WebNovelTHAT DAY10.00%


Jaehyana's POV

Rain poured down as my tears uncontrollably streaming down to my cheeks.

One year has passed, but I'm still finding your warm hugs.

One year had passed, but I can't still accepted the fact that you're gone. That you're not here beside me.

I stood infront of your grave now, holding a black umbrella while looking on your picture, the one with your smile. The smile I admired for so long.

I remember the day, that day.

[I] Flash back

" Do I look...okay?" You asked scanning your outfit infront of the mirror.

THAT DAY was your first date with your first love but suddenly before you stepped out on the door, the rain poured down.

I heard you cursed under your breathe and i chuckled at your actions, hiding the pain I'm feeling inside.

"You should go now, your first love is waiting for you" I said handing you my umbrella then I smiled.

A fake one, smile.

You accepted it and groaned. " Yeah, I should go... But today is unlucky day! Why do it have to rain today!! Arrrgh!" You said and I laughed.

"Just do what you planned for her. Take her to the fancy dinner like she wants, talk to her random things that makes you both comfortable then always smiled at her... After you guys ate dinner, take her home, kiss her om the forehead and say some sweets words, before you let her get out of the car" I said patting your shoulder.

He chuckled. "It's exactly your plans Jae, but thanks anyways...I'll go now" you waved your hands and left.

I closed the door after you drive off, then my tears slowly flow down to my cheeks.

"As long as you're happy, I'm going to be happy" I muttered under my breathe and wiped my tears.

But I didn't know 'That day' was the last day I will see you! The last day I will hear your voice, your laugh, and the last day I will hold you.

I sobbed in front of your graveyard after reminiscing 'That Day'.

" I'm sorry, Yoongi-ah" i whisper.

"I'm sorry if I didn't tell you the word I want to say before you go out that day, I want to stop you and tell you to stay with me, and to tell you that...

'I LOVE YOU' I'm sorry if I'm late! I'm sorry if I didn't save you that day! I'm sorry"