They are Only Rumors

Zhang Jing looked up with an anticipating look on his face when his assistant walked in into his room. He took a deep breath, and the smile on his face widened as he inhaled the delicious food. He waved the assistant over and pointed at the coffee table at the side.

Assistant Huo immediately understood and brought the takeaway food to the table. Zhang Jing went over, took out the box, and swallowed at the sight of BBQ ribs. "This is from that Old Man Lian's restaurant, right?"

"Yes," Assistant Huo nodded. Facing the meat lover Chairman, Assistant Huo felt the corner of his lips started to twitch "I went there and watched Old Man Lian prepared them, Chairman Zhang."

Zhang Jing laughed with satisfaction. He picked up the spareribs and put it in his mouth. Once the taste spread into his mouth, Zhang Jing closed his eyes to savor the flavor.

Assistant Huo stood at the side silently as he watched the Chairman had his lunch before he subconsciously swallowed and looked away. His gaze then fell at the documents in his hand and frowned.

When Assistant Huo saw the reports in the documents earlier, he was shocked. Although he knew that he should report it back to the Chairman right away, Assistant Huo could not bear to disturb the Chairman before he finished his lunch.

"Why are you still here?" Zhang Jing asked.

Assistant Huo snapped out of his trance and displayed a diplomatic smile. "I have something to report. But I'll wait for you to finish your meal first."

Zhang Jing narrowed his eyes as he watched his assistant, but did not say a word. Since Assistant Huo was willing to wait, then, the matter was not very important. Therefore, Zhang Jing took his time to savor the meal in front of him.

Ever since he chose to stay a night at the hospital, his grandson, Zhang Yu Han, has been controlling his diet. He was forced to be a vegetarian and had not eaten meat for a week!

Usually, Zhang Yu Han would sometimes give in to his pleading, but this time, he was not willing to budge! Although he made Doctor Xia play an act with him by saying that there was a mistake in his initial report, his grandson was unmoved.

In the end, he could only ask Assistant Huo to sneak out and buy him some BBQ ribs from his favorite restaurant. Fortunately, his grandson was away to discuss a few matters with his friend, Wei Jun Hao. Zhang Jing wondered if he made the right decision to pretend to be sick and suffered.

Once he had finished his meal, Zhang Jing sighed with satisfaction before he wrapped the evidence and had his assistant to throw it away. Then, he leaned on the couch and stretched his hand. "What is it? Give it to me?"

Assistant Huo hesitated but then moved to give the report. He watched as the Chairman flipped through the documents anxiously at the side. "Previously, I did not investigate Miss Li thoroughly as I did not have much time, and we were not sure which Miss Li you were looking for."

Zhang Jing read through the part where Li Qin Yao's scandal was reported. Two years ago, she made a mistake in one of the QL projects and caused a few death.

"Chairman Zhang, do you think it's good to let the young master hang around with a person like this?"

Zhang Jing frowned at Assistant Huo's question. He had spent his time chatting with the young girl last week and liked her right away. From what he understood, although his grandson fancied the girl, Zhang Yu Han and Li Qin Yao were not that close yet. At best, they were merely an acquaintance.

Despite that, Li Qin Yao did not mind to eat with an older man like him, and they chatted for hours about unimportant things with him. As an elder, how can he not like anyone who did not mind to listen to his ramblings?

"So she made a mistake. What about it? Humans are never free from mistakes. Just because one made mistakes, doesn't mean that she's a bad person." He tossed the paper on the table and said, "Moreover, they are only rumors."

Assistant Huo opened his mouth to speak again, but Chairman Zhang beat him to it.

"Years ago, there were rumors that I kept a mistress, and my wife had a heart attack once she found out about it. Do you think that's true?"

"Chairman Zhang, I've been around you for years. When do you have time to look for a mistress?" Assistant Huo smiled. "Besides, we all know how much you love the late madame."

Zhang Jing scoffed. "Assistant Huo, we've been in this industry for a long time to know that we should not trust a rumor blindly."

Assistant Huo took a deep breath and nodded. "I understand."

"Forget it," Zhang Jing waved his hand. "Even if it's true that one made that mistake, that doesn't mean that one cannot change. Assistant Huo, don't think about this matter too much. In the end, if Yu Han likes a person, I won't stop him. As long as she did not harm Yu Han, just let them be."

Assistant Huo nodded again. The two had a brief chat before Assistant Huo decided to retreat. Once Assistant Huo turned the knob and swung the door open, his eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Zhang Yu Han in front of him. "Y-young master."

Zhang Yu Han's knuckles paused mid-air. He was about to knock on the door before Assistant Huo appeared. "Is my grandfather in?"

Assistant Huo nodded. Then he stepped aside to let Zhang Yu Han in.

Zhang Jing stood up abruptly when he heard his grandson's voice. "Why are you here? Didn't you said you were going to meet your friend?"

"Jun Hao received a call from his client," Zhang Yu Han said. He walked further into the room and stopped. His nose moved as he detected something. Then, he walked over to his grandfather and stared at him. "Grandfather, you had BBQ ribs for lunch? I can smell them in your room."

Zhang Jing felt the corner of his mouth started to twitch. Has his grandson turned into a dog? Why was his nose so sensitive?

In the end, Zhang Jing had no other choice but to push everything to his assistant. "It wasn't me. It was Assistant Huo. We had lunch together while discussing something." Zhang Jing looked away from his grandson's gaze.

As the Chairman of Zhang Group and the head of the family, Zhang Jing held the most power and was domineering in his decision making. However, there were times when he was scared of his grandson. Zhang Yu Han can be very strict when it concerned about his health.

Zhang Yu Han glanced at Assistant Huo and saw the plastic bag in his hand. Then, he took out his handkerchief and leaned forward to wipe the corner of his grandfather's mouth.

Zhang Jing stood rigidly at his grandson's sudden move. His heartbeat escalated.

"If you're going to lie, then at least try to get rid of the evidence thoroughly," Zhang Yu Han said as he showed the BBQ sauce stain on his handkerchief. "Grandfather, your vegetarian diet will extend for another two weeks."