Let's Have a Girl!

After driving around, the couple decided to visit a mall in Y City and had their meal at a Cantonese restaurant as per what his wife had requested to eat. Seeing that there was still time, the two of them decided to walk around and shop for a while.

"Zhang Yu Han."


"I just thought of something," Li Qin Yao said. "It has been a while since the two of us went out to enjoy a meal like this, right?"

Zhang Yu Han thought over her words and realized that after they had returned from their honeymoon, every time they went out together for a meal, his grandfather and sister would be joining them as well. It has been a while since they had gone out on a date like this just the two of them.

"You're right. We have been busy with work after we came back from our honeymoon that we haven't go out like this for a while," Zhang Yu Han wrapped his arms around her shoulder and planted a kiss on her hair. "I will make sure to invite you on more dates after this.