Her Love-struck Fool

Li Qin Yao munched at the cinnamon donut while feeding Zhang Yu Han who was still rubbing at her sore calf. The two of them talked a little bit share hilarious stories of them going to an amusement park when they were still young.

As she watched Zhang Yu Han continue to massage her legs with a hint of a smile on his face, Li Qin Yao felt her heart softened.

Actually, she was hesitant to trouble her boyfriend with such a task. However, as she continued to watch a few young couples around them, she began to notice something.

Although she had agreed to try and date Zhang Yu Han, Li Qin Yao thought that she had never really given him the chance to be her boyfriend.

Zhang Yu Han would drive over from Y City to B City and they would have a meal together and date like other couples almost every day. But other than holding hands, the two of them did not do anything that would differentiate them from a couple to a friend, right?