Fox Hunting

[WARNING: Ciarra isn't an impossibly innocent and bland Isekai self-insert, or a brooding anti-hero. She's a villain. She's amoral and a sexual sadist, with her own twisted version of morality and honor. This story isn't for children.]

All the others had just ran away, with little thought and no planning. The foxkins trail led me directly to an old abandoned fort. Her lingering scent carries hope and resolve. Fading scents from many bandits covered the area, all of them were familiar from just a few hours ago. I guess they had turned this into their hideout.

Following the foxkin's scent, I closed in on her, stalking my prey into it's lair. The trail ended in front of a old wooden door. She had found a defensible position. A room with stone walls to protect her back. That made sense. Leaning against the wall, I inhaled deeply, nose all but touching the door jamb. The scent of her fear was practically intoxicating. If the trace of moisture and moss in the air is any indication, she also has an escape route.

I whispered, "Clever girl," with a smile pulling at my lips. Then knocked loudly.

The foxkin shouted, "I left our valuables in the courtyard. Please, just take them! It's all yours. Just let me live."

My prey's voice carries a sweet little tremble that brought the world to life.

I snapped the lock and pushed the door open. I expected to find it blocked, but it opened easily. The foxkin cowered behind a massive ballista. It was already loaded, and aimed at the door. She yanked down on the release pin, and the ballista bolt slammed into me. Pain blossomed, and I yelped in surprise. Thankfully, it didn't pierce my scales, and was deflected to the side.

We both stared at the hole it left in the floor. The yard long bolt was deeply buried in solid stone. It had penetrated so deeply that I could only see the bolt when sparks and flashes of lightning popped and crackled off it in the darkness. I hadn't expected a siege weapon, especially one with such powerfully enchanted ammunition.

Almost as though we were actors in a play, we both looked up at the same time, and our eyes met. She crouched behind the ballista, and I stood in the doorway. Between us was an improvised barricade of furniture. A few feet away from her was an open trapdoor. Judging from the scent of moss and moisture coming from it, I presumed it was her escape route.

I couldn't help it.

I growled.

It was the deep rumbling growl of a primordial dragon.

Furniture rattled, and dust filled the air, as the room vibrated along with my growl. I placed one hand on each side of the door-frame, and shifted forms, shoving against the stone with my full strength. As always, my physical stats were multiplied many times over from shifting into [Dragon Form]. With an explosive crack, the wall split open. The foxkin froze, eyes wide with terror.

I ignored the crumbling stone bouncing off my hide.

"Such a smart little foxkin. That actually stung."

I rubbed the impact point with one massive clawed hand. It was hard to believe that she actually managed to hurt me.

The foxkin seemed to come back to herself, and darted for the trapdoor, but I was ready. Like a striking snake I lunged forward, and snapped her up in my jaws. Holding her carefully between my teeth, I gently and firmly trapped her against the roof of my mouth with my tongue. I carried her back to the courtyard.

My foxkins legs stuck out of my mouth, and she kicked and struggled, but we both knew she couldn't escape. When we arrived, I spat my foxkin onto the ground. Terrified, she tried to shrink away.

I growled in warning.

She settled down and stared up at me wide-eyed with a mixture of fear, helplessness, and defiance.

I shifted back into humanoid form, and pulled my foxkin to her feet.

"Don't move." I said, and slowly walked around her. For the first time, I had a chance to really examine one of the non-human, yet still humanoid races.

She was an anthropomorphic fox, not a woman with animal ears and a tail stuck to her.

Reddish-orange and white fur covered her, just like a classic red fox. She had large fox-like ears, and a beautiful bushy tail. Her facial features were a blend of human and fox, from her almost human eyes down to her long snout and black nose. Most of the rest of her looked mostly human, if you ignored all the fur, and her distinctly animal like feet.

She definitely wasn't an animal. She was a person.

A deep ragged scar ran from the center of her forehead, down the side of her snout, then cut back up along her cheek, and ended as a deep notch in her ear. It looked almost like someone had carved a large "V" into her face. One leg started between her eyes, and the other ended in her right ear.

Still, she was beautiful in her own way, and I looked forward to seeing the rest of her.

Silence hung in the air as I continued to circle, spiraling closer and closer to my foxkins trembling body with each pass. Her ears swiveled as she tracked my footsteps. The heady scent of fear grew stronger as the silence deepened. I finally stopped directly behind her back, invading my foxkin's personal space, almost close enough to touch.

My foxkin gasped when I reached around and ran a talon across her neck in an unmistakable threat that transcended cultures. My tail threaded up her side and wrapped around her throat. I caressed her face, and ran my fingers through her fur. Breathing deeply, I nuzzled her neck, reveling in each terrified whimper. Her scent was intoxicating, and her fur was incredible. Everywhere with short hair, like her cheek, felt soft and velvety. Places with longer hair, like the back of her neck, felt as smooth as silk.

I sliced one side of her tunic with a talon, reached in and started running my fingers through the short fur that covered her front, I reached up until I firmly cupped one of her breasts in my hand, and pulled her body against mine, trapping her against me. She squirmed, and I eased my talons out, just enough to scratch the curve of her shivering flesh.

She froze.

With my free hand I sliced open the other side of her tunic, and reached in. This time I didn't travel up. I reached down. She tried to stop me by pressing her thighs together, but I responded to resistance by slowly extending my talons. She was forced to choose, and her legs parted, giving me access. I didn't enter, that pleasure was reserved for later. I just cupped her sex, and lifted her off the ground, completely enveloping her in my arms.

Through [Sexual Insight], I knew that once she accepted that part of herself, she would enjoy the way I dominated her almost as much as I did, but that was just a potential future, and it wouldn't save her today.

Today she was just a bandit and slaver that had tried to kill me.

I was only giving her a chance because clever women were sexy, and hunting her had been fun.

"I destroy anyone that attempts to kill me or turn me into a slave. All of your companions are dead. Eaten. You are the only survivor."

Her fear peaked, and then turned into despair. "Please..." She tried to speak, and I tightened my coils around her throat, choking off her voice. I waited a full minute, mentally counting out the seconds one by one.

"Ssssh." I whispered in her ear. "They were all fools, and I know you are smarter than they were. I might have a use for you, but only if you are… trainable."

I headed for the crumbling remains of an old stone building, dragging her along behind me with my tail. I used it to force her to her knees in front of me.

"Fail, and I'll end your life quickly and painlessly. Probably by snapping your pretty little neck and swallowing you whole." Tail muscles flexed, just a little, as I slowly constricted tighter around her neck. Giving her a visceral reminder she didn't really need. The scent of desperation and fear was almost overpowering. Good. She understood.

My old human self would have been horrified, but I wasn't that person anymore. My past belief in equality and justice was completely ludicrous. Yes, justice was a good thing, but even in my old world, it was rare. In this world, it's practically unheard of. Except in stories. A peasant doesn't receive justice when their liege lord abuses them. And equality? Don't make me laugh. Only in a peaceful society do people have the luxury of even attempting to treat everyone as equals. I sure didn't receive either one in my old life, and that was on a peaceful world.

Oddly enough, if this wasn't justice, it was closer to it than I had ever been before. But, I only have this justice because I took it for myself. Being powerful enough to destroy those who wrong you is the only form of justice that actually exists.

I was immeasurably more powerful than her, so she wasn't my equal. If she really had been equal, I couldn't have defeated her. She was my prey, and captured prey only exists to fill their predators needs. That was the most fundamental truth of life. From the smallest microbe to the largest monster. That's how life always works in the long run.

My foxkin kneeled between my legs, looking up at me, both her eyes and her scent were filled with uncertainty. I trapped her eyes with mine, and used my tail to pull her close. Each slightly panicked breath puffed against my pussy. Her humiliation flared, overpowering the rest of her emotional scents. "Keep your eyes on mine. Explore my body with your muzzle and tongue."

My foxkin parted her lips, and a long wet tongue slid out. I smiled at the sight. It should have been obvious, but somehow I had still expected a human style tongue.

Every pussy is a beautifully different snowflake, and from the outside mine looked like the reptile I resembled. The curve of my pubic mound was covered with nearly microscopic scales that stopped just inside my outer lips, or labia majora if you wanted to be technical. They formed a slit between my legs, and everything else was safely tucked away inside it.

She licked over and around my slit, it felt nice, but she hadn't even tried exploring inside. Tiring of her clumsy touch, I decided that the best way to teach her would be a demonstration. After my first climax, she would better understand how to please me.

I grabbed the back of her head, forced her muzzle deep into my crotch, and buried her face between my legs. I used her as a living dildo. Looking into her eyes while I ground against her soon had me panting with pleasure. At first she tried to cooperate, but a few minutes later her scent had changed to pure panic. It didn't take long for me to climax. In fact, that was probably the fastest one I had ever had. Something about using her as a literal sex toy had set me aflame. Even though it happened quickly, it was still the most satisfying orgasm I'd ever had. I ground against her face a few more times, then relaxed my grip.

She slid out of me and fell backwards, head bouncing off the ground with a thunk. Huh. She was unconscious. For a moment I was confused, but then I realized that she hadn't been able to breathe. A human woman would have been able to catch the occasional breath, at least through her nose. But my foxkin couldn't breathe through a nose buried all the way inside me. I'm a little impressed that she didn't bite me during her panic. Not that she could have hurt me. My [Dragon Armor] would have protected me. It's a good thing I wasn't a masochist.

I casted [Heal] on her.

Once she was conscious again, and had recovered enough to listen, I explained the problem, and then took a few minutes to go over simple female anatomy. She was a grown woman, and I had to explain where and what her vagina and clitoris were. She had no idea what an orgasm was, except for some vague idea that their 'white seed' coming out made men feel good. I didn't understand how she could be so ignorant.

When I allowed her to try again, her touch was still clumsy, but her technique had improved.

As my pleasure built, I roughly gripped one of the foxkin's ears in my hand. She tried to pull away, but I didn't give her a choice. [Sexual Insight] told me it wasn't sexual, but it was beyond intimate. Something rarely shared, even between the closest of lovers. I'm sure my foxkin hasn't allowed anyone to touch her ears since childhood. I can smell the silent debate as outrage and anger dance in the air along with my foxkin's fear and resignation. After a long moment of hesitation she gets back to work.

Without [Sexual Insight] I wouldn't have understood why beastkin reacted so strongly to their ears being touched. To put it in human terms, it was like someone pressing their thumbs against your closed eye lids. Few would willingly place themselves in a position where they were just one push, especially an accidental one, from permanently loosing a primary sense.

I used my grip on her ear to control the pace. Humiliation spiked every time I used her ear to control her. I kept her face buried between my legs for a couple hours. She only managed to give me a few orgasms. I've given myself better, even in my human days.

When I stood back up and looked down at her, I could see the worry in her eyes. She knew I was disappointed. She didn't realize that the first one was had been worth her life all by itself.

"You tried." I said. "You learned. You improved. I'm satisfied." Her scents settled down into a mixture of hope, fear, and resignation.

She watched me nervously. "What… what happens now?" she asked.

"Before we continue, tell me about yourself. Where were you born? How did you become a rogue with your agility? How did you become a bandit? Where did that scar come from?" I forced her to tell me her life's story. When she explained where her [Rogue] class came from, I laughed. She tried to lie several times, mostly out of embarrassment, but her scent always gave her away. She really hated admitting that she had prostituted herself for protection. Not just once, but repeatedly. Almost on a daily basis. I pointed out that she had no reason to feel ashamed. When the choice was between sex and death, it's not prostitution. It's survival.

She seemed to feel a little better, at least until I continued.

"Besides, I don't care who used your body before. When we finish, it will either be mine, or you will be dead. Either way, no one will ever touch you again without my permission."

Somehow she didn't seem to find that comforting.