Happy New Year

Now that everyone had known the news, Li Qin Yao was no longer allowed to move around. Her mother-in-law sat at one side to ask her questions as well as giving her pointers and reminders of what she should look after during her pregnancy. Grandfather sat at another side, as he stared at her stomach with a happy expression.

Looking at the way her family was treating her, Li Qin Yao was suddenly speechless. 

She did not expect that everyone would be this excited. 

Li Qin Yao turned to look at her husband who sat across her and saw his darkened expression. 

Suddenly, Li Qin Yao was no longer jealous that her mother had treated her husband better. In Zhang's house, everyone was siding with her and was warning Zhang Yu Han to treat her well. The aggrieved look on her husband's face immediately brought a smile to her face.

It was only after Liu Hui Lan was reminded of the dumplings in the kitchen that she left her daughter-in-law's side reluctantly.