Chance to Play a Hero

Zhang Yu Han was startled at her question. He was not looking to invest in a development project but was looking for a site to build a new hotel under Zhang Worldwide Group.

He was not sure why his grandfather had told her differently, but knowing that old man, Zhang Yu Han was sure that he will not do something that would not benefit the company.

"Well, you can say that," he picked up his drink and took a few gulps. "How did you and my grandfather come to discuss this project."

"It was unintentional. Your grandfather visited my cafe a few days ago while I was handling some matters on the project. At the end of it, he said I should come over and present the project to you in case if you're interested." Li Qin Yao said and smiled embarrassingly. "We don't have to go through this matter if you're not up to it. You were probably here because of your grandfather."

"I indeed came because of my grandfather," Zhang Yu Han said. "But Miss Li, my grandfather is a businessman. He will not recommend me to come and listen to you unless if he thinks that your project would be profitable."

Li Qin Yao cast her gaze down. Actually, she was a little bit dispirited after another one of a potential investor had pulled away from the project even though they had agreed to it before they were about to sign the agreement. And just two days ago, she had heard from Bei Ruo Xi, her former assistant, that her aunt may have contacted a few of those investors to make them change their minds.

However, without any proof, they could not accuse Zhao Wei of ruining QL's project.

So now that she's meeting Zhang Yu Han for her project, Li Qin Yao's mood was affected by those problems. Therefore, she did not harbor too much hope in it.

"Are you sure? What we're doing is real estate. Don't you think that we're in a different area?"

"My grandfather said that the government is planning to turn B City into Tourism City, and your company wanted to be a part of it. Miss Li, tourism and hospitality are always related. How can you say that we're in a different business area? Since you're developing the area to help the government to build this tourism city, then, of course, these two lines of business can be related."

Li Qin Yao thought about the matter for a while and thought that what Zhang Yu Han had said make sense. "You're right"

"Anyway, since we're here, why don't you explain to me about this project."

Li Qin Yao nodded. Then, she took out a bunch of files from her knapsack and started to explain a little bit about the development project.

Once Zhang Yu Han saw the blueprint on the table, his eyes flashed as he recognized that bit of paper. If he was not mistaken, the blueprint was similar to the one he had accidentally seen during his visit to Lilium Cafe with Wei Jun Hao. At that time, there was a new man around Li Qin Yao and Wei Jun Hao tried to warn him to be careful of his new rival.

"How long have you been working on this project?" Zhang Yu Han could not help but ask.

"A few months. We didn't have much time and were understaffed in the beginning, but everyone had worked hard for this." There was a hint of pride in Li Qin Yao's smile.

Zhang Yu Han raised a brow as he recalled that table which was occupied by a few people in her cafe. If he was not mistaken, there were always five of them. Does that mean that the five people had worked hard with Li Qin Yao to prepare the project proposal?

"It looks good. If everything goes well, you might win the tender and this project will bring profit to QL Group once it was launched," Zhang Yu Han commented as he studied the plan for a long time. It was no denying that Li Qin Yao had succeeded to prepare a plan which would attract more tourist to visit B City.

Although she did not know whether Zhang Yu Han was only saying those words to make her feel more at ease, Li Qin Yao did feel a lot at ease and more confident of the proposal that she and her team had prepared.

After a while, Zhang Yu Han put down the paper on the table and looked at the girl in front of him with a smile. "Miss Li, if you agree to make a few adjustments with your plan, then, I will agree to invest in your project. I can also help you to pull another one or two investors as well"

Li Qin Yao stared at him in a daze. She was not expecting him to have an interest in this project, or would quickly agree to invest in it. Moreover, Zhang Yu Han had said that he was willing to help her pull in another one or two investors! If those investors are willing to spend more, then, she did not have to worry much about finding another investor.

She then pinched her thigh under the table and winced when she felt the pain.

It looked like she was not dreaming.

Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Li Qin Yao then looked at Zhang Yu Han. "I have to consider on what adjustment you wanted me to make."

Zhang Yu Han pointed at an area on the blueprint with his finger. "If you agree to turn one of this high cost residential to one of Zhang Worldwide's hotel, then, I will agree to invest."

Li Qin Yao stared at him with her eyes wide. Then, she looked at the blueprint again as she thought of his suggestion.

"Miss Li, since you're developing this site for tourism city, then, don't you think it's suitable to have a hotel build in this area?"

In the end, the two of them spend more than an hour to discuss the matter, before Zhang Yu Han excused himself due to another appointment with his managers.

The two of them stood outside the cafe as Li Qin Yao stared at the man before her with a hint of adoration.

"Mister Zhang, thank you so much for your help."

"Don't thank me. Before we signed an agreement, nothing is definite yet."

Li Qin Yao smiled and touched the tip of her nose as she recalled something. "Right. The next time we meet again to visit the site, I will treat you to a meal. I recalled that I still owe you a meal, right?"

Zhang Yu Han nodded nonchalantly, but his heart jumping with joy. The two of them exchanged their contact number before they both went to their way. Once he sat down in his car, Zhang Yu Han immediately gave his grandfather a call.

"Then what? Have you agreed to invest in the girl's project?" Zhang Jing asked after his grandson had said a few words about his arrangement today.

"I haven't."

"What?" Zhang Jing was surprised to hear that his grandson did not agree. When he saw the paperwork the other day, Zhang Jing could tell that it would be a profitable project for the Zhang Group as well.

Could it be that his grandson did not see this potential? He had given him the chance to play a hero to save a beauty! How can he not take this chance? Or could it be that he was wrong, and perhaps, his grandson did not like Miss Li as much as he thought?

Before Zhang Jing could say another word, Zhang Yu Han had spoken first.

"Grandfather don't be anxious. I know what you were thinking. But I have arranged for another meeting with Miss Li to visit the site. Once I take a look at the site, then I will sign an agreement with her."

Zhang Jing frowned as he listened to Zhang Yu Han's idea about that land. But when he finally grasped what his grandson was planning to do, Zhang Jing let out a hearty laugh.

His grandson could have agreed right away, but it seemed that his grandson was taking a chance to arrange another meeting with that girl!