We Look Good Together

While Zhang Yu Han was busy with his work, Li Qin Yao sat on the couch, took out her phone to check some e-mail. Earlier, before she had departed to Y City, Li Qin Yao had delegated a few works to Liang Sheng and the others.

Recently, the QL B City Branch was busy choosing the right suppliers for the development project.

After looking at the list of companies who were interested in working with them, Li Qin Yao decided to let Liang Sheng handle the matters.

Because this was QL B City Branch's first project, they need to meet up and choose everyone they work with carefully. After long consideration and consulting her grandfather, Li Qin Yao decided to shortlisted the suppliers and let them bid to win the tender.

As she thought about the upcoming meeting next week, Li Qin Yao suddenly had a headache.

"Are you ready to go?"