Chapter 2: The First

A loud thunder made her jolt up and came back to her senses. She reach for more logs and add it to the fire and lay beside the fire place facing it. The night is so cold and she only have a piece of cloth to cover herself.  As the heavy rain keeps pouring she fell asleep.  She was in deep sleep when she felt a presence behind her. She heard drops of water not far from where she lay. Thats strange , she thought,  she's sure there is no hole from the spot she finds. She slowly got up and turned her head towards the direction she heard the drippings. She was shocked to see a man standing with his arms crossed while soaking wet. He smirked with the looks on her face.

" Who are you? And what are you doin in this place?" She asked nervously.  When she came to the ruins she was sure no one is there as she searched the whole place.

"Shouldn't  i be the one asking you that? what are you doing in my property?" he sneered back. " i don't remember welcoming you here or even invited you?" he added.

" I... ah... - wait a minute why are you claiming this place is yours when it's totally abandoned? You have no right to question me as to why im here!" She said in a loud voice. She don't want to think that he is accusing her of trespassing.

" My.. my.. you haven't change Camila Tevan. You still flare up so easily. " as he said it, he flick his fingers and some men came on his side. " help her with the things. We have to move as soon as possible. " his voice is full of authority.  He turned to look at her, reading her puzzled expression.

"I will explain later. For now if u want to live another day and love your life you have to do as i say. Are we clear?"  he asked her. Which made her nod without saying a word. She don't know him or the guys his with helping her with the things she have, but for some reason her instinct had told her to trust him.

" Come on now, follow me! " he ordered.

She followed the stranger infront of her. As they came out she saw the 2 men who took her stuff sitting in a carriage with 2 black horses.

" Step inside now" he demanded.

She was already sitting near the window and his on her opposite. But before she could speak he already started talking.

"does he know what's on my mind?" she thought.

" yes i know what's going on through that mind. And yes i can read every thoughts you have." he said with a small grin.

The journey took several hours. She busied herself looking at the darkness with only the moon serves as light. When something caught her eyes. Is there someone standing in those tree? She sat straight and leaned a little more outside and adjusted her sight. When he heard him speak.

" What your eyes seeing is right. There is indeed something outside " he said. " something? not someone?" she thought. The carriage began to run fast. Making her lose balance and fell down on her knees and both hands on the floor.

" What a lovely sight, you could be a beautiful pet dog " she heard him said. She turned her head up sharply only to be met by his eyes who had been lit up by a moons light. It was dangerously red and flaring. She lost for words. Her lips were still parted holding back what she suppose to say.

"Are you actually seducing me now?" he twitch his lips.

She suddenly stood only to lose balance again and this time fell in the mans arms. She felt her face turned so red almost burning her.  " i don't think this is the proper place for us to do it honey. We have company chasing us. It can wait when we reach home. " he devilishly whispered on her ears. She looked at him in disbelief only to be met by his red eyes that glowed.

" The name is Vaizen. Just so you know. So that you wouldn't  refer me only as 'man' or 'stranger'. " he added. Enjoying the sight of her sitting uncomfortably.

" I'll bear that in mind Mr. Vaizen. Thank you for the kindness of telling me." she said looking straight at him and bowed her head.

" Was it actually red from the start? or my eyes just couldn't tell ?" might be the moons light made her think its red.

" Yes its always been red. Since 600 years ago. " he said with amusement. She pushed him back and sit right up to her sit. Avoiding his gaze. She felt she was being mock with her stupidity.

"Wait a minute did you just said 600 years ago? What are you? An immortal?That's really a good joke Mr. Vaizen" she said letting out a laugh. Shaking her head in disbelief. Does he really think she would believe him?She's not stupid.

"Soon you will know and find it out for yourself. And i hope when that time comes you wont regret it. Your thoughts is more curious i say rather than actually not believing it."  he told her confidently and with a sheepishly smile.