Broken Up Months Ago

Zhang Yu Han was walking right behind Li Qin Yao when they run into Chen Hao. The moment he recognized that man, Zhang Yu Han had taken a few steps away from Li Qin Yao so that they would not be seen as together. Zhang Yu Han was afraid that Chen Hao might misunderstand and cause them to argue.

No matter how much he wished to snatch Li Qin Yao away from Chen Hao, Zhang Yu Han had no intention to make things hard for Li Qin Yao. He did not want to see the girl he liked to be sad. Even more, if it was for another guy.

However, the moment he saw that Chen Hao was not alone, Zhang Yu Han's expression darkened. The girl beside Chen Hao was holding his arm tightly. Anyone with a clear mind would be able to guess what was going on between those two.

To think that this man dared to play with around by seeing another woman while dating another!

Meanwhile, he had to wait for ten years to be reunited with the girl he liked, only to find that she was dating a scum like Chen Hao.

Zhang Yu Han was angered! At the same time, his heart started to ache for Li Qin Yao. Zhang Yu Han made a decision, if Chen Hao dared to harm Li Qin Yao in front of him, he will not hesitate to pull her away from here and protect her.

His gaze shifted between Li Qin Yao and Chen Hao, wondering what was going to happen between those three. Worried that something bad was going to happen, Zhang Yu Han's gaze stayed at Li Qin Yao. Because he was standing behind her, Zhang Yu Han did not get a clear look on her face, but he noticed the way her body stiffened.

"Yao Yao," Chen Hao was the first to speak.

"Chen Hao," Li Qin Yao nodded at the man, then her gaze moved to the woman beside him. "Miss Tang. Good day."

Tang Ai Ling tightened her grip on Chen Hao's arms and glanced at Li Qin Yao up and down in disdain. Then she turned to Chen Hao, tugged at his arms and whispered, "Chen Hao, we have to go. Your mother is still waiting for us."

However, it was as if Chen Hao had not heard anything that Tang Ai Ling had said. His gaze remained on Li Qin Yao's face in a daze. He had not seen Li Qin Yao for more than two months since they broke up. It looked like everything about her has not changed much.

"I did not expect to see you here. You... look well," Chen Hao spoke. However, when Li Qin Yao did not reply to his words, Chen Hao started to feel uneasy.

After dating her for more than a year, he should have known that this was what he will see after he chose not to fight for their relationship. Li Qin Yao is someone who would put her heart into the things she loved, but she will not hesitate to cut her life from something that has left her.

Li Qin Yao merely smiled. When her eyes fell on Tang Ai Ling, she had guessed that in the end, Chen Hao chose to follow what his mother had arranged for him. He will not go against his mother's wish, no matter what.

"Chen Hao," Tang Ai Ling gritted her teeth and shook Chen Hao's arms. But when he still ignored her, Tang Ai Ling then chose to vent her anger at Li Qin Yao. "Miss Li, Chen Hao is my boyfriend now. We have met each others' family and we are planning to get married after the new year. Miss Li, I hope you won't be that person who would destroy others' relationship."

Li Qin Yao was not surprised to hear the news that Chen Hao and Tang Ai Ling's marriage. However, she still felt a bit sad to hear the news. It was not because she still harbored any hope that she and Chen Hao would get back together. She was sad to see that even after everything, Chen Hao refused to stand up and take control of his future.

How did she fall for someone like him in the first place?

"Ai Ling!" Chen Hao pulled his arms away from Tang Ai Ling's grasp. His expression showed that he was displeased, and his tone was warning Tang Ai Ling not to say something that would upset Li Qin Yao.

Facing Chen Hao's sudden anger, Tang Ai Ling was dissatisfied. She continued to glare at Li Qin Yao before she stomped away in anger and left.

"You should go and chase after your fiance," Li Qin Yao spoke softly.

Chen Hao blinked. He stared at Li Qin Yao for a few seconds longer and hesitated.

In the end, Chen Hao moved his gaze away to the direction where Tang Ai Ling had run off to. He took a step and paused again to look at Li Qin Yao. It was as if he was letting her make a decision. If she asked him to stay, Chen Hao thought that perhaps, he would fight to make their relationship work.

Li Qin Yao turned her head away from Chen Hao when she sensed his gaze on her. She swallowed and spoke in a whispering voice, "Congratulations."

Chen Hao's eyes widened at her words. He looked away in embarrassment and realized that he no longer has the right to stay around her. Though she was the one who initiated their breakup, it was his decision to let her go in the first place.

Slowly, he picked up his pace to chase after Tang Ai Ling. This time, he no longer stopped to look back.

Li Qin Yao took a deep breath as Chen Hao had walked past her. It felt as if this time, she had really cut Chen Hao completely out of her life. She stood at the same spot for a few seconds longer to compose herself. It was only when she noticed a presence behind her that she turned around. She tilted her head up and met Zhang Yu Han's worried gaze.

"Are you alright?"

Her gaze softened at his concern. Li Qin Yao smiled at him and nodded. "Yes."

Zhang Yu Han balled his hand into fists. His heart ached as he saw a sad smile on her face. At this moment, he wished to pull her into a hug and comforted her. However, Zhang Yu Han could only control his emotions.

"Isn't that your boyfriend? You are not going to go after him?"

A chuckle escaped her lips. "What for? We have broken up months ago. Since he chose to be with someone else, then I don't want to waste my time on him. It's not worthy."

At this moment, Zhang Yu Han thought that he was hearing things. Suddenly, everything around him seemed to disappear. There was a deafening silence around him. Zhang Yu Han stared at Li Qin Yao in a daze before he moved his gaze and swallowed.

Huh? She broke up? What? When? Why didn't he know anything about this?