He Seemed Familiar

Once they were inside the private room, Zhang Yu Han noticed the unhappy look that his grandfather's face. Zhang Yu Han blinked and pretended that he did not understand that look. "What?"

The frown on Zhang Jing's forehead deepened. "What do you mean, what? Why did you tug on my sleeve like that? Who were the two girls? Did you think that I'm blind that I did not see how you were trying to get away from there? Why won't you introduce me to them?"

Zhang Yu Han chuckled. If only his grandfather knew that he was only trying to stop his grandfather from initiating a conversation with that girl, what will he say?

"Grandfather, don't misunderstand me," Zhang Yu Han spoke. "I haven't had my lunch today, and I'm famished. I wasn't trying to get away or anything. As for the two girls, I wasn't even an acquaintance. One of the girls is a cafe owner from B City. Wei Jun Hao employed her cafe to cater to food for his party. I met her at Jun Hao's party just now,"

Zhang Jing continued to watch his grandson with his sharp eyes. Once he could not detect anything unusual from Zhang Yu Han's explanation, he heaved a sigh. "Forget it," he pulled a chair and sat down. "Since you're hungry, let's order quickly. We can continue our discussion while waiting." He looked at his grandson again and hit him hard on the shoulder. "Brat, when are you going to bring me a granddaughter-in-law?"


Meanwhile, Li Qin Yao was not free from her best friend's interrogation as well. Once the two men disappeared from their sight, Han Yue Xiu poked Li Qin Yao's arms. Her eyes brightened with curiosity. "Who was that? Yao Yao, why didn't I know that you know someone as a good looking like him? Anyway, he seemed familiar. why do I feel like I've seen him before?"

Li Qin Yao thought about the man for a while before she answered. "He's an insurance salesperson."

With the assumption that the man must have tried to sell insurance to her best friend, the light in Han Yue Xiu's eyes dimmed.

Li Qin Yao suppressed a smile as she watched Han Yue Xiu's changing expression. They both did not like to be around an insurance salesperson that much.

In Li Qin Yao's case, she did not like an insurance salesperson simply because she had encountered a few salesmen who won't stop pestering her. But, in Han Yue Xiu case, she had once dated an insurance salesman. At that time, Han Yue Xiu had bought a few insurance plans from her ex-boyfriend for her family.

Later on, Han Yue Xiu's mother was admitted to the hospital and required surgery. Once Han Yue Xiu contacted her ex-boyfriend to claim the insurance money, her ex gave her a lot of excuses. In the end, he disappeared.

"Come on," Li Qin Yao pulled on her friend's arm. "You promised that you're going to accompany me to shop. I need to pick up a tea set for my grandfather's birthday before the shop close."

The two got on Li Qin Yao's car and headed to a shopping mall. Once they arrived, the two girls headed straight to a tea shop. Li Qin Yao gave her order receipt, and the salesperson went into the back room to fetch her tea set. The two girls then walked around to look at the various tea type sold while they waited.

Han Yue Xiu picked up a wooden tea canister and examined the carving. Then she turned to her friend and asked, "Are you going to bring Chen Hao along with you to the capital? I recalled that you hadn't introduced Chen Hao to your grandfather."

Li Qin Yao pressed her lips as she thought over the question. She had introduced her boyfriend to her mother, but she had never told Chen Hao about her father's side of the family.

Before this, Li Qin Yao did not dare to say to Chen Hao about her background as she was worried that Chen Hao might be intimidated by her. But now that they have dated for months, she didn't know how to tell him about it. What if Chen Hao thought of her as a liar?

"Do you think it's time for me to introduce him to my grandfather? Don't you think it's too early?"

Han Yue Xiu tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and turned to Li Qin Yao with a shrug. "You have been dating him for a while." She pointed out."But, if your heart thinks that he's not the one, then, introducing him to your family after dating for ten years can be considered too early."

Li Qin Yao frowned. She understood what her friend was telling her. Silently Li Qin Yao made a plan in her mind to introduce her boyfriend to his grandfather later. "I will introduce him to my grandfather soon. But now is not the right time. It's my grandfather's 70th birthday, and Li Mu Bai said grandfather have something to announce."