Cheery and Talkative Zhang Yu Ying

After a few days of hustle and bustle, working on the adjustment on the development project, it was finally the weekend. Li Qin Yao drove and headed to Y City to meet up with her friend, Han Yue Xiu after that girl had lured her to come over and promised her with good food.

Because the traffic was smooth, Li Qin Yao arrived at the restaurant where she was supposed to meet Han Yue Xiu half an hour earlier. Seeing that there was a little bit of queue outside the restaurant, Li Qin Yao decided to queue up and texted the friend of her arrival.

Surprisingly, this time, she had met a few familiar faces.

"Miss Li, what a surprise. Are you here to have dinner as well?"

Li Qin Yao felt the corner of her mouth started to twitch at the man's question. Recently, it seemed that she would always run into Zhang's grandfather and grandson wherever she goes.

However, once she thought that she was in Y City, where the Zhang's lived in, coupled with the fact that the elderly man was someone like her who loved good food, Li Qin Yao thought that it was not weird for her to run into them on the street like this.

After all, Han Yue Xiu did say that this restaurant was newly operated and had good reviews.

"Well, yes," Li Qin Yao nodded and smiled warmly to reply to the elderly man. It was then that she noticed the presence of a beautiful young girl beside the two men. Seeing how the young lady holding on to Zhang Jing's hand, Li Qin Yao guessed that the two men were very familiar with the young girl.

"You come here alone?" Zhang Yu Han asked.

"I'm waiting for my friend."

Hearing her answer, Zhang Yu Han's expression stiffened a little bit.

Of course, once Zhang Jing saw the change in her grandson's expression he could guess that his grandson was eating something sour again. "Miss Li, have you made an appointment? If you haven't why don't you and your friend join us for a meal. It's really hard to get a table at a time like this."

At this time, the girl beside Zhang Jing tugged on his arm softly. "Grandfather, who is this? You're not going to introduce us?"

"Right." Zhang Jing laughed. "Yu Ying, this is Miss Li, a friend of mine and your brother. Miss Li, this is my granddaughter, and Yu Han's younger sister, Zhang Yu Ying."

"Hello, I'm Li Qin Yao."

Hearing that name, Zhang Yu Ying's eyes grew wider. "Li Qin Yao? You're Li Qin Yao?"

"You… know me?"

A wide smile appeared on Zhang Yu Ying's face as she gave Li Qin Yao a look over. "Of course I know you. I-" Her words was left unfinished when she felt someone poking on her waist. Zhang Yu Ying saw the warning glance from her grandfather and knew that she has to be careful in her speech.

If she keeps on talking and accidentally revealed something she should not, his brother, Zhang Yu Han will not let her off easily.

Zhang Yu Ying had heard so many things about the girl in front of her through both Wei Jun Hao and her grandfather. Of course, she had to force the information from Wei Jun Hao since his brother's friend had mentioned that her brother had found the girl he was looking for since high school.

However, once she heard that her grandfather too had met the girl, Zhang Yu Ying thought that it was not fair as she had yet seen the girl that her brother liked. She had coerced Wei Jun Hao to introduce her to Li Qin Yao, but that man had rejected her as he feared her brother more.

Fortunately, they ran into Li Qin Yao as they were heading out to accompany their grandfather for dinner.

Zhang Yu Ying first thought of that woman was: cute! Zhang Yu Ying liked her right away because of one strange reason: Li Qin Yao is shorter than her.

As the shortest member of the family, Zhang Yu Ying thought that it would be refreshing if Li Qin Yao would be her sister-in-law. Then, she will no longer be the shortest in the family!

Although Zhang Yu Ying's height could be considered average among Asians, she had always felt insecure with her height. Her parents were tall, and both grandparents from both sides were tall people as well. When she was younger, some of her mean schoolmates would jokingly ask whether she was adopted once they saw the difference in their height.

Zhang Yu Ying thought that she would grow taller in her teenage years, but sadly, she had stopped to grow taller after she turned nineteen. Then, she followed her parents to move abroad, where most of the girls there were taller than she is, and that made her very insecure. Which was why she was so fond of wearing high heels.

"I heard my grandfather mentioned you previously," Zhang Yu Ying maintained the smile on her face. Her eyes were observing the girl that her brother had taken fancy on up and down. "I did not think that I would have a chance to meet you so soon. Right. Sister. Can I just call you sister? Why don't you join us and have a meal together?"

"Sorry. I have to decline. After all, I promised that I will have a meal with my friend."

"Your friend? Your boyfriend?" Zhang Yu Ying tested.

"No. She's my best friend, a girl." Li Qin Yao bit on her lips as she thought that she didn't need to clarify about Han Yue Xiu's gender. But perhaps, she was just affected by Zhang Yu Ying's cheery and talkative personality that she keeps replying to her questions.

"Then, you can invite your friend to join us too," Zhang Yu Ying said enthusiastically. "The more, the merrier. After all, grandfather had reserved a private room and it would be too big for just the two of us."

Zhang Yu Han cast a warning look at his sister, but of course, he was ignored.

"You don't have to answer now," Zhang Yu Ying continued before Li Qin Yao could speak another word to decline. "You can ask your friend until she arrived first. If you didn't get a table, then, you are welcome to join us."

Li Qin Yao could only promise that she will ask Han Yue Xiu's opinion after both Zhang Yu Ying and Zhang Jing's persistent persuasion.

At this time, Li Qin Yao's phone in her hand rang. Li Qin Yao glanced at her phone and saw that it was Han Yue Xiu.

"Is that your friend?" Zhang Jing asked.

Li Qin Yao nodded. "Excuse me." She swiped her fingers on the screen and turned around to answer the phone call. "Yue Xiu? I'm queuing in front of the restaurant. Where are you?"

"Yao Yao."

Li Qin Yao frowned when she heard Han Yue Xiu's weak voice through the phone. Something does not feel right. "What's wrong? Why does your voice sound like that?"

There was a chock in Han Yue Xiu's voice as she spoke. "Yao Yao, I'm at the hospital."