Lost in Your Embrace & Children

Ryker wasn't sure when or who started it, but once he regained some awareness after the long, passionate kiss he shared with Iris, he noticed that she was lying on her back against the blanket. Her arms were wrapped around his neck while he was over top of her using his arms and legs as support while leaning down and kissed her soft lips.

Having an idea as to where this may lead, Ryker pulled his lips away from Iris' and lifted himself away from her slightly, but remaining over top of her.

Feeling the warm, tantalizing lips suddenly separate from her own, and noticing he moved away from her embrace slightly, Iris slowly regained clarity.

Matching gazes with Ryker, she stared at him with eyes full of lust and desired. "Whats wrong?" Even though she was hoping he would continue, she knew that it was hard to find the proper time. They were currently within the forest and weren't exactly in an ideal location.

Yet she wasn't comfortable making love with Illya in the room. A sentiment which had been shared by Ryker when she had talked to him about it.

She knew that he wanted to have sex just as much as she did. Although not for reasons others might think.

Iris had actually never had sex before.

She honestly didn't even know about such acts until Ryker had told her.

All she knew prior to Ryker telling her was that babies were made through the use of a 'womb' that every human women apparently had.

Yet there had never been a need for her to have sex in the past.

As a homunculus, she shouldn't have even been able to become pregnant with Illya in the first place.

In fact, she didn't even possess a womb until Jubstacheit, the 8th head of the Einzbern family, decided to experiment with her after her and Kiritsugu had fallen in love.

Her original and only purpose in life had been becoming the Grail's vessel.

A living vessel capable of self defense until the end of the war, after which she was meant to die.

The plan to create a half-human, half-homunculus child, wasn't thought up until long after she had already been coined (created).

Not long after her and Kiritsugu fell in love, Jubstacheit began modifications on Iris' body to possess a normal functioning womb, capable of giving birth to a child.

After doing so he took Kiritsugu's sperm, and through the use of alchemy, created a homunculus fetus out of human sperm.

Thus her pregnancy of Illya was not much of a natural development. In fact, it was an additional role imposed onto her that she originally was not supposed to have. An exception among Einzbern homunculi whose functions are determined when they are designed...

Although she was placed under even more burden. She had not once looked at it that way.

She who was made to be a puppet with no desires, had managed to give a natural birth to Illya and for the first time in her short, oh so short life, she had felt truly happy.

She felt like, her purpose as the grails vessel, was meaningless when looking into the eyes of that child. The only reason she even went through with it was so that Illya wouldn't need to.

She was ready to give up her life, until Ryker came along.

As if her concerns were unfounded from the very start, he took care of everything that had been plaquing her. Removing the grail, easing her loneliness, helping her take care of her small bundle of treasure, Illya.

She felt like, as long as he was around, he would make sure her and Illya were safe from all harm.

After coming to love him, she felt the same feeling she had after giving birth to Illya. That feeling of being willing to sacrifice anything for the one you cared about. Yet at the same time, she knew that Ryker would never want her to become a sacrifice just for him.

So although she wasn't sure if she could give birth the normal way and the thought of being infertile under normal circumstances pained her dearly, she still wanted to try everything she could to add another tiny treasure to their little slice of paradise.

So she had never view sex for just pleasure as she didn't even know what it would feel like.

She was instead looking forward to the emotional connection and the feeling of becoming even closer to Ryker.

She knew that Ryker view Illya as his daughter and would continue to do so forever. It had been one of the reason which had caused her to fall in love with him after all, but she couldn't help but to hope that through their union and love for one another, a miracle would happen and she would be able to give him a child all to his own.

As for Ryker thoughts, he actually already knew of Iris' desire to birth him a child, and he supported her wishes.

Personally he didn't feel as if he was ready for fatherhood.

During his previous life, he had been alone in its entirety. He was hardly able to take care of himself let alone a child. Although he had moved on from his past and was attempting to live in the future, it was in times like these that made him think back to that other life.

He had died at the age of 18.

An age which was far to young to have to deal with the responsibly associated with having children.

He had been telling himself that he was going to let go of the past and live in the present.

Over and over again he told himself those words.

Yet no matter what he did, when he was eventually faced with a major decision in life and was seeking answer, he ended up looking towards his 18 years of experience in his past life rather then his 7 months of experience in this one.

Or at least…that was how it was in the past.

He ended up finding the answer to his concerns in a rather unlikely place.

For it wasn't until one day when he was playing with Illya, that his thoughts had changed.


~A week before the end of Iris' training~

Ryker found himself feeling rather exasperated at his lazy lover.

No matter how hard he tried, Iris just wouldn't wake up for their morning training.

Regardless of the poking or prodding, shacking or spanking. She remained sprawled out on her bed.

Eventually he gave up in his obviously futile attempts at waking the sleeping beauty and decided to just let her have her way for today as she had been working hard as of late.

Feeling more so mentally exhausted rather then physically, Ryker laid down on one of the only carpeted sections in Iris' room, where Illya had been playing with her toys.

As most of Iris' room was tiled and it would be bad if Illya fell, they had decided to put a large carpet at the spot where she like to play the most.

Watching the adorable little rabbit pouncing around immediately cured any exhaustion he had been feeling as he found a gentle smile creep itself onto his face.

Enjoying his time just watching his daughter having fun, Ryker slowly found himself entering a weird state of emptiness.

It wasn't the type of emptiness that stemmed from loneliness or depression, but rather a state of blissfulness and just feeling content with life to the point where he had no other thoughts clouding his mind.

He remained in that state for what had felt like hours, but it was only a couple of minutes before he was brought out of it when he felt something on his back.

Looking behind him without moving his body to much, Ryker noticed Illya had crawled onto his back and was currently lying on her stomach as if she was imitating him.

"Hmm what are you doing up there cutie?" Ryker said as he smiled at her gently, much to the amusement of Illya as she returned the smile with an adorable giggle of her own.


Ryker who was looking at Illya had clearly seen her mouth move, clearly heard the sound she had attempted to make, yet despite all of that he found himself questioning reality.

"H..Huh? Ill…Illya sweetie can you say that one more time??" With wide eyes Ryker reached his arms around at an awkward angle and prodded Illya's soft, tiny little arms as he almost begged her to speak once more.

Yet no matter how hard he tried, all the way up until Iris woke up, he couldn't get Illya to say anything more then 'ku's and ka's'. It was even to the point where he began to think he had imagined it.

It wasn't until Iris woke up and he had talked, in an overly proud manner, to her about it, that he learned his ears weren't malfunctioning. Apparently due to Illya being a half-homunculus, she was bound to grow in an unusual manner.

They suspected that she was stop growing at a young age, but it wasn't strange for her to learn to talk slightly faster then normal babies due to how her brain is developing.

*End of Flashback*

Knowing that it was almost time for Illya to start talking, and feeling that the word he had almost heard her say was 'dad' caused Ryker to think deeply about children for the first time.

He no longer thought about the subject of parenthood with his past life's experience as the voice telling him what to do, but rather for the first real time, he thought about his future using only his current life's experiences as the deciding factor.

He still felt like everything happening around him was like a dream, but rather then view it as 'a dream' literally, his thoughts had begun to shift into viewing it more as a figurative 'dream' due to the sheer amount of happiness he was experiencing.

Looking back at the past it wasn't that he necessarily didn't want children or anything like that, it was just that Ryker had never really pictured himself in that role.

So once he was able to get out of such a narrow point of view, he quickly realized that not many fathers or mothers truly are able to picture themselves in that role until it actually happens.

Even if someone enjoys taking care of children and practices being a parent, it wasn't until you held the child in your arms and felt the responsibly that comes with raising a child, that you learn what parenthood is truly about.

How you react to that and what your actions are like in the process of raising that child, is what determines whether you're 'fit' for that role or not.

So when he (almost) heard Illya call him dad, when he felt her weight on his back at that moment, although she was so incredibly light, she felt almost unliftable to Ryker. It wasn't that she herself was heavy all of a sudden, but rather the responsibility associated with him being in that role of her 'father' is what weighed so much.

So it was after that moment that he truly thought about what he wanted in the future.

One of those things, was a child.

He knew of the responsibly associated with it now thanks to Illya, and the mentality he needed to have going forward, but he was prepared.

So with a teasing look in his eyes Ryker said to Iris who was clearly in the mood, "Hehe don't worry my love, I will take care of you shortly, but there are some things that need to be handled first."

After relieving her of her concerns, Ryker while remaining over the embarrassed and blushing Iris, turned his awareness to the surroundings.

Slowly he made use of his mind to weave a magic formation around them. The formation he created was a Space Restriction formation. This formation would isolate the space within a set distance, it could be used to prevent anyone from seeing or hearing them. Everything within the formation was cut off from the rest of the world.

Magic in this world usually needed some form of incantation or complex ritual to be formed. Yet when one reached a similar level to where Ryker was currently at, you were able to quite literally gain 'control' over magic.

Although servants were the exception in some cases.

He didn't need incantations or key words to perform spells and was able to bend the elements to his will through the use of commands. It was as if the elements, which make up the very fabric of existence, were abiding by his every will.

Ryker didn't know if this was due to his [Mystery] or some other factor he had yet to take into account, but during his relatively short time in this world, Ryker had quickly learned how large the gap between him and other people were.

He may not have as many skills or abilities as some people, this is true. Most of the skills he does have though, exceed the very limits of this worlds understanding. Whether in terms of complexity, or might, his skills had broken through the limitations set by the system that governs this world.

Even he, himself, was already beyond the systems understanding, as noted by his parameters showing only [???].

After breaking out of his thoughts regarding magic, Ryker made sure that the formation was in place, before turning his attention back to Iris.

Placing his hand on her stomach above her coat, he allowed his perception to enter inside of her, as he attempted to understand the situation within.

He had multiple ways to view something, whether through magic or his [Eyes of the Watcher] ability, however, his [Eyes of the Watcher] skill sometimes gave him 'too' much vision and he had yet to be able to fully control it.

He wasn't sure why but out of all of his skills and abilities, the two he had the hardest time mastering was his [Eyes of the Watcher] skill and his [Library of Creation] skill.

He knew he would understand them more in the future but he still couldn't help but feel there was more to it.

That being said, he decided to use magic this time around as he needed something he could control to look at specific parts rather then something uncontrollable which seemed to desire nothing more then to attempt to peer into the very secrets of the world itself.

Although Ryker had taken a quick once over of her entire body during the ritual, he was primarily focused on getting the grail out and didn't want to do anything extra as it might cause problems during the ritual leading to an even worse situation.

Once he had a clear view of the situation in regards to Iris' body, Ryker noticed that although her womb was capable of giving birth to another child, perhaps due to the alchemy, or uniqueness regarding Illya's birth, but her reproductive system had actually suffered quite a bit and her natural regeneration wasn't kicking in to repair it.

As it stood, although she 'could' give birth it wasn't something advisable and might even lead to health complications.

Of course that was without Ryker.

He possessed mastery over all the elements known to this world, and not known. This included healing magic.

There was a limit to what natural recovery could do, even with the bloodline of a dragon. Healing magic would always be able to do things it couldn't. Yet the same held true vice-versa.

Making use of his magic to repair the damage and remove any negative side effects from Illya's birth from her body, it wasn't long before Ryker confirmed that everything was healed, and Iris would be okay giving birth again.

Feeling satisfied Ryker turned his attention back to the love of his life before saying, "Sorry that took so long dear, I kept you waiting." Once Ryker finished his sentence he once more resumed his kiss with Iris.

It wasn't long before the two began to let lust and love guide their actions.

As they sought to create a 'future' together.

As well as someone who would not only bring joy to them, but could also become a companion for Illya, so she wouldn't ever be lonely in the future.


(Author's Note: There's a couple things you guys need to know, so listen up! The timeline in my book and that of Fate/Zero are different, my story follows the over all story and will be different in some ways. Ryker and Saber have been summoned 8 years before the grail war's start, at the time where Illya had been born not to long prior. This is why when he's first summoned, Ryker suspected Iris of not feeling well, it was due to her giving birth about a week prior, her body was still weak and of rather poor health due to the grail. In the original story, servants like Illya's berserker during the fifth war, who was summoned 2 months before the war were considered an anomaly. So yes the MC shouldn't have entered the world for another like 8 years but I wanted him to come during Illya infancy so they developed a father-daughter bond. Currently Illya is almost 8 months old. 6 months after summons=Ryker + Iris becoming a couple. Then a month passed in which they trained then about 2 weeks of other time. This puts Illya around 7months 2-3 weeks. Also, its like mid July at the moment in the story and I know it doesn't snow in Germany year round, but within the Einzbern bounded field It will be set so it never stop snowing. This chapter was to help establish my characters more and to set up for the next one which will be NSFW!!!! You have been warned!!)