Motivation & Illya's Day with Daddy

Not long after the two had finished making love and drifted off to sleep. Ryker was woken up by Iris' movements.

Opening his eyes he saw her slowly stirring awake.

Reaching up, he began to gently run his hand through her hair, in an attempt to make her feel more comfortable.

Seeing her eyes open, still slightly dazed, as they attempted to take in her surroundings. Ryker whispered gently in her ear, "Good morning my love."

Hearing his familiar voice, Iris looked at him, who was embracing her from behind, with a loving smile. It was at that moment that she noticed that they were still connected, causing her to grow embarrassed when she remembered how she acted earlier.

Seeing her adorable blushing face Ryker released a chuckle before removing his member causing a tide of fluid to come gushing out. Watching it with amusement he teased Iris by saying, "I head it was best to keep as much of it in when attempting to have a baby, hehe." Of course he didn't know If that was actually true, but seeing her face grow excited at the mention of a baby caused him to release a knowing smile.

Ryker had already confirmed it earlier and knew that the chance of her getting pregnant was rather high at the moment, all it would take now was time.

Iris hearing that there was a good chance she would get pregnant quickly turned around and tackled Ryker as she gave him a tight hug while she laid on top of him, before saying "I love you."

Stroking her soft hair, Ryker returned her hug before answering "And I love you."

The two remained like that for a while before Ryker decided it was time to head home, between their picnic and then their 'other' activities, it was getting close to dinner time.

Getting dressed quickly himself, Ryker began helping Iris dress, before storing away the blanket and food. After which the two returned to the castle hand in hand, each donning a loving and gentle smile full of affection for one another.

Once back at the Einzbern castle, Ryker and Iris took a bath together, this time with an even more passionate exchange then normal.

Once cleaned, the two had dinner together joined by their daughter, with Ryker ending up having to feed not only Illya but Iris as well.

Having bathed, eaten, and spent time together as a family, it wasn't long before the trio decided to call an end to the rather exciting day full of events.

So with Iris to the left, Ryker to the right, and baby Illya in the middle, the three drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

~The next day~

Waking up early the next morning, Ryker noticed that the other two were still asleep and decided to not wake them as he allowed himself to sink into his own thoughts.

He began to wonder once again what his child would look like if he managed to have one. If a girl would she resemble Iris? What if it was a boy would he resemble him?

He knew that Iris was a homunculus and that if she did get pregnant it would be the first truly natural birth she had actually given. Illya was made to be a half homunculus - half human through alchemy. Yet now not only would alchemy not come into play, but Iris' body was vastly different then before.

For starters, Iris no longer had the grail inside of her, meaning that their child wouldn't be like Illya who has a innate connection to the grail. Also, Iris' bloodline is no longer just that of the Einzbern but she also now possesses Dragon and Angel blood within her as well.

So there was a good chance their child would be born with one of those two bloodlines.

Not to mention the fact that he had Dragon, Human and God blood running through him. Increasing the pool of potential bloodlines even further.

He had never been able to understand the matter of his God race and wondered if it did something to his body that wasn't shown on his status sheet.


Name: Ryker Akash

Race: God, Servant, Human, Dragon

Class: [N/A] (Summoned as Caster)

Rank: Lesser God

Gender: Male

Height: 187cm

Weight: 85kg

Blood Type: Unknown


There were many things he felt like 'should' have an effect but didn't. This caused him to constantly wonder if maybe these were 'restrictions' placed on him so that the 'system' of the world didn't attempt to remove him.

Along those same lines though, he couldn't help but wonder about his children. Would those same 'restrictions' be placed onto his children? Would they even be born with the power to need 'restrictions' placed one them? He didn't know.

He had long since grown beyond the understanding of the world, and frankly he wasn't sure what would happen if he experienced a sudden strength growth. He wondered if he would be forcibly kicked out of the world and sent to a higher 'system'.

If there really was a higher tier 'system' then what would it be like? A world full of immortals and gods, where beasts run rampant and the myriad races must fight together for survival? He couldn't help but wonder at the vast world that had been opened up to him, yet he was not yet able to see.

He wanted to know, but even when using his [Library of Creation] skill, it felt like there was information he was being denied access to. Whether that was because his mind couldn't handle it, or he didn't need to know while on this world, he hoped to find out one day.

Not knowing everything about your own body, was a rather frightening experience.

Especially when you were preparing to have kids, not knowing how they would be effected by the blood running through you, was perhaps even more frightening to think about.

He was stuck in a weird state of mind where he wanted his kids to be able to live normal lives, but he knew that they were destined to live anything but normal lives. So he desired them to have the strength needed to protect themselves. Yet that very same strength would be what leads them into danger.

Looking over at the mother daughter pair next to him, Ryker came to a decision.

'It matters not whether they are powerful.

It matters not whether they are gods, or mortals.

Homunculus or Human, Dragon or Angel, it matters not.

For they shall be MY children, and I will do anything to keep them safe.'

Ryker swore with determined eyes, that he would become stronger in the future. Strong enough to prevent any harm from happening to his loved ones.

'Yet for now, for now i will enjoy my life to the fullest.' He thought as he smiled while watching Illya move her cute tiny fingers around in her sleep.

It, as usual, took a while before Iris and Illya woke up. The latter quickly crawling onto him as if seeking his attention. While the former snatching his left arm, as if trying to keep him to herself.


Releasing a sigh at the antics of the pair, Ryker thought to himself, 'Like mother, like daughter. I would say I look forward to Illya growing up, but I really don't. If she's anything like I think she will be, her childish side might be even worse then her mother…oh well, at the worst she will forever be my little girl.'

It took him nearly a half an hour to pacify the duo whom seemed strangely competitive against one another.

Afterwards he picked Illya up and brought her over to the carpet to make due on his promise to spend the day together. Iris on the other hand just continued to lazily rest on the bed, while watching Ryker and Illya with a loving smile that graced her lips.

Laying in his usual spot on the carpet Ryker picked up a toy shaped like a ball as he rolled it at Illya who immediately kicked it back In his direction. She had gotten really good at using her legs as of late and Ryker figured it wasn't long before she learned to walk.

The two rolled the ball back and forth with Illya bouncing and hopping to and fro, before she eventually wanted to try another game as she gave up the ball and crawled towards another toy.

This time she brought back a few doll that she had been rather fond off lately. The dolls themselves had been modeled after miniature versions of the three of them, and Illya had been quite interested in them for a while now.

After grabbing them she handed the mini Ryker doll over to him before bouncing over to the bed and handing Iris her own.

"My~ my~ thank you sweetheart." Iris said as she kissed Illya's forehead while remaining on the bed.

Releasing a cute giggle Illya quickly crawled her way back and plopped herself in front of Ryker.

Laughing at how adorable she was, Ryker began to play with Illya until lunchtime came around and they all enjoyed a nice meal together.

Ryker had gotten used to just lazing about and found it relaxing on both the body and mind. Of course it didn't help much when you had two white haired cuties who did almost nothing but laze about.

After lunch, Ryker decided that they should go on a walk together and get some fresh air.

Iris hearing that she would need to get out of bed though was rather sad, "Ehh? I don't want to get up though dear~, cant we just go to sleep, please~." She begged in mock sadness.

Just when Ryker was hesitating, Illya who was in his arms resting her head against his shoulder suddenly spun around and looked at her mother before releasing a "Waa!" noise, while pointing at her with her finger as if admonishing her.

Ryker seeing the adorable action, began laughing heartily, "Haha! You tell her Illya! Come on lazy butt, you need to get some sun ever once in a while!"

Reaching down, Ryker throw the blanket off of her and wrapped his free arm around her waist before hoisting her up onto his shoulder.


Ignoring her, Ryker helped her get changed into her white soft coat, skillfully with only one hand, much to the amusement of Illya who was giggling away like there was no tomorrow.

Once she was dressed, Ryker bundled Illya up in an adorable pink coat meant for babies before plopping a cute, fuzzy head piece that covered her ears, onto her head.

After getting wrapped up into a bundle Illya exclaimed in baby tongue, "Kyaa!".

With the mother daughter pair dressed, Ryker once again picked up Iris before carrying the wide eyed duo out the door and into the world or ice and snow.

They hadn't gotten to far from the castle, when Ryker picked up what sounded like a sword being swung.

Having an idea as to who it was, Ryker began walking towards the noise, holding Iris on one shoulder, and Illya on the other.

Reaching the location where the sounds were originating from, Ryker saw Saber doing some practice swings within the forest.

She had been spending most of her time either enjoying tea with Iris, talking to Ryker or practicing her sword techniques so as to not get rusty.

Seeing she had already noticed them and had wrapped up her training, Ryker made his way over before exclaiming, "Hey Saber, care to join us for a walk?"

Saber seeing Ryker caring the two girls while saying they were on a 'walk' was rather confused for a second, but getting over the oddness of the situation rather quickly she replied, "Sure, I had just finished up with my training so if lady Irisviel and Lady Illyasviel don't mind me tagging along I would love to join you." Towards the end of her sentence, Saber placed her right hand over her chest and bowed slightly, in a traditional knights salute.

Ryker smiled gently, but it was Iris who was on his shoulder that replied, "We would...Ryker~ Darling~ mind turning me around?" Ryker who just now realized that Iris' butt was facing his front rather then her head, so he turned his back to Saber so that Iris could say what she wanted.

Iris who was now facing the proper direction, lifted her chest until she was roughly parallel to the ground and then tilted her head up so that she was now able to properly look at Saber before continuing, "Ahh much better, where was I?"

Saber seeing the two acting like that released a soft giggle before helping Iris out, "Irisviel it was about me joining you for a walk i assume?"

With a humorous expression on her face, Iris spoke as if she never had forgotten in the first place, "We would love to have you join us on our 'walk' Saber, fufufu~."

"Uwahh!" As if copying her mother, Illya looked over Ryker's shoulder at Saber before 'speaking' out in agreement.

Even Saber who usually had a graceful and dignified baring, not shaming her status as a king in the least, couldn't resist the adorable actions of a certain white bunny, as she began to chuckle rather heartily before walking next to the trio.

After putting Iris down so she could walk on her own, the four began their afternoon walk through the snow covered forest.

Ryker attempting to explain things to Illya whenever she pointed at something, and the two girls, Saber and Iris making small talk while enjoying the peace.

Thus another day passed for the family in joy and laughter.


(Author's Note: If anyone is confused about why Iris seems to swap between childish and mature, its because that's just how her personality is. Its only been a few years since she was created, so its not really a surprise that she acts like a child due to her lack of experience, yet she has learned what it means to be mature through the birth of her daughter. This caused her personality to develop the way it did. For those wondering when Saber will join the Harem, I hear you don't worry, we're in for a long ride, I promise it will be a Harem, and Saber will have her moment. I don't want to write a story about 'conquest' as people are not just 'objects' to be taken when convenient. I want to create a 'reality' through words. One which we can view with our imagination and connect to on a deeper level then just base desires.

Also how about that rhyme bellow??!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )