Celebrating Her Success

As Li Qin Yao began to lay a few more ingredients on the hot grill, the phone in her pocket buzzed shortly. She placed down her chopsticks and took out her phone from her blazer's pocket.

She tapped her fingers on the screen and saw a text message from Liang Sheng to confirm with her of the meeting with Chairman Li during lunch hour at the headquarters. She replied to his text swiftly and placed her phone on the table. Her lips subconsciously turned into a smile.

Sitting at the opposite of Li Qin Yao, Zhang Yu Han has been watching her movements silently. When he saw her happy expression, his heart sunk, wondering if she was texting her boyfriend.

Zhang Yu Han tilted his head down as he suppressed the strange feeling permeated in his heart. Thinking that he shouldn't ruin the moments when it was a few minutes ago when he told himself that he should be content with what he has now, Zhang Yu Han looked up and forced a smile. "You look happy." There was hesitation in his tone.

Li Qin Yao smiled as she transferred the cooked meat to her plate. "Well, I am happy."

Zhang Yu Han glanced at her phone on the table. He wanted to ask her who was she texting earlier but decided against it. First of all, he has no right to probe into her private matters. It was not his business to know.

Li Qin Yao clipped at another piece of meat, swirled it in the dipping sauce and eat happily. Her heart soared with happiness as she thought about the project in B City. She glanced at the man in front of her and saw his serious expression. Seeing that his plate was empty, Li Qin Yao took the initiative to add in more food on his plate.

Instantly, he looked up and smiled.

She was in a daze momentarily. Straightening her back, Li Qin Yao thought that she should share with him of her happy news. "Mister Zhang, actually, I am thankful that you have invited me out tonight."


"I received good news today. Actually, today I have an important business presentation, and those investors had agreed to pass my proposal," Li Qin Yao said. "If you did not invite me to dinner, then I would probably be celebrating my success in my room, eating nothing but instant noodles. So, thank you for inviting me out to this late dinner."

Of course, since Zhang Yu Han had no idea of her identity as the young miss from QL Property Group, Li Qin Yao could only refer the shareholders as the investors.

His eyes shone brightly at the thought that among all people in the world, he was the one she chose to celebrate her success with. Well, Li Qin Yao did not exactly choose him, but those kinds of things did not matter to him right now. What matters to him now was that he was with her to celebrate her good news.

"Congratulations," Zhang Yu Han said. He glanced at the glass of water on the table. "Should we drink to celebrate your good news?"

"It's fine." Li Qin Yao reached for her glass poured the glass with water from the jug. "I don't drink. My mother did not like it, so we didn't drink when we were around her. But then, it has become a habit."

Looking at the sad smile on her face, Zhang Yu Han could guess that Li Qin Yao was reminded of her late father.

When he had asked Wei Jun Hao to investigated Li Qin Yao before, he had learned of her family situation. Naturally, he had learned that her father had passed away for a few years.

"Miss Li, are you looking forward to expanding your business?" Zhang Yu Han tried to change the topic.

Li Qin Yao paused as she recalled that Zhang Yu Han did not know about her identity as QL Property Group's young miss. "You can say that."

Her vague answer made him wonder if she was talking about her cafe, or was she planning to return to QL Group. During his investigation, Zhang Yu Han had looked at a few of the projects that Li Qin Yao had managed when she was still with that group. Although he was not a part of the real estate industry, Zhang Yu Han could see that Li Qin Yao was one of the rising stars in the QL Group.

It was such a shame that the accident happened. Or else, she would probably be chosen as the President of QL Group instead of her cousin, Li Mu Bai.

However, if Li Qin Yao had stayed with QL Group, he probably would never have the chance to meet her again at the Sushi place and they wouldn't accidentally switch their phone.

As Zhang Yu Han thought about how fate has allowed them to meet again, his lips curved into a smile.

"Then, does it mean that you will be staying in Capital City in the future?" Zhang Yu Han tried to probe more into it.

Li Qin Yao laughed. "Of course not. I will be returning to B City once everything is settled."

Zhang Yu Han raised a brow. In the beginning, he was sure that she was talking about a project with QL Group. But now that Li Qin Yao mentioned that she will be returning to B City, Zhang Yu Han was confused. He knew that QL Group's business was focused mostly on Capital City and the cities around it. Since B City was quite far from Capital City, then, Li Qin Yao couldn't possibly be talking about a project with QL Group, right?

"Then, I wish this new project would go smoothly."

"Thank you, Mister Zhang." Li Qin Yao bowed her head slightly.

"Since this can be considered a congratulatory dinner, then, you have to allow me to pay for this meal," Zhang Yu Han said.

Li Qin Yao looked at him with her round eyes. "Ah? But it should be my treat this time. I owe you a meal."

"Well, you can pay for my meal next time," Zhang Yu Han said and smiled. Anyway, it would be great if he could create more opportunities to be around her. "Next time when we have returned to B City, you should ask me out and treat me for a meal."

The space between her brow creased as Li Qin Yao thought that there was something strange with his words. However, since she could not pinpoint what was wrong with it, Li Qin Yao immediately agreed. "Alright."