Reveal the Votes

As the argument between Zhao Wei and Li Ming Hao intensified, Li Ren Xin, as the chairman of QL Group finally snapped and banged his palm on top of the table twice.

Immediately, the room turned quiet. Everyone could see the anger in Chairman Li's eyes. Though he had passed most of his authority to the President, Li Mu Bai, and had rarely shown up at the company, there was no denying that everyone in the room still feared and respected him. After all, Li Ren Xin was the one who started up and built up the company to where they are now.

"Alright," Li Mu Bai spoke and killed off the tension in the room. "Since both of you wanted the project, then we'll resolve this the way we usually do. We'll vote."

From where she was seated, Li Qin Yao continued to observe everyone in the room.

Zhao Wei's lips tugged into a small smile, while Li Ming Han had a displeased look on his face. Li Ming Han then tore his gaze away from Zhao Wei and turned to Li Qin Yao with a dubious gaze.

It was then that Li Qin Yao understood why Li Ming Han had look for her earlier. Li Ming Han had predicted that the argument with their aunt will reach to this point.

On the other side of the table, Li Mu Bai massaged his forehead as she gave his mother a warning look when no one was looking. Zhao Wei looked away in guilt and turned to her daughter with a smile.

Before the voting began, Li Mu Bai made another announcement. Because Li Mu Chen is his sister, he refrained from voting. Zhao Wei looked at her son and smiled. It seemed that she had calculated that Li Mu Bai will abstain from voting this time. However, the confident smile on her face did not fade away. As someone who had been in the company for years, of course, Zhao Wei came prepared.

Because everything was computerized, the voting began and ended quickly. Once the result was revealed, both Zhao Wei and Li Mu Chen's face turned ugly, while Li Ming Han had a surprised look on his face. Li Ming Han had won with three percent more votes.

Seeing the result, Li Ming Han turned his head to look at Li Qin Yao. He tilted down his head and slowly, his lips curved into a smile.

Zhao Wei stood up from her seat as she looked at the staff who stood behind the computer at the front. "Are you sure this is not a mistake?"

Upon meeting Zhao Wei's furious look, the staff scrambled to check on the data on the computer. Then, with a slightly shaky voice, he reported back. "No there was no mistake in the data."

A flash of light passed through Zhao Wei's eyes. She then looked at the shareholders as she wondered if one of her supporters had betrayed her.

"If Manager Zhao Wei thinks that there was a mistake in the result, then perhaps, you should reveal the votes to the board," Li Ming Han suggested.

"Very well," Li Ren Xin spoke up before Zhao Wei could say anything. "Let's not waste time. Reveal them."

"Yes, Chairman Li," the staff nodded. He worked on the computer and soon, the voting result was projected on the big screen.

Zhao Wei clenched her hand into a fist as she focused on the screen to see who was among the man who had betrayed her. A slight frown appeared on her face when she saw that none of them had gone against their agreement. However, it was no denying that they had lost the project to Li Ming Han.

Once Zhao Wei saw the last name on the bottom of the list, her expression changed again. Her head turned from the screen to the back of the end of the table, where Li Qin Yao was munching on a chocolate bar.

Her heart surged with anger. She had forgotten that this time, Li Qin Yao had joined them in the shareholders meeting. Li Qin Yao's presence had disturbed her plan. Zhao Wei was sure that she was going to win the vote with her arrangement. But, she had forgotten that Li Qin Yao's vote will change everything.

At the front, Li Mu Bai made a speech to conclude the meeting before he announced that the meeting will continue after the lunch break. Soon, everyone started to leave the room. Zhao Wei ignored the others who had approached her for lunch and leaned back on her seat with a complicated gaze.

"Mom, what happened?" Li Mu Chen walked over to her mother once the room was emptied. "Didn't you say that we will get this project from Ming Han?"

Zhao Wei shot a look at her daughter. "Didn't you see the result? We would have won the project if it was not for Qin Yao's vote!"

Li Mu Chen took a step back when she was suddenly scolded by her mother. After a brief hesitation, she placed a hand on her mother's shoulder. "Mom, maybe we were mistaken from the very beginning. Qin Yao did not attend the meeting because Grandfather wanted her to return to QL Groups. Perhaps this time, it was Ming Han who invited her to come. Anyway, we have been fighting with him for a month over this project."

Zhao Wei narrowed her eyes as she thought over what her daughter had said. What Li Mu Chen had said was possible. After all, if Chairman Li wanted to announce Li Qin Yao's comeback, he would have done so at the beginning of the meeting. It doesn't make sense to announce them towards the end.

Still, there was something that doesn't feel right. When Zhao Wei thought of Assistant Liang's son who had gotten close to Li Qin Yao, Zhao Wei knew that her father-in-law had something up his sleeve.

Li Qin Yao walked out of the elevator and stood at the lobby for a while to browse through her phone for a great place to eat. Earlier, she had planned to mooch lunch from her grandfather, but once she noticed that the others had invited him to lunch, Li Qin Yao changed her mind. Looking at the way the shareholders were looking at her, Li Qin Yao could sense that most of them were not comfortable with her presence. It seemed that they have not forgotten about the accident she caused two years ago.

Just as she was about to walk out the door, Li Qin Yao heard someone called out her name. When she turned around, she saw that Li Ming Han was walking towards her with his supporters trailing behind them.

"Cousin sister, are you going to lunch?" Li Ming Han asked with a bright smile on his face. "Since you have helped me earlier, then, let's go together. My treat."

Li Qin Yao noticed how others' expression started to change upon hearing Li Ming Han's invitation. Though she had helped Li Ming Han earlier, it doesn't mean that the others will start to treat her better.

"No need. If you're going to thank me, then, let's stick to our agreement," Li Qin Yao smiled.

The smile on Li Ming Han's face froze. Then, he turned to the others behind him and spoke some words. Once the other had left, Li Ming Han chased after her cousin and said, "Coincidentally, I have no one to eat with. Cousin sister, let's go together."