Taking Care Of Business (Vixen)

I woke Wumtug when my watch ended. He still seemed a bit shell-shocked, but that was understandable. My Queen had been blunt when she informed everyone that a powerful mage would ambush us before we left the dungeon. Wumtug didn't ask about running. He had earned my protection, as long as it doesn't endanger My Queen or her pleasure.

My Queen slept with Kitten trapped in her arms, both smelling of lust and arousal. I smiled and spent several long minutes enjoying the view before slipping into stealth and turning away.

Just like I taught Kitten, it was time to teach Violet. Then give her some time to accept the truth and to understand her place in Ciarra's harem. As incredible as My Queen is, she doesn't seem to understand mortals. Kitten appears to have accepted her position, but Violet is a different story. Hopefully, she doesn't force me to kill her, but our deaths would be a small price to pay for My Queen's pleasure.

Kolra swore that when we were successful, Ciarra would become the prime deity of our world. My vision blurred. Whatever it took, at any cost, I would make that happen.

When I found the human woman, she was lying on her side, back against the wall. As far from Ciarra as she could get without leaving the protection of our camp. Still awake. Still crying. It wasn't a good sign, but the first day is overwhelming.

You have earned a rank. [Sneak II] has become [Sneak III]

Her unbuttoned shirt had fallen open, exposing a breast through her bedroll. My Queen had certainly made them quite… significant. I've seen more generous ones, but only on a minotaur. Do they produce milk like minotaurs are rumored to? My cheeks heated. I'd never considered it before, but now I couldn't help imagining drinking directly from the source. If she didn't make that change to Violet, I could ask her to change Kitten. But, it feels wrong to ask My Queen for anything. We exist to serve, not to beg for favors.

I put the thought out of my mind. I was here for something far more crucial…

"You're awake," I said, dropping out of stealth right in front of her.

"Wha...," she flinched. "Oh, it's you."

Violet grumbled, "Is it time for my watch already?"

"No, but we need to talk."

"Are you here to threaten and bully me?" she asked, trying to sound unconcerned. Only the slight tremor of fear in her voice gave her away. She's brave and smart. Perhaps this conversation will be all she requires.

"You must have questions. I'm here to help you find the answers you need."

"You can't help. Not with this," Violet said, looking at Ciarra's sleeping form. "Sometimes Lionel was arrogant, but he was a good man. He saved me, and now I'm oathbound to be the 'pet' of the woman that killed him. How can I let that go?"

Interesting that she starts here. I expected her to ask about the changes to her body and stats first. Asking about Lionel first says a lot about her. She's loyal, even though she didn't like him.

"Kolra, Goddess of Domination and Control, suggested that you bargain with Ciarra for your lives. How did you think Our Queen would save you and your sister?"

She started to speak a few times, then shook her head, "I never asked, but I assumed that Ciarra would send some of Kolra's clergy. A few powerful paladins and clerics could probably stop him. Lionel probably thought the same thing."

"That's the assumption that caused his death."

That got her attention.

Her eyes snapped to mine, and she jumped to her feet and glared down at me.

She tried to cross her arms, but her new bust was too large for that. After several attempts, she crossed her arms under her breasts. I carefully held back my smile, I didn't want to alienate her, but it was amusing. My Queens power was strange. The changes she makes feel so natural that you don't even notice them most of the time. Then something like this happens, and you can't help but notice. Not that I had experienced that problem with my more modest bosom.

Violet towered over me. She was at least twice my height. As hard as she tried, her glare wasn't intimidating. At least to me. After all, I could simply kill her before she even realized she was in danger. More importantly, death no longer scared me. Nor did torture. The only thing I feared was failing My Queen.

"If this cavern held a dragon, and I poked it with a stick. Would you blame the dragon for my death?"

She continued glaring with flat eyes.

I grinned up at her innocently.

"Okay," she finally said, "I'll bite. I wouldn't blame him, and that's obviously what you want me to say."

"You both assumed Ciarra was a lizardkin, but Our Queen is far more than she appears to be. Ciarra isn't a lizardkin, she's a dragon. More than that, she's a primordial dragon.

"Impossible," Violet said flatly. "She's lying."

I snarled as I released [Terrifying Arua], sculpting the area of effect so that only Violet was affected. She whimpered and backed away, shivering with fear as she slid along the wall. I stalked after her, flaring my aura, twisting it around her so that she drowned in terror.

It wasn't enough.

My aura crashed down on the unfaithful bitch with an almost audible impact. Violet collapsed to her knees, weeping and begging, out of her mind with terror. She wasn't worthy of My Queen's attention.

What am I doing? It's My Queen's decision, not mine! And... Violet doesn't know any better. Teaching Violet the truth about Our Queen is the right answer, not killing her for lacking that knowledge.

I released my aura, freeing her from its grip.

Several long minutes later, she had recovered enough to continue. To my surprise, she managed to glare at me, although she still shivered with fear. It proved that she was much tougher than she initially seemed.

Your skill has evolved. [Terrifying Aura] has become [Undeniable Presence]

You have earned three ranks. [Undeniable Presence IV] has become [Undeniable Presence VII]

Only when the divine notification appeared did I realize what I had done. Somehow, I shaped [Terrifying Aura] so that it only hit who I wanted it to affect, and then used it as a weapon.

Against one of My Queen's pets.

I bowed low, "I apologize, I reacted inappropriately. You did not deserve that, and I owe you a favor."

She nodded but didn't actually accept my apology, so I let the subject drop. Even My Queen couldn't change the past.

Returning to the topic, I said, "I've seen her character sheet, and I've heard the truth from Kolra herself. Ciarra is a primordial dragon. She was there when the gods created the world, and she was ancient long before our ancestors discovered fire.

"That incredible being," I gestured at Ciarra's sleeping figure, "is in the process of becoming a goddess. Defeating this champion is one step along that path. When we finish, she will become a goddess, and you have an opportunity to be with her when that happens. Serving Our Queen is an incredible gift. She has chosen you. Giving you the chance to be part of the most important events our world will ever experience. The birth of its new goddess.

"I'm the first member of her harem. You are the second."

Her lips twisted in distaste as soon as I mentioned the word harem. Holding back my anger, I tried to explain.

"You instinctively hate the idea. That's foolish. Yes, we exist to give Our Queen pleasure. But, remember the new stats she gave you. Do your stats belong to a pleasure slave in a foolish mortal ruler's harem, or do they belong to the Grand Runemaster of a Goddess?"

"But…" she started to object.

"Our Queen asked you which stats were most relevant for a Runecrafter. You said Mind and Will. She gave you 85 Mind and Will. Has any Runecrafter ever had even half your stats? There is absolutely no question. She expects you to become much more than any other Runecrafter ever has. You are Our Queen's Grand Runemaster.

"Serve Ciarra well, and you will become the greatest runecrafter that has ever lived. You will know every rune, and have every runecrafting ability at rank ten. You receive all of this by simply serving to the best of your ability. You don't even need to forgive her. Alternatively, or you can continue to rage against a Demigod for killing someone that angered her. Repeatedly. And throw all of that away."

Eyes wide, she stared at me, and I could almost feel her slowly coming to believe the truth of my words.

Striding forward, I invaded her personal space. Violet fell back and tripped over her own feet. Before she landed, I moved past her falling body. When she landed on her back, I stood on her chest. Now, I was the one that towered over her.

"Ciarra said she would make your fantasies come true, and I think you assumed it was an unimportant comment. But I know better. When she didn't explain the oathbinding in detail, I presume your fantasies are quite... intriguing.

"You see, Ciarra is utterly honorable. She would never oathbind anyone without explaining exactly what they had agreed to… Unless they had already agreed to something worse. So, I can't help but wonder. What do you fantasize about that's worse than being oathbound as a literal pet?"

Violet flushed and looked away. "She couldn't know," she said quietly.

"Ciarra has [Sexual Insight]. The ability gives her an innate understanding of fantasies and sexual desires. It's rank ten. Trust me; she knows everything. When she promised to make all of your fantasies come true, she meant every word."

Violet gulped and looked away. Trembling, she adjusted her clothing. Carefully avoiding eye contact.

I knelt down, cheek to cheek, and whispered into her ear, "I could smell your arousal when Ciarra kissed you. Imagine spending hours with her focused on nothing but wringing every drop of pleasure from your body and mind. She will shatter your soul with those fantasies you're trying desperately to avoid. But, she will also turn you into something greater than you could ever have imagined."

Her heart beat frantically, and her breaths came in short gasps.

"I've been where you are. Hiding. Running from my desires. I wore a mask so the world wouldn't despise me. I clung to the mask so tightly that I forgot that it was there. I crushed my true self in hopes of being accepted, and I was rewarded with a miserable and lonely existence. My Queen ripped the mask away. She forced me to embrace everything I had tried to run from, and now I truly live."

I stroked her cheek.

" She will do the same to you. Becoming her pet granted eternal youth and the stats of a demigod, but that's nothing compared to what comes next. After she finishes with you the first time, and you lie there recovering from unimaginable ecstasy. That's when you'll realize that all of that was the least of her gifts. You will find yourself blessing Ciarra for claiming you as one of her own and taking you into her harem."

I kissed her cheek. Gently.

I could feel Violet's eyes following me as I walked back to My Queen, leaving her to think about what I had said.

I thought I had nothing left to give Ciarra until Kolra revealed the truth. My breath caught in my throat as I imagined laying prostrate before My Queen after she becomes a Goddess and offering the only part of myself she didn't already own.

My soul.

It would be the most glorious submission imaginable.

You have gained the skill. [Harbinger of Ciarra]

Being careful not to wake Ciarra, I cuddled against the other side of Kitten. My Kitten opened her eyes, then started purring as she fell back asleep. Ciarra was as beautifully nude as when we first met.

Something seemed off.

Back when we finished dinner, and I needed to leave and stand watch, I ordered Kitten to submit herself to Ciarra. While patrolling our camp, I tried to ignore the catgirl's eager whimpers and the scent of their arousal. Tonight had been Kitten's first time with Ciarra. I just wished I could have joined them.

I inhaled deeply, taking in their scent.

Ciarra and Kitten's arousal was still thick in the air, but neither one had climaxed. Kitten was dressed! Ciarra's hands were under Kitten's shirt, but her tail wasn't buried between Kitten's legs. Kitten's crotch was soaked, but I couldn't smell her on Ciarra's hands or tail.

Ciarra... waited for me.

I reached out a trembling hand and rested it on her thigh.

None of the others would understand, they thought the priceless uncut diamond meant something special, but I know My Queen. That diamond, no matter how precious, meant little to her. This was sex, and coming from Ciarra, that meant far more.

I can hardly believe we just met a few days ago, that this is only our fourth night together.

I silently wept tears of joy.


Someone approached. Instantly awake, I kept my breathing steady while I prepared myself for combat.

"Should we wake them?" asked Wumtug.

Violet better not be relaxing in camp. She had the third watch.

Neither noticed when I stealthily came to my feet. I smiled. Violet was in camp, but she watched the blocked cavern entrance nervously. Someone had placed several lightstones around the opening and even set a few in the corners where the darker shadows had been. I should have done that while I was on watch.

"I'll take care of waking Ciarra," I said. Violet and Wumtug both jumped. I love doing that. "Once we are packed and ready to move out."

Now awake, Kitten tried to squirm free. She pushed and strained against Ciarra, but I knew from experience that even in sleep, Ciarra never truly relaxed her limbs. It felt like being wrapped in velvet-covered steel bars. Until Ciarra woke up, Kitten wasn't going anywhere.

Kitten started to say something, but I placed a finger on her lips and whispered, "Don't you dare wake her."

Wumtug and I quietly packed, then I headed back to My Queen. I would wake her as she deserves.

Starting with her ankles, I slowly licked and kissed my way up her long exposed leg.

I was about halfway up her torso when her tail wrapped around my neck. She pulled me down to her feet, lining my mouth up with her claws. I licked tentatively, not really sure what she wanted.

She barely reacted.

The foul taste of dead slime and gritty dirt wasn't pleasant, but starving on the streets had forced me to eat things that tasted far worse. I could ignore the taste, although grit was harder to embrace.

I licked my lips, then probed between her talons with my tongue. This time Ciarra twitched and made a throaty growl of pleasure.

I smiled. Ciarra had taught me a new way to please her.

Eagerly sucking and licking, I took each claw in my mouth separately. Razor-sharp cutting edges sliced small cuts into my flesh as I worked my way up and down each toe, but that only added to my passion. I spent several minutes thoroughly exploring her foot with my mouth and tongue, paying close attention to her reactions.

Ciarra rolled onto her back, freeing Kitten, who immediately bolted.

I strained to reach Ciarra's newly exposed foot, the one I hadn't yet cleaned. It was just out of reach, so frustratingly close that my tongue could touch the tip of her largest talon, but nothing more.

My Queen sat up, and her tail released me. I lunged forward. Kneeling over her feet, I used everything I just learned and meticulously cleaned every inch of her other foot with my tongue.

Even after both were spotless, I continued to trace her toes with my lips. She smiled down as I worked my tongue, eyes bright with lust. I knew that look.

I quickly glanced around.

Violet was torn between covering her eyes and gawking at us, but Wumtug just stared at Ciarra nude body with his mouth hanging open. I wanted to kill him for it, but Ciarra's reaction to my old bandit gang seeing her nude stayed my hand.

"Violet," I barked, and she squeaked, blushing furiously. "take Wumtug, the two of you are on watch until Ciarra is ready to leave."

"I'm not going to chance sex with you until we kill the champion," said Ciarra, "It's not worth the risk, even with someone still on watch."

Biting back my disappointment, I said, "As you wish, My Queen."

"No need to be so disappointed. Outside the dungeon, I'd spend the day playing with you, but not inside. What if he attacked after I exhausted you? I'm not willing to risk your life."

That made me smile. I gave the top of each of My Queen's feet one last kiss, then stood up.

Movement attracted my attention. My Kitten hurred back to us. She whispered something to Ciarra so quietly that I couldn't hear her, even with my sensitive hearing.

Ciarra shook her head in reply, and Kitten looked frantic. She started to say something, but Ciarra smiled her wonderfully predatory smile, and Kitten stopped speaking mid-word.

Ciarra said, "You belong to Vixen. Ask her, not me."

Kitten turned to me, furiously blushing, and stammered, "P-P-Please, Ciarra made it so I couldn't pee, and I need to go. Please ask her to change me back! Please!"

I blinked.

She what?

I stared at Kitten in surprise for several long moments.

She dropped to her knees and bowed down low. I looked down into pleading eyes, and something clicked into place like the final piece of a puzzle and filled a void I hadn't realize was there.

I felt my own lips form a predatory smile.

My Kitten was my prey. My pet. My toy. More importantly, she was also my responsibility. My Queen could have taken anyone, and she chose me. Someone who reveled in what she did. My Kitten belonged to me, just like I belonged to Ciarra. I couldn't do less for my Kitten than My Queen did for me.

I needed more information.

Gesturing to the far wall, I ordered Kitten to wait until I called her back. Wide-eyed, she hurried to the wall.

"My Queen, I don't have your talent for understanding… kinks and fetishes. I… I wish to take my pleasure from Kitten, but I also wish to give her pleasure. Do you have any suggestions?"

My Queen laughed beautifully and seemed unexpectedly eager. Ciarra's eyes sparkled and danced as she explained in detail exactly what Kitten's needs were. That she needed to be dominated, humiliated, and to be tied up or otherwise restrained. That pain would almost instantly ruin her pleasure. As the conversation stretched on, I could see Kitten practically dancing in the corner of my eye.

And that gave me a fantastic idea.

"Oh," said Ciarra, "did you just think of something?"

"Yes, My Queen. What if I gave her a choice? One change for another. A change I would enjoy, but would be wonderfully humiliating to her?"

I couldn't bring myself to meet My Queen's eyes.