His Birthday Was Two Months Ago

When Wei Jun Hao arrived at Zhang Yu Han's office in the center of Y City, the assistant, Xiao Ye informed him that his boss was in a meeting with a few high-level managers in his office. Xiao Ye invited Wei Jun Hao into the waiting room and served him with some refreshments.

Almost half an hour later, the managers walked out of Zhang Yu Han's office.

Wei Jun Hao waited for a few seconds before he knocked on the door twice and invited himself into the room.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Yu Han spoke without lifting his head. His assistant had informed him earlier that his friend, Wei Jun Hao, was waiting for him in the lounge. Now that his meeting ended, it's natural that Wei Jun Hao would enter his room.

Jun Hao approached the table and sat down across his best friend. "I'm here to deliver some files," he said as he put two brown envelopes on the table and pushed it towards Yu Han. "As you instructed. There won't be any other problem with the contractor."

Zhang Yu Han lifted his head. Once he saw the envelopes, he put down the pen in his hand and reached to take the envelopes. He took out the contents and read the contents with full concentration. Once he was convinced that there was no other problem, Zhang Yu Han turned to his friend and nodded. "Thank you."

Wei Jun Hao replied with a lazy shrug. "Hey, you paid me for this job."

He picked up his pen again and started to jot something on his book. Then, Zhang Yu Han looked up when he realized that his friend was still around, sitting comfortably in his office. "You have something else you want to say to me?"

Wei Jun Hao stared at his friend before he spoke, "Are you still upset about the investigation findings? So you're giving up just like this?" Wei Jun Hao frowned.

"Giving up what? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Li Qin Yao."

Zhang Yu Han paused as he heard her name. Then he continued doing his work as if Jun Hao had not spoken to him earlier.

"She's not married," Wei Jun Hao pointed out. "It's not too late for you to win her heart."

"Do you think I'm that sort of person who would disturb others relationship? I like her, but I am not going to do something as immoral as that," Zhang Yu Han said before his friend could finish what he was going to say. "What does this has got to do with you anyway?"

"This is the first girl you had your interest in," Wei Jun Hao tilted his head sideways and continued, "Isn't Li Qin Yao's your first love? The person you fell in love at first sight?"

Zhang Yu Han gazed at his friend with a dangerous stare. "Stop it. You're too cheesy."

"My point is, you have been searching for her for ten years. As your best buddy, of course, I'm concerned about you," Wei Jun Hao said with a sigh.

Wei Jun Hao initially had no intention to pay attention to Zhang Yu Han's interest in Li Qin Yao. But every time Wei Jun Hao recalled the look his best friend had when he found out that the girl he fancied had a boyfriend, Wei Jun Hao felt that he should help his best friend. After all, Zhang Yu Han did not have much experience with wooing girls.

Besides, Wei Jun Hao had an ulterior motive. For years, he had fancied Zhang Yu Han's younger sister. He thought that if he helped Zhang Yu Han wooing this girl now, later on, maybe his friend would give him his support when he tries to court his sister.

Zhang Yu Han chuckled at his word. He looked at Wei Jun Hao with a sharp look and pointed towards the door. "Get out."

Wei Jun Hao stood up with both hands raised. "Okay! Okay! Don't get upset!" It was just as he thought. His friend was still upset. If only he met Li Qin Yao earlier, then maybe he would stand a chance. But now, it is too late. The girl he fancied was in a relationship.

Wei Jun Hao walked towards the door and paused as he recalled his other reason for showing up in Zhang Yu Han's office. "I almost forgot," he took out a silver card from his coat and turned back. "I came to invite you to my birthday party."

"Your birthday was two months ago." Zhang Yu Han frowned. Didn't they fly back to the capital city and celebrated Wei Jun Hao's birthday at one of the Zhang Group's five stars hotel?

"There are no rules that say we couldn't have another celebration it two months later," Wei Jun Hao pointed out.

Zhang Yu Han took a deep breath and turned to his friend with piercing eyes. "If you wanted to throw a party and have fun, go ahead. I'm not going."

Wei Jun Hao chuckled at his best friend's hostility. "Even if I tell you that Cafe Lilium will cater to the food and drinks?" The smile on his lips widened when he saw Zhang Yu Han's movement stopped.