Family Time & Leisure

~Present Day~

(Iris POV:)

The plan in which Ryker came up with for the Holy Grail War was to have the three of them, Iris, Saber and himself tour the city, while Kiritsugu was on the lookout for information on other servants and or masters.

No one would expect the Einzbern's to be able to summon two servants, and with Iris having a set of command seals, they would think she was the master not Kiritsugu.

Ryker being able to hide the fact he was a servant through his [Cosmic Traveler] skill would be able to act as a bodyguard hired for additional protection, while secretly being the blade hidden within the shadows. Saber on the other hand would act as Iris' servant drawing the attention of their enemies.

This plan allowed for both Ryker and Saber to protect Irisviel having the advantage of a 2v1 should any servants show up. Ryker being the Caster servant would be able to stay by Iris' side while providing support to Saber who would be in the front lines.

Yet for Iris when she heard of this plan she felt like something was off. She knew Ryker quite well, and knew the type of person he was. He wasn't scared of any of the other servants and wouldn't mind just hunting them down. That being said it didn't take her long to figure out why he would want to act as the backline support, as well as why he wanted to hide his servant status. It was for her.

She didn't tell her findings to Kiritsugu though, but planned to have a chat with Ryker later to confirm the theory.

Their talk ended not long after that with them finalizing the divorce and promising to both continue showing Illya their love.

After leaving Kiritsugu's room, Iris began walking back to her room as she thought about Ryker's plan once more, yet no matter how many times she thought things over, she could help but feel like her assumption was correct. This caused her to feel giddy inside as she quickly hopped back to her room, not being able to wait even a minute longer, before seeing he beloved.

Yet her heart wasn't prepared for the catastrophic scene that awaited her.

Opening the door to the bedroom, Iris noticed Ryker in his usual spot by the window, holding a sleeping Illya. A scene to adorable to stand, as one was a handsome man capable of stealing any women's heart with looks alone, while the other an adorable baby that looked like a doll, which was deadlier? No one really knew.

Smiling, she slowly made her way over to her two most important people. She knew Ryker had long noticed her presence and there was a good chance he had been keeping tabs on the earlier conversation due to his overprotective nature, a trait which she adored.

Seeing he was humoring her whims, her smile couldn't help but grow larger as she moved behind his back and wrapped her arms gently around his neck. Something he often did for her when she was sitting.

She felt him lean his head back against her, as she also turned her head sideways before resting it on top of his own. They spend a few quite moments, just basking in each others presences, before finally she decided to speak the question which had been on her mind her whole walk back.

"Hehe Ryker~? Darling, you'll never guess what I heard~?" She said in a sweet yet captivating voice.

"Ah, I know." Ryker said in a lazy voice as he felt like he was on the verge of falling asleep. Although he didn't need rest, he always felt a deep desire to just release all distractions from his mind, any worries that he might have had, and just relax whenever he was in her arms.

Pouting in a mock angry face, which only served to make her cuter, Iris said, "Muuu couldn't you have played along?? Meanie…"

Unable to handle the adorable actions of his love Ryker relented, "Yes, yes, you're right, I'm sorry for teasing you my love. What did you hear?"

Still pouting Iris raised her head, yet kept her arms wrapped around his neck as she moved in front of Ryker and plopped down in his lap. Locking her legs around his waste, she released her arms from his neck and instead wrapped them around his abdomen just below his own arms, which were still holding Illya. Who now looked like she was tucked within a human blanket. Of course, the two made sure she was in a comfortable position before all else.

Having gotten into the position she had desired, Iris looked up at Ryker with the same pouting expression still on her face, as if awaiting something.

Ryker knowing what she wanted slowly lowered his head and began to kiss her cute pouting lips. Before noticing them slowly relax as she began to kiss him back, feeling satisfied with her little prank succeeding. The two stayed like that for a few minutes before Ryker suddenly began to stand up.

Shocked Iris quickly tightened her hold on his body with her legs, before feeling a hand suddenly placed on her butt as Ryker lifted her up along with him. Carrying a mother in one hand and a daughter in the other Ryker made his way over to the bed before gently placing Iris down.

Understanding what he was doing, Iris crawled to the middle of the bed and got conferrable as she felt Ryker entering the bed not long after her.

Turning her head Iris saw Ryker laying down next to her with Illya, laying on his chest. Quickly she shuffled into his embrace before releasing a content sigh. Being in his arms had always made her feel safe, and having all three of them lay down together like this made her feel like a true family.

Once more gazing up at the man she decided to devote her everything too, Iris noticed he was looking back at her with a loving and gentle smile. She had many things she wanted to say to him in this moment, yet she decided to just use actions to get them across as she once again kissed his lips. Although not as passionate as the one from a moment ago, it was a kiss that was packed full of emotion.

Breaking off the kiss with Ryker, Iris gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead, before sending one last look Ryker's way, as if saying, 'I still had things to talk to you about, don't think you can run away, ill get you tomorrow.' which was surprisingly a lot for a simple glare. Before she drifted off into sleep, within her beloveds arms.

Ryker on the other hand marveled at the uncanny innate ability of females, and wondered if they had some way to level it up, as it seemed the more connected their feelings were, the greater pressure he felt from her glares.

~Next Day~

Waking up in the morning, Ryker felt something stirring. He noticed Iris was still asleep, and looked towards the only other possible culprit, who was currently drooling all over his shirt.

Looking down at Illya, who also happened to be looking up at him with her large, beautiful, red eyes. Ryker began to wonder what his own daughter would look like one day. He ended up imagining a black haired version of Illya, or maybe they would look similar? Either way Ryker was determined to find out the answer to that question one day.

He loved Illya quite a bit as he often found himself playing with her nearly every morning. Iris wasn't a morning person surprisingly, and so he would often take Illya out of her crib and they would fool around.

Illya had just learned how to crawl slightly and he found himself chasing the energetic child everywhere around the room. He also found himself often using his [Armor of Akashic] more and more these days, as he transformed the god like defensive tool, into toys and different objects he believes Illya might be interested in.

This resulted in no small amount of headaches for the maids though, as it slowly had turned into a routine for Illya and if Ryker wasn't around to create the toys then Illya would throw a tantrum.

Which in turn led to Ryker creating multiple toys using his [Armor of Akashic] and just leaving them within the room. Even if they were stolen, the thief wouldn't be able to glean anything from them, as he had clearly set them as 'toys' during the formation process and their all basically just that toys.

Yet despite them being toys, Ryker had still installed an anti-theft system in them, preventing them from being stolen from the Einzbern castle. Yet the reason for that was not because they were 'special' but rather Ryker did that because they were 'his' daughter's 'precious' toy…

Iris didn't awaken until roughly 9:00 AM nearly 2 hours after Ryker had begun to play with Illya.

Noticing her slowly stirring awake, Ryker who was lying on the ground 'covered' in toys, began to slowly move all of them off of himself and back onto the floor. For some reason Illya had made a little game for herself, where she would crawl around trying to grab all of the toys she could find before placing them onto Ryker, effectively reducing him to a trophy stand, showcasing Illya's spoils of 'war'.

Illya noticing Ryker beginning to move, didn't make a fuss and just went back to playing with the toys as she had been effectively pacified after being able to spend two hours playing around.

Coming to the bedside Ryker sat on the edge as he leaned in and brushed the loose stains of hair from Iris' face. As if sensing it was him in her still half awake state, Iris reached out both of her hands like a spoiled child wanting to be carried by their parents.

Knowing all about her childish side, Ryker also knew, as she had done it a couple times before, that if he didn't carry her then she would throw a fit and not get out of bed for the rest of the day, forcing him to tend to her all day. Not that he really minded.

After bundling her up in the blanket she had wrapped herself in, making sure it wouldn't fall off, Ryker placed one arm around her back, and the other around the back of her knees and slowly lifted her out of bed.

Walking over to the table, he sat down on one of the chairs, placing the still bundled up Iris on his lap. After making sure she was situated, with her head resting against his chest still in a half asleep state, he began pouring some tea into a cup which had been prepared by a maid just then, when Ryker informed them that Iris was about to wake up.

Filling the cup up about halfway, Ryker slowly brought it to his mouth as he tasted it. Noticing it was still a little too hot, he blew on it for a little bit, while using his free hand to fix any loose strains of hair Iris had somehow managed to get out of place during their short journey from the bed to the table.

Lowing his head besides her ear, Ryker whispered, "My little sleeping angel, why don't you have some tea, it will wake you up."

Hearing his voice Iris, raised her head and opened her mouth slightly, as Ryker brought the cup to her mouth, letting her drink it at her own pace. After two half filled cups of tea as well as nearly twenty minutes, of coxing and tending to, finally iris released her blanket revealing the same white dress with golden accents which she had worn yesterday. Stretching her body, she released an adorable yawn, before hanging her arms loosely around his neck, and placing her head around the area near his shoulder.

While ignoring the sensation coming from his collarbone which felt like tiny kisses, Ryker slowly began to brush through Iris' hair in an attempt to get her ready for the day. Although they had nothing to do but laze about. Ryker wanted her to at least keep up with her appearance.

After all she had beautiful long white hair, and Ryker felt it was a shame to not brush it.

After tending to the spoiled little angel, it was nearly noon by the time Ryker got iris in 'functioning' order, though most of that time had been Iris searching for different places to kiss, as if trying to mark her territory. So they decided to have lunch, which was of course prepared by the maids.

Ryker was able to cook, in fact he considered himself quite the fan off cooking. He enjoyed the feelings that went into making a new dish for those you cared about and watching them enjoy your hard work as well. Yet, Ryker knew when Iris got into one of her spoiling moods like today…or most days for that matter, it was best to just rely on the maids. Besides the food they prepared always tasted amazing.

After lunch, Ryker was back to playing with Illya before Iris as if remembering something important suddenly stood up and exclaimed, "Ahh!! That's right!! Hehe...Ryker~ I was meaning to ask about this yesterday darling~." She said in a seductive tone, before walking too where he was seated on the floor, and leaning against his back. Pressing her chest onto his back.

Knowing where she was going with this Ryker was already prepared, and awaited her questioning.

Not letting him down Iris whispered in his ear sweetly, "I heard you wanted to stay by my side during the grail war. You knew Kiritsugu would come up with a plan to have Saber stay with me and you go around and fight right?"

"Yeah, as you have already guessed, I knew you're movements would be restricted in some way during the grail war, and I figured you might want to roam about the city, but to convince Kiritsugu to give you free reign I knew just Saber alone wouldn't be enough.

Although in a few days ill be disconnecting you and Illya from your connection to the grail, and placing the grail itself within a new 'vessel', It wont change the fact the everyone else will view you as the grails vessel and that in and of itself, places a target on you.

So the best option would be to have us both guard you. That way not only can you view whatever you wished, and gain the attention of the other masters, it could also serve as a date for the two of us. We would be killing three birds with one stone.

I don't care whether the other servants and masters fight, but I want to spend our time in the city together, and if anyone wants to 'interrupt' I don't mind showing them what being a servant is all about." Speaking until here, Ryker suddenly noticed Iris tearing up slightly.

"My silly cry baby, what is it this time?" Ryker turned around and said as he slowly whipped away her tears.

"*Sniffle* You are what's up, dummy! *Sniffle* You're always way to good to me, hehe. *Sniffle*" She said as she playfully hit her fists against his chest in a gentle manner. Continuing where she left off Iris said, "I look forward to out date~ My dear~." Sharing another kiss the two began to sink into their own world.

Before being snapped out of it when baby Illya crawled onto one of Ryker's legs and hugged it, gazing at them with a confused look.

Lifting her up into his arms Ryker and Iris hugged the adorable little bunny as they giggled at 'their' daughters antics.

Thus Ryker passed another day In leisure, with those he called family.