Mister Zhang, I’m Rooting For You!

Li Qin Yao was helping Han Yue Xiu to pack her bags when her phone rang. She put a bag of toiletries into the luggage before she stood up to pick up her phone. A glint of light flashed in her eyes as she saw the caller's name. She brushed a finger on the screen and pressed her phone to her ears. "Hello?"

"Li Qin Yao, good morning."

Zhang Yu Han's voice sounded rich and deeper on the other line. It made her ears turned red and slightly itchy. Li Qin Yao bit on her lips as she pondered if she perhaps had a fetish towards this type of voice. Why did she always felt like shrinking her neck and curling her toes whenever she heard his voice?


Li Qin Yao snapped out of her thoughts and cleared her throat. "Hello. Sorry," she stood up quickly and walked over to the window in the hope that the morning air would be able to make her calmer. "I was in the middle of something. Well, good morning to you too."

"Are you going back to B City this morning?"

"En," Li Qin Yao nodded.

"Then, I will come and pick you up later," Zhang Yu Han said.

"Alright," she nodded again. She heard a movement behind her and turned around to see Han Yue Xiu picking up a few more stuff and put it in the bag. "Wait. Zhang Yu Han?"


"Could you hold on for a few seconds?" Once she heard he made a sound to agree, Li Qin Yao pulled away from the phone from her ears and placed her palm around the phone as if to block Zhang Yu Han from hearing her speak. "Yue Xiu, did you get someone to drive you to the airport yet?"

Han Yue Xiu looked at her friend in a puzzle before she shook her head. "No. It is hard to get a driver around this time, but I'll keep trying. Surely someone will answer soon."

Li Qin Yao pressed her phone back to her ears. "Hello? You're still there?"

"I'm here."

Li Qin Yao saw that Han Yue Xiu was busy looking at her phone to find a driver to drive her to the airport and heaved a sigh in relief.

Last night, after the two friends had a long chat, Han Yue Xiu pulled out her laptop to look at the flight. In an impulse, she decided to book a flight in the morning.

Han Yue Xiu had predicted that once she did not show up at work this morning, Song Yi would definitely come over to look for her. It was best if she started to flee before that happened. Han Yue Xiu then joked that perhaps the one who would come and barge at her door later would not be her boss, but his girlfriend!

"Zhang Yu Han, do you think you can give me a lift to the airport today?"

Zhang Yu Han was happy that Li Qin Yao had thought of him when she needed help, but as he listened to her request, a frown appeared on his face. "The airport? You're going somewhere?"

"Not me. But Han Yue Xiu. She's going to S Country to visit her parents. Her flight is this morning but we couldn't book a cab this morning. Maybe we could give her a lift to the airport before we head to the office?"

The frown on Zhang Yu Han's face gradually disappeared, and his lips curved into a stunning smile. Zhang Yu Han found that he quite like the way Li Qin Yao had unintentionally referred them as 'we.'

"Alright. Tell me the time. I'll be there for you soon."

Once Li Qin Yao hung up the call, she talked to Han Yue Xiu of the arrangement, causing her friend to be relieved, yet suspicious.

"Yao Yao, what's going on between you and Mister Zhang?" Han Yue Xiu asked. "Why is he being so nice to give me a lift to the airport?"

"You think too much," Li Qin Yao turned around and continued to help Han Yue Xiu to pack up her belongings. "You do know that he's staying in Y City, right? Anyway, he's going to B City to take part in the development project. What's wrong with asking him to give you a lift? This way, I can send you off to the airport. Besides, it's not like you have found-" her words were left unfinished. Li Qin Yao raised a brow when she saw the way Han Yue Xiu was staring at her. "What?"

Han Yue Xiu narrowed her eyes. "You're talking too much. That's suspicious."

Li Qin Yao rolled her eyes. "You better pack up your stuff. Or else, your boss will be the one who catches you before you catch the flight."

At the thought of her boss would show up at her apartment once he saw that she did not show up at work, Han Yue Xiu began to panic. Li Qin Yao found it a bit hilarious with how Han Yue Xiu seemed to be escaping her boss.

Once Han Yue Xiu had packed up everything she needed, the two girls went down and found Zhang Yu Han was waiting for them in the lobby. Zhang Yu Han walked over to them and greeted, "Good morning."

Han Yue Xiu stepped forward, dragging her luggage. "Good Morning, Mister Zhang. Thank you so much for helping me. You're a lifesaver!"

"It's not a problem," Zhang Yu Han glanced at Li Qin Yao before he helped Han Yue Xiu with her luggage. The three of them boarded on Zhang Yu Han's Cayenne and before he drove to the airport.

Because Li Qin Yao did not know how long will Han Yue Xiu be staying in S Country, she spent her time talking with her friend while giving her reminders to be careful in another country.

Of course, Zhang Yu Han could only watch everything through the mirror. Though he found that the way the two friends were acting a bit strange, he decided not to ask anything.

The drive from Han Yue Xiu's place to the airport took almost forty minutes. The two girls stood at the departure hall, hugging and saying their goodbyes as Zhang Yu Han helped with Han Yue Xiu's luggage.

"Alright, alright. You don't have to send me in. Sending me off here is enough," Han Yue Xiu spoke in a helpless tone as she patted her friend on her back. "It's not like I'm not coming back."

"Yue Xiu. You take care. Don't forget to inform me once you landed."

"Un. Un." Han Yue Xiu nodded. "Yao Yao, you look after my apartment if you're free, alright?"

Once Han Yue Xiu pulled away from her friend, she turned to Zhang Yu Han with a bright smile on her face. "Mister Zhang. Really. Thank you."

Zhang Yu Han nodded. He took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Han Yue Xiu. "Miss Han, if you ever need a hotel room in S Country, you can visit our hotel. If you show them this card, you will get a special discount."

Han Yue Xiu stared at the card before she accepted them happily. "Thank you, Mister Zhang. I'm going to S Country to visit my parents, but," she waved the card he had given her. "I'll be sure to check out your hotel and give you a good review. Anyway," Han Yue Xiu stepped forward and lowered her voice so that Li Qin Yao would not hear a thing, "Mister Zhang, I'm rooting for you!"

Zhang Yu Han raised a brow, not quite understand her words. Once he saw the way Han Yue Xiu tilted her head towards Li Qin Yao's direction and winked, Zhang Yu Han finally understood what she tried to hint. Seeing the playful smile on Han Yue Xiu's face, Zhang Yu Han let out a chuckle. "Thank you, Miss Han."