Petitions to Remove QL Group

The moment Li Qin Yao arrived at the QL Group headquarters, she immediately went into her grandfather's office. As she waited for the elevator to arrive, Li Mu Bai came over and stood beside her. The two exchanged a look and smiled before they stepped into the elevator.

Once the door shut, Li Mu Bai turned around and spoke, "Li Mu Chen will be on trial next month. At this moment, my father is looking after her and she will not be allowed to leave the house."

"Un. I've heard." 

"Yao Yao," Li Mu Bai hesitated. "I'm sorry. My family… I don't know why they continuously tried to hurt you. I know that whatever I say will not ease the pain you have gone through. I know that you won't be able to forgive Mu Chen for what she did but I still wanted to say I'm sorry."

Li Qin Yao's gaze softened as she heard his words.