
As Li Qin Yao walked out of her room that morning, Han Yue Xiu was sitting in front of the television, watching some morning talk show, while her mother was nowhere in sight.

"Auntie stepped out to work five minutes ago," Han Yue Xiu said. She reached for her crutch and stood up. "She said there's an emergency at work, so she has to leave early. Breakfast is ready. Come let's eat first."

Li Qin Yao nodded. She walked over to the dining table and looked under the food cover. There was a plate of rice porridge condiments and a plate of meat bun. Li Qin Yao then walked into the kitchen and poured two bowls of porridge before she returned to the dining area.

"I heard from auntie that you're going to meet an important investor today," Han Yue Xiu reached to pick some century egg and placed it into Li Qin Yao's bowl. "Eat more, so you will have the energy to win over the investment."

"You sit down," Li Qin Yao had a displeased face when her friend tried to stand up. "You need to rest your sprained foot if you want to get well soon." She looked down under the table and frowned at Han Yue Xiu's bandaged foot.

Last night, she helped Han Yue Xiu to redress her wound and was shocked to see how her foot swelled and turned black blue. It was until the doctor convinced her that the swelling will go down after a proper rest did Li Qin Yao relaxed a little bit.

"Fine. Fine. I'll listen to you."

"Will you be alright to live here alone?" Li Qin Yao asked with worry about her expression. "I promise I'll return to accompany you once this appointment ended."

"You don't have to worry about me," Han Yue Xiu waved her hand. "Your mother had already cooked some food for my lunch. So you can focus on your work and return when it's time to return. Right. I remember that famous egg tart place not too far from your new office. Be sure to grab a box for me before you come back."

Li Qin Yao let out a chuckle. It seemed that she did not have to worry about Han Yue Xiu that much. "Yue Xiu. Have you told your boss that you won't be going to work for a few days?"

"Of course," Han Yue Xiu snorted. "I sent a picture of my foot and he told me to have a week rest. These days, he knew how to treat me well after I threatened to quit my job."

The two of them ate their breakfast while chatting until Li Qin Yao's phone rang, signaling that there was a new message coming. Li Qin Yao stood up from her seat and ran across the room to get her phone and saw that it was a message from Zhang Yu Han. Li Qin Yao clicked at his message.

Zhang Yu Han: I will be arriving in five minutes.

Suddenly, Li Qin Yao felt the food she ate stuck in the airways. She patted her chest a few times and ran back to the dining area.

"What's wrong with you?" Han Yue Xiu asked.

Li Qin Yao finished her food quickly before she turned to her friend. "I have to go. Didn't I tell you that I am meeting an important investor today? I received a text from the investor. I should go now or else, I might make them wait."

Of course, Li Qin Yao was not going to tell her friend that this investor is Zhang Yu Han. Who knows what Han Yue Xiu was going to say once she heard that Zhang Yu Han was going to pick her up so that they could visit the site together.

Last night, while Li Qin Yao was making the last preparation for their appointment, she suddenly received a message from Zhang Yu Han suggesting that they should meet up somewhere and head over the site together. Then perhaps, they could discuss a little bit about their upcoming cooperation.

Since Li Qin Yao was planning to go to the site straight from her house, she had given Zhang Yu Han the apartment's address without much thought. It was when she was making the final check on the plan that she realized what she had done. By that time, thirty minutes have passed since she had sent that message.

Even if she wanted to retract her message, it was already too late. In the end, Li Qin Yao chose to put this matter at the back of her mind and go to bed. It was until she received his message this morning that she recalled this new arrangement.

Therefore, Li Qin Yao rushed over and head downstairs after she bid goodbye to Han Yue Xiu. Once she arrived at the lobby, Li Qin Yao could see Zhang Yu Han's black Cayenne parked not far away. She adjusted her knapsack straps and jogged over. Before she reached the vehicle, Zhang Yu Han stepped down from his car with a worried look on his face.

Li Qin Yao took a deep breath to calm down. "Good morning, Mister Zhang."

"Good morning," Zhang Yu Han nodded. He frowned when he saw the tinge of pink on her cheek. "Why are you running over?"

"Uh… I didn't want you to wait for too long." Li Qin Yao admitted.

There was a hint of guilt on Zhang Yu Han's face. If only he knew that Li Qin Yao would rush down because she did not want him to wait for too long, he would have told her that he will be arriving later.

"We should go now," Li Qin Yao said. "I already texted my assistant to tell him that we will be meeting him at the site."

Zhang Yu Han nodded. He walked over to the other side and opened the door for Li Qin Yao. "Miss Li. Please."

Li Qin Yao stared at him in a daze before she sat shotgun. Then, she watched Zhang Yu Han walked to the other side to the driver seat. He turned on the ignition and drove in silence.

After a few minutes, Li Qin Yao began to wonder how did she become muddle-headed to agree to this arrangement. How can she let her potential investor drive her around! She should be the one to act as his driver!

Li Qin Yao glanced at Zhang Yu Han and wondered if she should say something to start a conversation. But once Li Qin Yao saw how he was concentrating on the road, she decided not to say anything.

Because of the silence between them, Li Qin Yao's mind began to wonder. Since she was sharing the space with Zhang Yu Han, her thought drifted to the conversation she had with Han Yue Xiu two days ago. A random thought suddenly came to her mind.


Did he come over and pick her up because he was trying to court her?

Wait. Wait.

So what if this man was trying to court her?

It was then that Li Qin Yao realized that she had never given much thought on what she was going to do if Zhang Yu Han was really trying to pursue her.

What did she think about him?