Looking for Han Yue Xiu

It has been more than a week since Han Yue Xiu quit her job and went over to S Country to stay with her parents. Although Li Qin Yao was initially worried over her friend, she was relieved upon seeing that Han Yue Xiu seemed to be enjoying her life in S Country.

"Yao Yao, I'm bored. You should come over to S Country to play. My mom said she was going to cook her famous sweet and sour fish if you come over with auntie," Han Yue Xiu said.

The two best friends were having a video chat as Li Qin Yao was getting ready to go out to meet with Mo Cheng Yi with Zhang Yu Han later. Han Yue Xiu however, was munching on her snacks as she sat lazily on the sofa.

"If you're bored, you should go around to take a walk."

Han Yue Xiu laughed. "I finished touring this country after two days. Now that my parents went out to work, I was left at home with nothing to do." Han Yue Xiu lay on the sofa and spread her arms. She stared at the ceiling fan and let out a loud sigh.

Seeing her friend's dramatic act, Li Qin Yao let out a giggle. She picked up her bag and went to check that she had put in all the necessary documents inside. Once she was sure that she had not missed anything, Li Qin Yao lifted her head again. "Yue Xiu, you… what about your boss? Have he tried to contact you?"

Han Yue Xiu sat up straight and rolled her eyes. "It's ex-boss! I haven't spoken to him since I send him my resignation. Someone from the company e-mailed me and said that he was busy looking for me. But of course, I did not reply to that e-mail. Anyway, I cut off every route available for him to contact me. I don't plan on contacting him lest his girlfriend found out about what he did and accuse me as being the third wheel. Let's not talk about that pervert."

In other words, Han Yue Xiu ghosted from having contact with Song Yi and his company. Li Qin Yao could only sigh. The two of them continued to chat for a while longer and hung up when it was time for Li Qin Yao to head out to work.

As usual, Zhang Yu Han had promised that he will come over to her place to pick her up before he will drive them to meet Mo Cheng Yi and bring him to take a look at the site.

Li Qin Yao went downstairs after having a light breakfast. She walked out of the elevator and smiled when she saw Zhang Yu Han's Cayenne in the parking lot. It was hard to miss. Because most of the tenant had gone out to work, the parking lot was almost empty.

"Miss Li Qin Yao?"

Before Li Qin Yao could descend the stairs, she heard a familiar voice calling out her name. Li Qin Yao turned around to that voice and frowned when she saw Han Yue Xiu's ex-boss stood in front of her.

It was not long ago that she had a conversation with Han Yue Xiu regarding this man, and now he had appeared in front of her.

"I'm looking for Han Yue Xiu," Song Yi said. "Is she here?"

Li Qin Yao stared at Song Yi's expectant expression and shook her head. "She's not here." She stepped away to leave but was pulled back by Song Yi. Li Qin Yao glanced at her wrist which was held by Song Yi and looked up at that man in displeased.

"Sorry," Song Yi quickly released his grip. He took a step back to create a small distance between them. "Do you know where I can find her? Han Yue Xiu, she… she has not come to work for a week. I don't know where else I can find her."

Li Qin Yao turned her body to face Song Yi. "I do know where Han Yue Xiu is." She saw the way Song Yi's expression brightened up at the news and wondered what was this man thinking as he approached her friend. "But sorry, Mister Song, I cannot tell you where she has gone to."

Immediately, Song Yi's gaze turned darker. His fist clenched impatiently.

"Is this man bothering you?"

Li Qin Yao did not have to turn around to know whose voice was that. That low, deep voice only belonged to Zhang Yu Han. Li Qin Yao knew that he was standing right behind her when his tall figure blocked the light behind her.

Seeing that Song Yi began to take another step back, Li Qin Yao turned around. The space between her brow creased when she saw his intimidating gaze on Song Yi.

Li Qin Yao tugged at Zhang Yu Han's sleeve and shook her head when their gaze met. "It's fine. He's Han Yue Xiu's ex-boss. He was looking for her."

Gradually, Zhang Yu Han's intimidating glance disappeared. Earlier, he was waiting for Li Qin Yao at the same spot. He was watching her as she head over to his vehicle when a rude man came to block her path. When he saw the way Song Yi grasped Li Qin Yao's wrist, he immediately left his car and went over.

Zhang Yu Han was afraid that Song Yi might do something to hurt Li Qin Yao, and therefore, he rushed over to her side.

"Mister Song, I don't know what happened between you and my friend, but if you're planning to play around with Han Yue Xiu, then I suggest you don't waste your time to look for her."

Song Yi's expression darkened at Li Qin Yao's comment. He could make a rough guess towards what Han Yue Xiu had told her friend. Song Yi wanted to defend himself, but facing Zhang Yu Han's threatening gaze, Song Yi decided to withdraw.

Forget it. Anyway, Song Yi knew that there were other methods if he wanted to find out where Han Yue Xiu was hiding. With that thought, Song Yi left without saying anything.

Li Qin Yao frowned as she watched Song Yi leave. Once he was away from her eyesight, Li Qin Yao let out a deep sigh.

"Are you alright?" Zhang Yu Han asked. He glanced at the wrist where the rude man had touched and frowned.

Li Qin Yao followed his gaze and lifted her hands. She pulled up her sleeve a little bit and inspected the area. Though Song Yi's grasped was rather tight, fortunately, it did not leave any marks. Li Qin Yao tilted her head up to look at him and smiled. "I'm alright."

Zhang Yu Han's expression gradually softened when he saw her smile. Then, her gaze went back to her hand. He really wanted to hold her hand and rub the area that the man had touched, but resisted.

Of course, Zhang Yu Han's change of expressions was seen by Li Qin Yao. She had noticed the way he was staring at her hand earlier and lifted them to show him that she was alright. From his gaze, she could tell that he was worried. However, now that his gaze was back at her hand, Li Qin Yao wondered what was on his mind.

"Come on. We should get going."

Zhang Yu Han retracted his gaze and nodded.

"Or else, we'll make VP Mo wait for us."

Hearing that name, once again, Zhang Yu Han's face turned a few shades darker.