The Couple Had a Good Relationship

Chen Hao was supposed to pick up Li Qin Yao before they headed to the restaurant. However, at the last minute, Chen Hao's mother sent him to an errand.

Because Li Qin Yao did not want to make things difficult for her boyfriend, she told her boyfriend that she would be meeting him at the restaurant.

The meeting point where Li Qin Yao and Chen Hao agreed on was ten minutes' walk away from the train station. Looking at her wristwatch and noticed that there was still time before the meeting, Lin Qin Yao decided to visit a store and bought a few health supplements for Chen Hao's parents.

Once the gifts were bought and wrapped up nicely, Li Qin Yao headed to the restaurant.

On her way to the meeting point, as Li Qin Yao walked pass a cafe, she heard a familiar voice calling up her name. By now, the deep, rich voice had now become accustomed to her. When Li Qin Yao turned around, she was not surprised to see that it was Zhang Yu Han.

Meanwhile, Zhang Yu Han was stupefied when the girl in front of him turned around. He thought that the green mint dress complimented her white skin, and making her look a few years younger.

The moment Li Qin Yao turned around with that tinge smile on her face, Zhang Yu Han felt his heart swelled. The feeling was as if he had fallen for the girl in front of him all over again.

Zhang Yu Han cleared his throat and smiled. "Miss Li? It was nice to see you again."

Li Qin Yao touched her ears. The way Zhang Yu Han called out her name always make her ears ticklish. "Mister Zhang," she greeted him politely. She looked around and noticed that he was alone. "Are you here to eat?"

As the street was lined up with famous restaurants and cafes of various cuisine and delicacies, Li Qin Yao guessed that Zhang Yu Han must come to eat with someone.

"Hmm," Zhang Yu Han nodded. "I heard that there is a lot of good restaurants here."

Earlier, Zhang Yu Han was surprised when he saw her familiar silhouette walking on the street. As his grandfather had not arrived yet, Zhang Yu Han decided to say hello.

The last time he saw Li Qin Yao was a week ago at one of their group's hotel in Capital City. At that time, Li Qin Yao was meeting a friend, and Zhang Yu Han could only watch her from a distance as he did not want to disturb her.

Li Qin Yao noticed that Zhang Yu Han was holding a few files in his hands and decided to tease him. "You're not here to meet a client and try to sell insurance, are you?"

Zhang Yu Han was stunned at her question. Then, he burst into a laugh. "No. I'm here to accompany my grandfather for lunch."

"Oh," Li Qin Yao averted her gaze. The first time she came face to face with Zhang Yu Han, Li Qin Yao thought that he was cold and indifferent with the vibe he gave. However, recently, she started to notice that Zhang Yu Han had a really nice smile.

"Are you here alone?" Zhang Yu Han asked.

"No. I'm on my way to meet someone."

"Your boyfriend?"

The smile on Li Qin Yao's lips widened.

Seeing the way her smile bloomed, Zhang Yu Han was stunned. He knew from her smile that this time, he had guessed it right. A hint of disappointment flashed through his eyes, but Zhang Yu Han quickly recovered and pretended that nothing was wrong.

"Then, I wish you had a pleasant date."

"Thank you, Mister Zhang. If you come to B City again, you must come over to my cafe."

Zhang Yu Han nodded. As he watched Li Qin Yao walked away, he felt a tug in his heart. He had seen the girl's boyfriend a few times and knew that the couple had a good relationship. At this time, Zhang Yu Han regretted that he did not show up earlier in her life. Or else, perhaps he would be the one who stayed in her heart.

With a sigh, Zhang Yu Han turned around and headed to his destination. He entered the restaurant and chose a seat by the window to make it easier for his grandfather to look for him. While he waited, Zhang Yu Han went through the papers he brought along.

After five minutes, he found that he could not concentrate on his work as his mind would replay the smile on the girl's face when he mentioned his boyfriend.

At this time, his grandfather, Zhang Jing, showed up with his assistance.

Once Zhang Jing saw his grandson, he waved away his assistant and sat at an empty seat before Zhang Yu Han. "Have you waited long?"

Zhang Yu Han shook his head. "I haven't been here for too long."He raised a hand and gestured for the waiter to come over.

Zhang Jing glanced at the menu and frowned. "Of all the restaurants and cafes along the street, why do you invite me to a vegetarian restaurant?"

"Didn't the doctor reminds you to eat less meat and have more vegetable?" Zhang Yu Han raised a brow, and his mouth curled into a crooked smile. He gazed at the menu and made his decision. "Normally, I don't mind accompanying you to another place, but grandfather, let's not forget that you have a check-up next morning."

Zhang Jing cleared his throat twice. He knew that the doctor would not hesitate to scold him if his check-up result was not satisfying.

The waiter came to pour some drink, took their order, and went back to the counter to key in the order.

Once the waiter left, Zhang Jing eyed the documents on his grandson's side. He didn't have to ask to know that those documents contained his grandson's plan for their future project. Zhang Jing took a few sips from his drink and asked, "When will Yu Ying return?"

"In two months." Zhang Yu Han said. "Once she settles a few things in T Country, Yu Ying will return. I already mentioned to her my plan, and she had no problem to take over the management for the new hotel."