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The Letter

Next morning...

Jaehyana's POV

As I woke up, the letter is the first one who  i laid my eyes on.

I reached and take the dusted off.

I slowly open it and realized it his hand writing.

I blinked twice before i started to read it.

Dear Jae,

             Yah! Our birthday is coming! You should go and get me the rolex watch i wanted you to buy for me! Kidding...

Jae, i wrote this letter because i know this is last time i will see or hear your voice. The   accident is not really an accident, and i protect you away from doing it.

Remember Do Kyung? He's the one who have a deep feeling for you. But i will never ever let someone take you away from me, so i decided to have a talk to him, but we ended up in a bad fight. He threatened me to take you away from me and i didnt meet up today.

I'm sorry for not telling you this, but I love you and I am scared to lose you. So Park Jaehyana, when I'm gone, you should visit me everyday huh? Bring your gift too! Forgive me too!

Love Your Prince,


I crumpled the paper and hold to my chest, i cried loudly.

" WHY?!" I screamed

"Why do you have to leave me?! Take me with you please!" i screamed as i continue to cried loudly.

Jimin's POV

I heard a loud scream from Yoongi hyung's room so i quickly went there and knock on the door, but i think noona didnt hear me so i walked in.

I teared up from the scene.

Noona is there beside the bed crying in mess. Her hands both on her chest.

I felt weak. This is not new to us, but this is the first time i see her this weak.

"N-noona" I muttered before i went up to her and hug her.

"Why does he have to leave?!" she scream.

" NOONA!" i heard the other members stumble inside the room.

I looked to them tearing up.

" help her, please" i softly said.

Jin kneel down infront of Y/n noona and the rest too.

He hold y/n's hands to calm her down. But noona gave him something.

It's a paper.

"What is this?" He asked softly to her.

" It's Yoongi's." she said slowly she calmed down.

Jin hyung opened up the letter and read it silently make me curious as the rest of the members.

" It really his" he said.

" What's in the letter hyung?" Namjoon asked instead of answering him Jin hyung gave him the letter.

"Read it." he said. I remove my hug to noona as Jin hyung help her to stand up.

" Let's get you food. We will visit yoongi today" He said and noona just nodded.

After both of them went out. I faced Namjoon hyung.

"What's inside?" I asked.

"hyung said who's the culprit of his death also  Noona's admirer." Namjoon said.

I felt my body shake as i closed my both fist. "Do kyung" i gritted my teeth as i said the name of the asshole.

"w-what?" Jungkook stuttered as he heard the name and snatched the letter from Namjoon's grip.

" W-what the h-hell?!" He scream and stormed out off the room V followed after him.

" You're not going to do about it Jimin." Namjoon warn me.

" I will do what  make noona happy, Yoongi hyung is not dead" I said.

"and how will you prove it, Jimin?" Joon hyung said shaking his head screaming unbelievable stare.

"He is not that easy, watch me." I said.

" Yeah, what ever." He said then left the room.

I closed my eyes to calmed down.
