Her Nose Might Really Start to Bleed

Li Qin Yao's eyes widened when she realized that her face was sticking up too close to Zhang Yu Han's chest. Li Qin Yao let out a gasp as his arms tightened around her waist. Right now, she could breathe in his scent.

If anyone walked out of that door right now, they would probably think that the two of them were hugging intimately in the middle of that basketball court. Fortunately, Assistant Huo was not around to witness this. Earlier, he had gone in into the house to help Zhang Jing.

Before Li Qin Yao could react to what was happening, Zhang Yu Han had pulled away, creating a distance between them. Then, his hand was on her chin to tilted up her head. Li Qin Yao held her breath as she watched Zhang Yu Han's face close to her.

"Are you alright? Did it hurt?" Zhang Yu Han was not paying much attention to their closeness.

Right now, he was worried about her condition. Earlier, she had hit his chest hard and he was worried that her nose might bleed.

Li Qin Yao shook her head to answer. Her hand was still covering both her nose and mouth.

"Let me take a look." Zhang Yu Han peeled her hand that was covering her nose to take a good look at it and frowned as he saw at her reddened nose.

Li Qin Yao flinched when he touched the tip of her nose with his finger.

"It's a bit red, but fortunately, it's not bleeding."

Li Qin Yao thought that if she had to stay closer to Zhang Yu Han a while longer with his voice so next to her ears, her nose might really start to bleed soon due to excitement.

Zhang Yu Han lifted his gaze to meet hers and saw her watery eyes. There was a slight crease at the space between her eyebrow. He immediately guessed that she was in pain as she had bumped into her chest hard. Zhang Yu Han continued to stare into her eyes for a few seconds longer before he realized that he was still holding her in his arms.

Slowly, Zhang Yu Han released her from his arms and looked away. "Sorry." He swallowed and looked at her again. "Does it hurt?"

Li Qin Yao shook her head. "It's not." she touched her nose and tilted her head down.

"Anyway," Zhang Yu Han cleared his throat. "You should sit down first."

Li Qin Yao nodded slowly. She looked around and heaved a breath of relief when she saw that there was no one around. Even Assistant Huo was not around the grill. The two of them walked over to the reclining chair and Zhang Yu Han helped her to lay down for a while.

As Li Qin Yao leaned back on the chair to catch her breath, Zhang Yu Han went inside to grab her a glass of water and a pack of ice.

"Here," Zhang Yu Han stared at the pack of ice. "I don't know if this will help."

Li Qin Yao rubbed her nose. "Thank you. But I don't think it's necessary. Besides, it's not hurting anymore."

Zhang Yu Han retracted the hand that was holding the pack of ice and passed her the glass of water. "Then, have a drink."

Li Qin Yao took the glass and drank silently. After playing basketball for a while, she was a bit thirsty. When Li Qin Yao looked up at Zhang Yu Han again, she caught him staring at her with worry.

Looking at how he was too anxious after she had bumped into his chest, Li Qin Yao gave him an assuring smile. "You don't have to worry. I'm really fine."

But no matter how Li Qin Yao tried to assure him that she was alright, Zhang Yu Han continued to worry. After all, it can be said that it was his fault that she had that little accident. If he did not appear suddenly in front of her, Li Qin Yao would not bump into him.

Fortunately, the two of them did not have to spend a long time awkwardly as both Zhang Yu Ying and Wei Jun Hao came back shortly. Once Zhang Yu Ying saw Li Qin Yao in the courtyard, her eyes brightened with excitement.

"Sister, you're here." Zhang Yu Ying put down a bowl of the marinated chicken wing on the table.

"Yu Ying," Li Qin Yao heaved a sigh in relief when she saw her. If she had to spend a few minutes longer with Zhang Yu Han staring at her with worry, she might start to hyperventilate from panic soon. Li Qin Yao turned to Wei Jun Hao and greeted him as well. "Mister Wei, you're here too."

Wei Jun Hao smiled and shrugged lazily. "Grandfather Zhang invited me, saying that the more, the merrier, but," he went closer to Li Qin Yao and whispered. "I think he just needs me around to lift some stuff." After saying that, he put down large bags of drinks.

Zhang Yu Ying walked over to Li Qin Yao and noticed the way her nose and ears had turned red. Swiftly, she turned to her brother and raised a brow, as if asking him what had he done to their guest.

Zhang Yu Han turned away to ignore her and walked over to the grill to look at the charcoal.

Seeing the way her brother reacted, Zhang Yu Ying narrowed her eyes before she went back to chat with Li Qin Yao. "Sister, I heard from Grandfather that you've won that bidding," Zhang Yu Ying said. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," She put down the empty glass on the table and looked at the bag that Wei Jun Hao had carried in earlier. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Sister, you should just sit down and relax," Zhang Yu Ying said. "You're our guest. How can we let you do anything."

Wei Jun Hao clicked his tongue as he looked at Zhang Yu Ying. "Then, why did I have to be the one who has to lift all those heavy drinks. Zhang Yu Ying, I didn't know that you treat your guest differently."

Zhang Yu Ying rolled her eyes. "We invited Sister Yao Yao to celebrate that she had won that bidding. She's our main star today. Of course, we can't let her do any work."

Li Qin Yao laughed as she watched the two continue to argue. Her laughter faded as she had a feeling of being watched. Li Qin Yao looked up and caught Zhang Yu Han staring at her tenderly. As their gaze met, Li Qin Yao felt her heart skipped a beat.

However, when he was caught staring, Zhang Yu Han quickly looked away and cleared his throat. He walked over to Wei Jun Hao and reminded him to look after the fire before excused himself to change his clothes.