Kolra's Suggestion

Continuing my hunt wasn't worth the risk. He had already escaped into the dungeon, and pursuing him further would be incredibly foolish.

You have earned the skill [Maul]

You have earned a rank. [Maul I] has become [Maul II]

You have earned a level. (Note: Experience limitation of one level per event triggered.)

Vixen has earned two ranks. [Dagger I] has become [Dagger III]

Vixen has earned the skill [Dual Wield]

Vixen has earned a rank. [Dual Wield I] has become [Dual Wield II]

Vixen has gained a unique class.

Vixen is now a [Reaper of Blood]

Vixen has earned the skill [Terrifying Aura]

Vixen has earned three ranks. [Terrifying Aura I] has become [Terrifying Aura IV]

Vixen has earned the skill [Bloody Strike]

Vixen has earned three ranks. [Bloody Strike I] has become [Bloody Strike IV]

Vixen has earned a level. (Note: Experience limitation of one level per event triggered.)

After returning to Kolra's temple, I descended through the opening my breath attack had carved into the stone structure.

Sensing Kolra, I faced her and nodded in respect. Kneeling once had been enough to satisfy honor. I wouldn't do it again. The goddess stood before her alter and watched as I approached.

"Welcome back, Ciarra," she said. "Those imposters were sent by another deity. They captured my clergy and bound them with enchanted slave collars. I had Vixen free them. Lead them in service, and you will become my High Priestess."

I glared at her, "I'm the only one that gives Vixen orders."

"Calm down. I didn't command anything. I merely suggested that her unique position as your trusted pet could be used to further your desires in ways Vixen hadn't considered. For example, she could free my clergy because she knew that's what you would desire."

I snorted. My perfect pet will do as I wish, one way or the other, regardless of this goddesses whims.

She considered, "I also explained how being in a dungeon weakens you. She didn't take the news well. I may have created a monster," she sounded amused.

She did WHAT? I growled at her. "You-" I started to say when she interrupted me.

"When were you going to tell her?"

I bit my lip. My oath kept me from lying, and I didn't want to tell Kolra the truth.

"That's what I thought. Your dragon's pride might have killed you. Vixen is your first and best defense against the champion tomorrow. She needed to know."

"I know," I sighed.

Kolra said, "Wait till you see Vixen. You forced her to become a predator, and it's caused some fascinating changes. She remains entirely submissive to you, but she'll never submit to anyone else. Her view of the world has crystallized. She belongs to you. Everyone else is prey. Even I'm just dangerous prey," then Kolra vanished.

Scenting Vixen nearby, I followed her delightful fragrance to the vestibule.

Coated with the blood of her victims, Vixen looked like the deadly killer I asked for her to become. She had forced an innocent-looking catgirl to kneel at her feet. My pet's well fitted black leather armor did little to conceal her figure, and neither did the catgirl's sheer white camise.

I could sense their lust for each other.

Just this afternoon, my pet had desperately tried to understand her place in my world, but that anxiety is gone. Vixen is confident, and it shows. Kolra's right, she isn't submissive anymore. Except for me.

The catgirl had the spark, and she was a submissive who would relish being dominated, humiliated, and physically restrained. Her flavor was distinctly different from my pet's heavy masochism.

I wanted them both.

Leather straps bound the catgirls arms behind her back, and her legs together. She had a heavy metal collar around her neck. The young woman struggled, but my pet held her down effortlessly.

Vixen hungrily watched her struggling catgirl, her tail twitching back and forth rapidly, a genuine predator. Watching my diminutive foxkin dominate a catgirl twice her size stole my breath away.

Vixen looked up at my gasp, and her face transformed. Devotion, awe, and an intense spike of lust churned the air around her. It was almost a physical blow. I closed my eyes for a moment and basked in the glorious scent.

Once again, my little pet had blossomed into something even more magnificent. Tonight, I had planned on having Vixen's tongue between my legs, then my talons buried in her breasts, but I was suddenly driven to conquer her again. It consumed me, and I forgot everything else.

Vixen began to speak, "My Queen, this kitten wishes to beg a favor."

Then I was upon her.

I pinned her face up on top of her conquest and used storage magic to strip her armor away. Spreading her legs, I straddled one, and held the other against my chest, running up between my breasts, I rocked back and forth, rubbing myself against the short velvety fur that covered her pussy.

While I rode my pet, I also mounted her. We both shuddered and let out twin gasps of delight when my tail drove up inside her. I ground myself against the junction of my tail and her vagina. Every twist I made felt heavenly to both of us. I brought my foxkin and myself to the edge and held us there. She writhed wonderfully against me.

I considered the woman my pet had called Kitten. She still struggled to reach my pet. Mind control magic circulated through her; it came from the slave collar. My eyes narrowed as I studied it. Disgraceful magic ruined the sexy slave collar. With an extended talon, I sliced it from her neck. Neither Vixen nor I would use such a dishonorable item.

Just like the first time I took Vixen, this Kitten should remember this moment for the rest of her life. Vixen, her conqueror, being entirely conquered by me.

So I used [Empathic Sensuality].

Reaching out with my mind, I opened a link between my pet and her Kitten. She would feel everything my pet experienced, through the filter of Vixen's masochism.

Suddenly gasping and panting, the catgirl writhed, her tender young body overwhelmed by the unfamiliar pleasure Vixen endured. I waited for Kitten to gain some control of herself, and trapped her gaze with the full force of my nature. Like all beastkin, her instincts screamed in warning the instant I released my inner predator.

She tried to freeze in place, but she couldn't hold still. Vixen's invading ecstasy forced her to squirm and whimper.

The catgirls eyes widened in horror when I drew my deeply masochist pet's twin daggers from storage, but I put Kitten from my mind. Vixen's eyes shone with desire. She licked her lips, nervously watching the blades. Vixen's fear was gone.

They whimpered with both pain and pleasure as I slowly sliced twin red lines from her shoulders, spiraling up her breasts, then cut a path from her nipples to the valley between her breasts. I paused, blades resting against the solid flesh of Vixen's abdomen. I was moments from hitting my climax when I drove both daggers into her. They screamed at the intense spike of agony and arched in harmony.

Vixen reaped overwhelming pleasure from her tortured body, and everything channeled into the catgirl. I gripped the bloody hilts tightly in my hands and gave my pet permission to join me in my climax, and slowly twisted both blades.

All three of us cried out in wordless rapture, and I collapsed on top of their convulsing bodies.

When I came back to myself, Vixen and her Kitten were still writhing in ecstatic bliss, all three of us painted with Vixen's blood. Every time my pet's still convulsing belly flexed, the buried blades sliced, and sent her over the edge again, in an endless cycle of agonized ecstasy. For several minutes I enjoyed stroking my pet's blood coated fur.


But, she was dying.

I removed my little predator's blades and healed her. Both of them were senseless, entirely drained by Vixen's rolling chain of orgasms.

Pleasantly exhausted, I fell asleep, cuddling with my foxkin on the tile floor, using the catgirl as our pillow.


In the dead of night, a tongue rolling inside my pussy roused me from slumber. Unbidden, my little foxkin worked between my legs. Moaning with pleasure, I allowed Vixen to continue. [Cunnilingus IV] was worth the points.

My pillow moved, and I glanced to the side and met the wide eyes of Kitten, Vixen's conquest. Her slitted eyes glowed, reflecting in the lit candles that surrounded us. My little foxkin must have prepared them before beginning so that I could watch her.

Kitten smelled of shock and awe, and her gaze jumped between me and Vixen's enthusiastic work. She couldn't seem to look anywhere else. My foxkin expertly worked between my legs, her muzzle rooting deep inside me while her hands stroked my folds.

Unable to bear the lack of control, I grabbed my foxkin's head and used her as I desired. I ground against her, my living dildo. The last time I did this to her feels like a lifetime ago. It's hard to believe that it has only been a few days, or that she is the same woman. Before she had panicked, but this time, she was completely passive. I didn't merely use my deadly little assassin as my sex toy; she willingly; No, enthusiastically submitted to her role.

When she began to lose consciousness, I pulled her out long enough to take a few breaths, then resumed my play. I used her repeatedly. While I controlled the rest of her, my foxkin's willing hands continued to stroke and caress, teasing my folds and clit.

It wasn't that Vixen trusted me with her life. It was more. If I decided to ride her until she died, she had already accepted that fate gladly.

My pet was flawless.

An orgasm exploded throughout my body, and I cried out her name in ecstasy and slid off the catgirl, curling around Vixen. I nuzzled her neck, drowning myself in the scent of her devotion, awe, and lust.

Somewhere along the line, my little pet had lost her fear. At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but as I continued to breathe in her devotion, I realized that this was uniquely her. Kitten already trembled at my mere gaze, and so would the others. So entirely devoted to me that she felt no fear, this scent was uniquely Vixen.

Eyes closed, I reveled in the afterglow for a long while. Eventually, I allowed my foxkin to wiggle free, and Vixen nuzzled and kissed me, then whispered that she would have everything prepared when I was ready to begin our day, and I drifted off to sleep.


When I woke, the vestibule was full of people; Kolra's clergy. Perhaps a hundred people knelt, eyes on the floor. Row after row, in an arc before me.

Vixen, still as nude as I was, knelt between us. She looked up at me, radiating love and absolute devotion. With one hand pressed down on Kitten's back, Vixen held the catgirl prostrate.

Before becoming her High Priestess, I needed to conduct holy services in Kolra's name. My little foxkin must have arranged everything. Kolra must have told her about this requirement yesterday.

Eyes burning, my foxkin said, "Demigod Ciarra The Cold, Frozen Queen Of The Glaciers, High Priestess and Champion of Kolra, Goddess of Domination and Control, this unworthy Kitten wishes to beg a favor."

I smiled down at the young woman, and said, "Tell me, Kitten, for what favor do you beg?"

The catgirl radiated awe and controlled fear, bound by hope and lust. Her voice was firm, but it still trembled by the end, "Please, make me one of your pets."

"No," my response was firm, and the catgirl started to panic.

"Vixen, my pet, my little predator, you conquered her. Take Kitten for yourself. A well-deserved prize."

Vixen blinked, shocked, "May I share her with you?" she asked in a small anxious voice.

Vixen's scared I rejected the catgirl because I didn't want her. A natural fear, but it's easy to assuage.

"Frequently," I replied, smiling my approval, "Perhaps constantly."

Suddenly smelling confident again, tail wagging, Vixen whispered to the still prostrate catgirl.

The catgirl spoke loudly, almost shouting, "I swear to be Vixen's loyal Kitten, on the name of Demigod Ciarra The Cold, Frozen Queen Of The Glaciers, High Priestess and Champion of Kolra, Goddess of Domination and Control."

The oathbinding flared into existence and settled into place, between the two of them.

"You may rise," I said.

Vixen released Kitten, and everyone stood up uncertainty. Kolra's clergy was amusingly nervous. I'm sure Kolra never had a service like this before, but I'm not a normal priestess.

"Vixen, come here," my foxkin approached, and I lifted her into my arms. We faced Kitten and the clergy. Vixen would need an unobstructed view of her Kitten, so I ordered her to strip.

Flushing with embarrassment, Kitten undressed. When she tried to cover herself, I ordered her to put her hands behind her back. Kitten was completely exposed.

Then I asked Vixen what changes she wanted me to make to her pet.

Kitten stiffened, "Changes? What changes?" she asked.

I focused on Kitten and leaned in close and breathed deeply, enjoying the delightful of the fragrance of fear. "Anything my pet wants." I stroked my fingers through Kitten's bangs, causing her hair to grow in a long rainbow of colors, and turned back to Vixen. "What color would you like her hair and skin to be? Her eyes? What about her breasts? Do you want her shorter than you? Taller than me? Just say the word, and I'll sculpt her into whatever you desire."

"Thank you, My Queen."

It seemed that I had shocked my pet again, but she took it in stride. A few minutes later, she had made her decision.

"Please change Kitten's hair, ears, tail, and eyes to pink, and keep her skin light," Vixen blushed as she continued, "Make her breasts larger. And, um, can you make her tongue extra long?"

It only takes a few minutes to make the changes for Vixen, and a few additional alterations for myself. Kitten's pale skin was soon a permanent change. She'd never tan again. I squatted down and stroked Kitten's legs, removing all hair. I liked my foxkin's fur, but Kitten looked like a human with cat ears and a tail. Hairy legs were unacceptable. I did the same thing to her underarms. Kitten jumped when I cupped her sex and permanently removed her bush. With a few strokes, I gave her a facelift, fixed her teeth, sculpted her butt, and made a few other minor adjustments to her figure. Then I cupped her breasts and increased the size of her bust until Vixen was satisfied.

Using [Flesh Shaping] I boosted all of Kitten's stats and put her single stat increase into mind. In deference to Kitten's station as my pet's pet, I restricted her strength boost to half power, after all, I enjoyed watching Vixen overpower her, so I wasn't about to give her enough physical strength to spoil their game.

Joining the adventurers guild required joining the mandatory dungeon run, and we were running short on time. We needed to be at the southern gates in an hour or two. I ended the service and ordered Vixen to take Kitten to the adventurers guild so she could pick up the [Wizard] class while I ate breakfast and donned my armor.

When they returned, we would head to the southern gates together.

Your class has evolved. You are now a [High Priestess]

Quest Complete: [Become Kolra's High Priestess]