The pact leader heard it clearly and felt that his ears turned red and hot. Indeed, if the city Lord is guilty of abducting young ladies and murdering them then they truly turned a blind eye over this matter. He kept himself silent, but his body is stiffened. He felt that Camila would not stop to criticize him and his wolf pact. But to his surprise she did not say anything more until they reach the flower viewing place.

It was a little far by walking, but it is understandable since the flowers that was being taken cared of are rare specimens and some are highly sensitive to noises, that's why they are kept far away from bustling and noisy environment.

As soon as they arrived, they were greeted by male servants and ofcourse Carson Hennigan himself. Brimming with wide smile he welcomed them. The air and look of being a nobility swirls around him.

"welcome dear guests, I'm happy you made it for this flower viewing event." Carson smiled in between greetings, his eyes never left Camila. ' she's here, and she really delivered herself to this lord.' Carson excitedly said to himself.

"uuhurrrmm" Vaizen's fake cough resounded, tilting his head to the side while looking intently at Carson. ' this scumbag already is excited.'

" My... Such a lecherous look." Laize blurted out and out of nowhere took a fan out and fanned himself.

"a cold blooded feeling hot ehh?" one of the mix breeds saw this and can't help to sneer. 'such pretentious vampire.' he thought to himself.

But the brothers and other few cold blooded who were present there didn't say a word and just ignore what the mix breed had said.

" My dear, this man's eyes are quite an eyesore. I only want to be looked at lewdly by you." Camila suddenly appeared beside Vaizen and clutch his arms while giving a pitiful look.

Vaizen stiffened when he felt her body on his arms. Just when did she came? I wasn't able to sense her at all. But the smart Lord Vampire is quick to recover.

" mhmm, I know, you are very loyal to me, how do you want this Lord to punish him." he look down at her pinching her cheeks. He sure is capable to adjust himself in different situations. Camila was taken back from Vaizen's gestures. She blushed.

"I want to gouge his eyes out." Camila pouted. Then giving an angry childish look at Carson.

"I'm sorry madame, your beauty is quite irresistible to ignore. Pardon this Lord." Carson quickly apologized but clenching his fist hard till his palms turned white from his fingers buried on it.

"hmp! Your lecherous eyes betrayed you. Are you hoping that you can get this Lady to serve your torturous whims?" Camila said not even holding back her words. She was quite happy to see the uneasiness on Carson's face.

"what is this commotion all about?" a melodus voice heard speaking. Everyone turned their eyes to the owner. And saw an elegant woman walking magnanimously towards them.

"the Queen has arrived." a voice of the steward echoed. Everyone present bowed except for Camila and the rest of cold blooded. They don't need to lower their heads to their sworn enemies. The steward saw this and indignantly said.

" impudence, the Queen is present and you don't dare pay respect." he bellowed looking at them angrily. 'how could this lowly and treacherous races don't recognize who's more superior to them.'

Camila who was silently glaring at the Queen suddenly spoke.

" who gave you the right to tell us to lower our heads for a mere Queen title?" she uncaringly said, giving them a loud snort

"why you...." before the steward could say another word, he saw the Elf Queen lifted her hand making him to choke watever words he wanted to say.

"indeed, all royalties doesn't need to pay respect to each other, that's understandable for the cold ones, but you? What are you? Which prestigious bloodline you have to not dare to give respect to this Queen." the Elf Queen said didn't even hold her tongue and lambasted Camila with words.

" hah! You call yourself a royalty? As far as I know, people would say that a royalties blood is blue. Forgive me if I'm ignorant, was it just a word to describe the racism your royalty invented? If so, the red blooded people are commoners, so for me being a red blooded, means I'm a genuine commoner, but you as referring yourself as a royalty, does that make your blood blue? I dare to see to confirm." Camila straightforwardly said daring the Elf Queen in front of everyone present.

The Elf Queen was startled for a moment a flash of murderous intent appeared on her eyes. It was brief but it didn't escape Camila's eyes. Seeing it, Camila curled the corner of her lips up. And this time it was seen by the vampire brothers. Laize rolled his eyes. ' this lady won't stop till she's satisfied.