A Blind Date?

Li Qin Yao didn't mean to eavesdrop to others' conversation.

In her defense, she could not avoid herself from eavesdropping as the man was seated just beside her. Besides, that man had a charming voice.

Anyway, she was probably too bored.

Li Qin Yao was having her dinner in a local sushi restaurant all by herself after her best friend, Han Yue Xiu, texted her that she had an emergency at work and that she was probably going to show up late to their date.

At that time, Li Qin Yao was eyeing her favorite sushi on the conveyor belt when she sensed that someone had sat down on her left side.

She turned to catch a glimpse at the man, but because his back was facing her, Li Qin Yao could not get a clear look of his face. All she could see was the back of his head, his short, dark, black hair and his broad shoulder.

She did, however, caught a glimpse of the man's company— a pretty young lady with long, dark hair and a pair of bright eyes. She was looking at him as if he was the only person who exists in this world.

From her observation, it seemed like the person who sat next to her was on a date?

Li Qin Yao turned around from the couple before the two caught her staring and embarrassed herself. She decided to mind her own business until she heard his voice. He had the kind of voice that she liked. Deep, rich, vibrating. The voice that can make her ears ticklish and her heart runs as if she had completed a marathon.

"No, I'm usually too busy with things that I don't have time to see anyone," she heard the man beside her spoke. He tried to speak in a lower voice, but that only makes his voice sound richer.

Li Qin Yao grabbed the cup in front of her and drank.

Her ears could pick up to the couple's conversations since she had nothing else to do. However, Li Qin Yao's drinks almost spilled out as she heard the girl's self-introduction.

Judging from how they began the conversation with an introduction like this, could it be that they had a blind date? But, who on earth would start an introduction with how much they earn yearly? It was a big no-no as this will only give the wrong impression that the girl is materialistic. Unless of course, if the man was looking for a rich lady to support his life.

Li Qin Yao glanced at the girl with sympathy.

"I heard that you are in sales." The girl's smile widened, and she blinked her eyes prettily.

The man was quiet for a while before he answered, "You could say that," his voice sounded hesitant. "I'm an insurance salesman."

Li Qin Yao glanced and saw the girl's smile slowly faded. "Oh?"

She could understand the girl's fading interest towards the guy when she heard what he do for a living.

Not that she looked down on an insurance salesperson, but she has encountered a few insurance salespeople who won't stop pestering her to buy a new plan despite her polite refusal.

Li Qin Yao decided to stop eavesdropping after the girl started to talk more about herself by diverting her attention towards the conveyor belt. She snatched a plate of Tamago sushi.

She picked up the chopstick with her right hand and fiddled with her phone with the other one. She frowned when her phone blinked, indicating that she had an incoming call.

Her phone did not ring as she had set it to silent mode when she arrived in the restaurant. Li Qin Yao looked at the screen of her phone. It was Han Yue Xiu.

Li Qin Yao put down her chopstick and swiped her finger on the screen to answer the call. "Where are you?" she did not waste her time with pleasantries.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Yao Yao! I really can't make it today," Yue Xiu said, sounding apologetic.

"I'll make it up to you!"


"I'll buy you dinner the next time."

Li Qin Yao heaved a sigh. "You know that I didn't get to go out this often."

"I know. It's a rare chance to ask you out. I know you had to ditch your boyfriend just to see me." Yue Xiu said, making her laugh. "But you know that I can never leave until my boss leaves this building."

Li Qin Yao and Han Yue Xiu have been friends for years. When Li Qin Yao parents were divorced when she was fourteen, Li Qin Yao followed her mother to B City. Back then, Li Qin Yao did not have any friends, and Han Yue Xiu was her first friend she made in B City. When Li Qin Yao turned eighteen, she moved to the capital city to stay with her father and keep contact with Yue Xiu.