Her Background Isn’t Simple

Wei Jun Hao took a deep breath to calm down. He found it hard to speak when his friend was looking at him with a piercing gaze. It looked like Zhang Yu Han's penetrating gaze has gotten more spine-chilling as he gets older.

"When I found out that the girl you're looking for was not part of LH High School, I asked my men to search for a Li Qin Yao who was residing in B City," Wei Jun Hao said. "Do you know how hard it is to look for this information in just two days? But…in the end, he found two Li Qin Yao who is currently residing in B City. Take a look at the file. Is one of them is the girl you're looking for?"

Zhang Yu Han pulled out the papers from the folder. Inside, there were two sets or paper. He scanned the first set of paper and flipped to the next page where a few photographs were attached.

His heart immediately dropped as he glanced at the picture.

The first Li Qin Yao was beautiful. However, this girl was not the person he was looking for.

Zhang Yu Han tossed the paper to his friend. His fingers paused as he took out the second paper. He did not want to get disappointed again if Wei Jun Hao failed to find her. Zhang Yu Han quickly got rid of his negative thought and looked at the second set of paper.

He looked at her name, and then, he went straight to the next page with attached pictures, and his eyes went wide as he saw the familiar face.

This was his Li Qin Yao!

"This is the girl you've been looking for?" Wei Jun Hao spoke. He has been spying behind Zhang Yu Han for a while and noticed the change in his expression right away.

Wei Jun Hao peeked at the photograph in his friend's hand. The girl in the picture had a small, cutesy face. Her peach blossom eyes and full lips gave her a slight mature look. No wonder Zhang Yu Han has not stopped thinking about this girl. He admitted that this Li Qin Yao had her charm.

"Hmm…" Zhang Yu Han nodded. He swiftly shoved the pictures back into the folder when he noticed that his friend was looking at the picture.

Jun Hao clicked his tongue at his childish act. A frown appeared on his face as he recalled something about the girl.

"Are you sure that this is the girl you're looking for?" Jun Hao asked again. "According to my investigation, her background isn't as simple."

Zhang Yu Han raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

Jun Hao snatched the papers from Yu Han and flipped through the pages and stopped. Then he shoved it back to his friend.

"She was never a student at LH High School. This Li Qin Yao spent her childhood to high school in the capital city, and I don't know why she appeared at the competition ten years ago as part of LH High School's girls' team. But, I'm guessing that she was there to support someone she knows."

Zhang Yu Han listened to Jun Hao's explanation with his eyes glued to the papers in his hand.

"But that is not the most interesting part about this Li Qin Yao." Wei Jun Hao continued. There was a strange smile on his face.

"Stop pausing in the middle of your explanation. Speak clearly," Zhang Yu Han urged.

Wei Jun Hao coughed. "Are you familiar with QL Group Property? They had lands and buildings all over the country. They are mostly developing lands in the capital city as their headquarter was located there."

Zhang Yu Han might have left the country for years, but there was no way that he had not heard of a big company as QL Group Property. He replied Jun Hao with a nod. "Go on."

"Well, this Li Qin Yao is the granddaughter of Chairman Li Ren Xin of QL Group Property." Jun Hao said. "She was one of the heiresses competing for the top position in the group. Until two years ago, when an accident happened to one of the projects she was handling. A few people died, and later, she resigned."

Zhang Yu Han flipped through the papers in his hand as he read the findings on his Li Qin Yao. He read the result of the investigation attentively as he did not want to miss anything about the girl he was searching for.

"A few months after she resigned, she moved to B City and lived with her mother. And now she's operating a small cafe in B City."

Wei Jun Hao opened his mouth to continue talking about what he had found out about the girl, but he noticed that something was off with his friend. He peeked at the paper again to look at what Zhang Yu Han been staring at for a while.

It was Li Qin Yao's status.

Status: In a Relationship.

She has a boyfriend!