Your Cousin's Boyfriend

Li Ren Xin stood up as he recalled his conversation with his granddaughter the other day. She had mentioned about introducing some people to him.

Because he had asked his granddaughter to send the invitation card to her project partners, Li Ren Xin had expected that his granddaughter will introduce to her partners from Zhang Group and NEXT Group.

But, looking at the way his granddaughter was holding the man's arms, Li Ren Xin doubted that his granddaughter was coming to introduce him to her business partners.

"Grandfather," Li Qin Yao broke the silence.

Li Ren Xin snapped out of his thought and coughed. "Yao Yao, you're here." He peeked at the door and asked, "Your mother is not coming with you?"

"Hmm," Li Qin Yao nodded slowly. "You know that my mother was not ready to meet the others."