Trying to Help Your Grandson

Zhang Yu Han had a bad expression on his face as he drove from the hotel to the restaurant. Ever since the three of them entered the vehicle, his grandfather has been talking non-stop with Li Qin Yao as if he did not exist. Not only that, his grandfather even kidnapped Li Qin Yao to sit with him in the back, thus making him appear as the two's chauffeur.

Thankfully, the drive from the hotel to the restaurant was not very far away. With the smooth traffic, the three of them arrived earlier than planned. Zhang Yu Han found a parking spot near the restaurant and helped both his grandfather and Li Qin Yao off the car.

As Zhang Jing watched how his grandson treated his future granddaughter-in-law, his lips curved into a smile. Fortunately, his grandson was not totally clueless about trying to pursue a lady.

Although Zhang Jing knew that he had to give a bit of push to help his grandson, he realized that he could not always give a hand to help. Or else, what will happen to their relationship later? Everyone knows that too much meddling from outsiders would ruin a relationship.

The three of them walked over to the restaurant. Zhang Yu Han took out his phone to call his sister and stopped when he saw her silhouette in a distance away. And Zhang Yu Ying was chatting with someone near the entrance.

As they approached Zhang Yu Ying and her friend, Zhang Yu Han finally recognized the person beside his sister as Xiao Ran. Previously, Zhang Yu Han and Wei Jun Hao had run into Xiao Ran while they were picking up his sister from the airport.

"Yu Ying," Zhang Jing called out.

Hearing her grandfather's voice, Zhang Yu Ying turned around and smile. "Grandfather." She glanced at the person beside her grandfather and her eyes sparkled with joy. "Sister, you're here too!"

"Who is your friend?" Zhang Jing asked. Of course, from Zhang Jing's perspective, her granddaughter was with a boy. Seeing that his granddaughter was with her prospective boyfriend, Zhang Jing got excited about a while.

Zhang Yu Ying pulled her friend's hand and tugged her forward. "Grandfather, you remember my friend, Xiao Ran? I ran into her at the entrance."

"Grandfather Zhang, hello," Xiao Ran greeted politely with a soft, sweet voice.

Zhang Jing's expression changed slightly. The boy that he thought was a potential grandson-in-law turned out to be a girl. Nevertheless, Zhang Jing quickly composed himself and smiled. "Xiao Ran? I almost did not recognize you! I heard that you went to Country T to study. Did you come back to visit your grandparents?"

Xiao Ran nodded. Because Zhang Jing and her grandparents can be considered acquaintances, Xiao Ran chatted briefly with Zhang Jing and peeked at both Zhang Yu Han and the girl beside him. She peeked at Zhang Yu Ying and frowned slightly when her friend did not show any sign that she was going to introduce the other woman.

Although Zhang Yu Han and the other girl was not acting intimate, Xiao Ran could not miss the gentle look in Zhang Yu Han's eyes as he looked at her. From Xiao Ran's womanly intuition, she could see that this girl was someone special, but, there was a hint of doubt in her heart.

"Right. Xiao Ran, we still have to a reservation with restaurant," Zhang Yu Ying said as she looked at the waiter who stood at the door. "Let's arrange for another meeting later."

Xiao Ran watched her friend with her eyes widened. "Sure. I'll call you and maybe we can go shopping together."

With a bright smile on her face, Zhang Yu Ying linked her hand with her grandfather and pulled him towards the restaurant. "Grandfather, hurry up. I'm hungry."

Zhang Yu Ying gave her name to the waiter and the four of them were brought into a private room.

At first, Zhang Yu Ying wanted to be seated next to Li Qin Yao. However, facing her brother's sharp gaze, Zhang Yu Ying then obediently sat next to her grandfather and allowed her brother and Li Qin Yao to be seated together. This way, Li Qin Yao was seated between Zhang Yu Han and Zhang Jing at the round table.

The waiter came in to pass them their menu and poured some water on the glass.

Zhang Jing stared at the menu and inched closer to his granddaughter to pinch her on her waist. "You brat, don't you think you're a bit rude to your friend earlier? Why do I feel as if you're trying to shoo her away?"

As he thought about his granddaughter's action earlier, Zhang Jing was a bit unhappy. As an elder, he did not want others to think that he was not good at educating the junior in his house.

Zhang Yu Ying pouted as she rubbed her waist. Although her grandfather did not use any strength, it was still painful for Zhang Yu Ying. "Then, grandfather, do you expect me to invite her to this meal together?"

"What's wrong with inviting her to have a meal together?"

Zhang Yu Ying clicked her tongue. "I'm trying to help your grandson, alright?" She leaned forward to her grandfather and whispered a few words.

Hearing his granddaughter's words, Zhang Jing narrowed her eyes. He turned to look at Zhang Yu Ying and smiled. "Well then, you did a good job."

"What are the two of you being secretive about?"

The grandfather and granddaughter duo jumped up slightly at the deep voice. They raised their head at the same time and saw that Zhang Yu Han was looking at them with a suspicious glance.

"Nothing. It's just that, grandfather was trying to bribe me to order a few more meat dishes," Zhang Yu Ying was fast to make her escape.

"Me? When did I?" Zhang Jing stared at his granddaughter with his mouth agape. His expression showed that he was betrayed. However, no matter how he wanted to explain himself, he could not do it in front of Zhang Yu Han and Li Qin Yao.

The thing that his granddaughter had said to him was better for them to know nothing about it. In the end, he had no other choice but to swallow his frustration.

"Grandfather," Zhang Yu Han spoke in a warning tone.

Li Qin Yao suppressed her laugh as she looked at Zhang Jing's pouting face. She could not help but adore how close Zhang Jing was with his grandchildren.

"I heard you have accompanied grandfather a few times for a meal," Zhang Yu Han spoke to Li Qin Yao. He watched her nodded and continued, "The next time you accompany him for a meal, you have to remind him not to eat too much meat. The doctor wanted him to watch his diet."

Li Qin Yao nodded at Zhang Yu Han's reminder and winked when she turned at Zhang Jing.

Zhang Yu Ying, who saw the exchange let out a chuckle.