Do You Still Remember Me?

A man burly man sent by Qi Ming Wei came to pick up the couple from the hotel after breakfast. The couple entered into the BMW and soon was brought over to a dilapidated residential area. 

When they arrived, Qi Ming Wei stepped out to greet them. Zhang Yu Han exchanged a few words with the man before Qi Ming Wei turned to Li Qin Yao with a polite smile on his face. 

"When we brought him over, Mister Guo had no knowledge who we are and why we took him away," Qi Ming Wei said. "So, he may appear a bit angry when you see him. But don't worry. He won't harm you."

Her eyes widened when she heard his warning. Li Qin Yao turned to her husband and felt a bit more at ease once she saw the way he smiled at her.

"Come in," Qi Ming Wei said as he led the couple inside. He stopped once in front of a room and glanced once at the couple before he entered the room without warning.