
After staying in B City for a week, Han Yue Xiu finally decided to return to Y City and went back home. As soon as she opened up the door, she could see specks of dust floating around everywhere. Instantly, she let out a cough.

"I left this place for a week and look at the amount of dust!"

Li Qin Yao looked around and lifted her hand to cover her nose. "It was not so bad. Go and open up the window. It will be fine after we clean it up a bit."

Han Yue Xiu turned to her friend with her eyes wide. "You're going to help me clean?"

The corner of Li Qin Yao's mouth twitched when her friend gave her that puppy eyes. She pushed Han Yue Xiu inside and said, "I'll help. Then, you're going to buy me dinner, alright?"

"Sure. Sure. I'll buy you dinner," Han Yue Xiu said with a helpless expression.

Then, the two girls went inside and cleaned up the apartment a little bit. When they finished, the sky has almost turned dark.

"What do you want to eat?" Han Yue Xiu asked as she slumped on her seat.

Li Qin Yao thought about it for a while before she replied, "You decide. As someone from Y City, you should know the best place to eat. Surprise me. I'm not picky about food."

Han Yue Xiu groaned. It was always frustrating when she had to decide on what and where to eat.

At this time, the doorbell rang. The two girls exchanged a glance and Li Qin Yao raised a brow inquiringly. "Don't tell me you already ordered takeaway?"

"Do you think the food would arrive this quick?" Han Yue Xiu rolled her eyes, grabbed a small pillow and threw it to her friend. "I'll go and check." Then, she sat up and walked over to the door. "Who is it?" The minute she peeked into the peephole, Han Yue Xiu's face turned pale.

Sensing that there was no movement at Han Yue Xiu's side, Li Qin Yao turned around. "What's wrong?"

The person at the door knocked again.

"You're not going to answer?" Li Qin Yao asked.

Swiftly, Han Yue Xiu put a finger at her lips, signaling her friend to be quiet. "It's my boss," Han Yue Xiu spoke in a hushed voice.

"I know you're inside, Han Yue Xiu. I can hear your voice." the man knocked on the door again. "Come on. We need to talk. I'm not leaving until you talk to me."

Han Yue Xiu's widened her eyes. She looked at Li Qin Yao in panic. "What should I do?"

"How should I know?" Li Qin Yao replied in the same hushed voice. Whether Han Yue Xiu wanted to talk to her ex-boss or not, was a matter that Han Yue Xiu had to figure out herself.

In fact, Han Yue Xiu had heard from the others that her former boss has been looking for her since the day she quit her job. It's just that, she did not expect that he would come and look for her here.

The knocking on the door stopped, but the man's voice could still be heard, urging her to talk to him. After biting at her fingernails and contemplating, Han Yue Xiu took a deep breath and unlocked the door.

"Boss Song, stop making too much noise and disturbing my neighbors," Han Yue Xiu said. She crossed her arms on her chest. "Why are you here?"

"Come to work tomorrow."

"I have resigned."

"I did not accept your resignation. Come back to work tomorrow."

Han Yue Xiu stared at the man before her in dumbfounded.

"I'm going to treat your one-week absence as vacations. So, come back to work tomorrow." Song Yi spoke in a gentle voice, surprising Han Yue Xiu.

However, Han Yue Xiu clenched her hands tightly and started arguing back.

As the two people argued at the door, Li Qin Yao leaned sideways to peek at Han Yue Xiu's scary ex-boss. When Li Qin Yao saw the person who stood at the door, she got a bit disappointed. Han Yue Xiu's boss was not as scary-looking as her friend had described. I fact, Li Qin Yao thought that he looked young and polite.

Well, they did say not to judge a book by its cover.

Sensing the movement from the inside, Han Yue Xiu's boss looked up and met with Li Qin Yao's gaze. He paused for a moment before he gave her a nod.

Li Qin Yao returned his nod before she spoke, "Why don't you discuss things inside? Or Yue Xiu, you're going to disturb your neighbors with your voice."

Han Yue Xiu hesitated before she moved slightly to let the man entered her apartment.

The man walked over to Li Qin Yao and greeted her. "Hello. I'm Song Yi. Han Yue Xiu's boss."

"Hello. Hello. I'm Yue Xiu's friend, Li Qin Yao," with a smile on her face, Li Qin Yao went over to shook hands with him.

"Sorry for bothering you this evening. It's just that," Song Yi glanced at Han Yue Xiu. "we have a bit of misunderstanding."

"There was no misunderstanding," Han Yue Xiu said. "Boss Song, it doesn't matter if you did not accept my resignation. I still want to resign."

He turned to look at Han Yue Xiu. "But why?"

"What do you mean why?" Han Yue Xiu's face turned a few shades darker at his question. "I had to work for you seven days a week. I worked hard but still, you would always find faults with me. I was unhappy. Do you think I would want to continue working under you? I'm not a masochist."

Song Yi stared at Han Yue Xiu with his eyes wide. He opened up his mouth to speak, and paused as he saw Li Qin Yao's presence. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke again. "Then, I won't ask you to come over every day or find faults with you. Han Yue Xiu, you stay, alright?"

Of course, Li Qin Yao noticed the strange look on Song Yi's face that made her feel like she was a big light bulb between the two of them. Li Qin Yao shifted around uncomfortably, as she weight upon what she should do.

Looking at the two's situations, Li Qin Yao knew that they have to discuss things. After all, Han Yue Xiu had resigned and disappeared just like that last week. As an employer, she knew how frustrating it would be when a good employee suddenly quit without much explanation. Song Yi seemed to value Han Yue Xiu as his employee, but the way he treated this employee was also strange.

However, Li Qin Yao also knew that it would not be wise to leave the two alone. She heard a few things from Han Yue Xiu and her impression of Song Yi was not that good.

After a few minutes watching the two continue to argue, Li Qin Yao scooted towards the sofa where she put down her purse. Seeing that the two of them had not spoken another word, Li Qin Yao grabbed her purse and walked towards the door.

"That," Li Qin Yao spoke in a low voice, but the quiet surrounding turned her voice loud. "I'll give you guys some space to discuss whatever is going on between the two of you, alright."

"Yao Yao!" Han Yue Xiu called in a panic.

Li Qin Yao gave her friend a look before she turned to Song Yi. "Mister Song. I will come back again after an hour. If anything happened to my friend after I returned, I will not hesitate to call the police."