You're... Married?

"Which one did you like the most," Zhang Yu Han asked as he turned to his wife.

The salesman looked at the couple with a polite smile on his face. Earlier, the young couple had walked into the showroom and he had assisted them and explained every feature of the cars in their showroom.

Judging from the couple's brief conversation, the salesman could see that the two of them were in a hurry to get a new car. They did not mind the price but was only interested to know which model would be the fastest to get.

"I like this one," Li Qin Yao pointed her fingers at the pamphlet. "But this one looks good too."

As Li Qin Yao has now moved in with her husband to Y City, she now found herself a new problem. That was her husband's routine to send her off to work and picking her up before they returned to their apartment.

Everything would be fine if only her workplace and their apartment were in the same city. However, it was not.