Increase the Chance to Reconcile? No Way!

After they arrived at the QL Group branch office, Li Qin Yao took Zhang Yu Han around for a tour, but this tour only took them no less than half an hour as it was just a small office with only a few staff.

Once the tour is over, Li Qin Yao went over to the pantry to make some coffee from the instant packet before she entered her office where Zhang Yu Han was waiting for her.

"I hope you don't mind instant coffee," she said as she placed the mug on the table. "This is the only thing we got around here."

Zhang Yu Han put the file in his hand on the table and reached out for the coffee. He took a sip and smiled. "Don't worry. It tasted good." He saw the way Li Qin Yao was glancing at the clock and said, "Wei Jun Hao said he should be here soon. Do you have somewhere you need to be?"

Li Qin Yao immediately waved her hands. "No. No. It's fine. It's the first time you visit this office. Surely I have to make time for you." she sat down across him and smiled.

Taking another sip from the coffee, Zhang Yu Han then placed the mug on the table. "Right, I talked with my grandfather after you visited our office last week. Since the Zhang Group were not well versed in real estate, my grandfather suggested that I should help you and oversee the tender. If I come over here often, would that be a trouble for you?"

"Of course not. Since the Zhang Group is our biggest investor, naturally you are welcome here. When you are involved, you would feel more at ease as well," Li Qin Yao said. "But, will this be alright? What about your work?"

"I won't have to come over to the office often after this," Zhang Yu Han said. He noticed the puzzled look on Li Qin Yao's face and smiled. "Since my sister has returned, we are planning to let her learn more about the business. She will be in charge of various things and grandfather will be mentoring her."

"Then I guess we will be seeing each other a lot in the upcoming month."

His smile widened as he thought of how he was going to spend most of his time around her. Of course, he had planned everything.

The two of them talked about the project and Zhang Yu Han's plan to introduce her to President Lu Xun from NEXT Group when someone came to knock on the door.

Since the door was opened wide, the Xiao Lian Yi peeked her head at the door and smiled. "Miss Li, someone called Wei Jun Hao is looking for you downstairs. Should I let him in?"

Li Qin Yao nodded. "Please, send him here." She turned to Zhang Yu Han and smiled. "Please wait here. I'll go and look for your friend."

As Li Qin Yao walked out of the office to receive her guest, Zhang Yu Han glanced at his wristwatch in displease. It felt as if he did not spend enough time alone with Li Qin Yao, and now Wei Jun Hao had appeared. Even though he was the one who called his friend to come over, shouldn't Wei Jun Hao tacitly arrive later?

When Wei Jun Hao walked into the door, he naturally noticed the discontent in his friend's face. However, he decided to pretend that he did not see it and continue to chat merrily with Li Qin Yao.

Upon seeing that Li Qin Yao was laughing at something that Wei Jun Hao had said, Zhang Yu Han stood up and adjusted his suit. "What took you so long?"

Wei Jun Hao tried his best not to roll his eyes. Even though he was angry that Zhang Yu Han had instructed him to come over with the agreement, Wei Jun Hao could not be angry at him. After all, Zhang Yu Han was his client.

"I misplaced the agreement and had to look for it," Wei Jun Hao said.

"Did you find them?" Zhang Yu Han raised a brow.

"It turns out that it was in my table all along," Wei Jun Hao laughed.

At this time, Xiao Lian Yu reappeared with another mug of coffee for Wei Jun Hao. After letting Xiao Lian Yu place the mug down, Li Qin Yao then asked Wei Jun Hao to sit down. Naturally, Wei Jun Hao will pick up a seat next to his friend.

After a few pleasantries, Wei Jun Hao took out the document from his bag and produced two copies of the agreement. He handed one to Zhang Yu Han and one to Li Qin Yao.

The two of them read the documents in silence until Wei Jun Hao spoke up, "If there is anything you need to ask me, just go ahead."

"I'm fine with the arrangement." Li Qin Yao said. After both she and Zhang Yu Han agreed that there were no problems, both of them put on their signatures on a few papers as per Wei Jun Hao's instruction.

Wei Jun Hao nodded after he checked on both documents. "Once you win the tender, I will give you a new agreement to sign. That time, you can have the media to cover the cooperation between Zhang Group and QL Group in B City."

"We shall talk about that once we win the tender," Zhang Yu Han said. "From what I understand, there will be a few investors who will be involved in this cooperation as well, right?" he turned to Li Qin Yao and watched her nodded.

The three of them continue their discussion until another staff knocked on the door to ask her a few things. Seconds later, Li Qin Yao excused herself, leaving both Zhang Yu Han and Wei Jun Hao alone in her office with her door remained open.

Wei Jun Hao turned to his friend and frowned. "Right. You didn't tell me about the person you asked me to investigate the other day." he received a warning glance from his friend and knew that he should keep his voice down. "Who is she? Don't tell me you're interested in another woman?"

"Are you crazy?"

Wei Jun Hao backed away as he sensed the murderous look from Zhang Yu Han. "Hey. Hey. I was only curious. The last time you asked me to investigate a girl, it turned out to be the girl you've been looking for for the last ten years. How would I know why would you want me to investigate another girl this time?"

Zhang Yu Han scoffed. "She's just a girl who was causing trouble for Li Qin Yao."

Wei Jun Hao's eyes brightened up at this new gossip. "Oh? What do you plan to do to her?"

"Nothing at this moment," Zhang Yu Han frowned as he recalled the investigation report he received from Wei Jun Hao on his email the other day. He found out that the girl was the one he had seen around with Li Qin Yao's ex the other day.

Tang Ai Ling was a granddaughter of a big company. Because of Chen Hao's mother's connection with the Tang, Chen Hao had recently got a promotion in his job. Knowing that the girl was currently dating Li Qin Yao's ex, Zhang Yu Han was hesitant to do anything to teach her a lesson.

He did not want to brew trouble between Chen Hao and Tang Ai Ling. Why would he help to increase the chance for Chen Hao to reconcile with Li Qin Yao? No way!

The girl he like was finally single. Why would he want to help her ex to get back with her?

Moreover, he had heard from his sister how Li Qin Yao had protected herself from both Mother Chen and Tang Ai Ling. He did not think that it was time for him to intervene.