In fact, when they recruit more people in the future, using that to train them is definitely not a bad idea. He can set up a point system where the new people will have to do tasks or something and earn points based on them.

And when they have enough of those points, they can use the Hyper Occulus to train for a period of time. His goal is to make his own army in the future who would march with him into the upcoming battlefield. Just him, Rhytham, and his nephews were not going to cut it.

Saksham turned his head ever so slightly to slightly glimpse at Anitha's serious face once again. He started to wonder how would she react when he tells her that there are superpowers in this world. He also wondered what powers would she want when he will ask her about it. Will she ask for super strength? If she pulls his ears, then…..

Saksham didn't dare imagine what would happen to him if Anitha got super strength. He quickly shook his head and didn't think more of it. He decided to not think more and just wait till the time he asks that question after the exam. For now, as he was done with his answers, he just put his head down and decided not to create any more disturbance in the class now. Or else, this time his answer sheet will definitely be taken away with no time to explain.

But what he didn't know was that the invigilator was paying attention to his each and every more. When he laid down on his table, the invigilator 'realized' he was not wrong when he thought that Saksham was one of those students who don't study. First, he couldn't do the answers himself so he thought of disturbing other people. And now since he can't get any answers too as he was under his hawk-like eyes, he decided to just sleep. He didn't understand how there can be such students. He shook his head and just decided to pay attention to him if he tried to 'cheat' again.

After 1.5 hours, a bell rang and the invigilator told everyone to put down their pens and tie their sheets up. Then he started collecting answer sheets one by one. Saksham also sat back straight up after hearing the bell. The invigilator also saw this and sighed. Saksham didn't write a single thing since he laid down. The invigilator felt a bit of a pity for him but that didn't stop him from collecting answer sheets one by one.

Soon, he came to Saksham's seat and asked for the answer sheet and Saksham also smiled and handed him his sheet. The Invigilator unconsciously looked through the answer sheet and got stunned. Every single sheet was filled with dense letters and words. Although the whole sheet was filled with them, it didn't look too compact or weird to read.

Instead, they were written really neatly with perfect spacing between each character and word. It felt as if it was written on a computer and then printed down. The invigilator checked the number of answers Saksham did and realized that he had done every single one of the answers. He didn't know if they were correct or not but he could faintly feel that every one of those answers was correct.

It was at this time he realized that he had been wrongly judging him. He understood everything now. The girl earlier couldn't answer the questions and maybe realized that she was going to fail. She started crying and this kind and smart lad heard it. So, with no regard for the safety of his own exam, he tried his best to cheer that girl up in the examination hall with that….ugly face. And it worked. He saw the girl was smiling later. And he himself laughed so hard.

The invigilator could barely hold back his tears when he finally came to this final "conclusion". He had never seen such a kind and smart student in his 15 years of teaching career. He clenched his fists as he felt ashamed of his wrong judgment of such a great student. The invigilator took in a deep breath and held Saksham's hand with both his hands. He said in a choking voice, "Please forgive me. You do you. Make this world a better place.'

If this was an anime, you would see 3 golden question marks rotating above Saksham's head as the invigilator wiped his tears off his sleeves and continued to collect answer sheets from other students. Looking at the teacher's wide back, Saksham suddenly got goosebumps. He looked at his hands and then back at the invigilator. He realized...that...maybe the Invigilator took advantage of him...due to his handsomeness.

'I knew there was something wrong with that guy....' Saksham cried inside.

And like this, Saksham's first exam ended with both the invigilator as well as Saksham having….no clue about the actual situation.